
Friday, December 22, 2023

Fly On The Wall During The Holiday "Kringlecane"

Welcome to another edition of "Fly On The Wall" group blog postings hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, Karen and I are inviting you into our homes to see what a fly sees---all the fun stuff that goes on behind closed doors.

The fly at our house has been all abuzz about the newest member of our family--a grandson who is now over a month old. In case you missed it---I shared the announcement and photos in last month's November Fly On The Wall Goes Camping  post. Mateo is such a cutie and a blessing to our family!

It has been a very busy/festive holiday month so far, but for awhile, we thought Christmas might be cancelled due to an unusual weather occurance which Floridians are now calling Kringlecane 2023.
 We had nasty weather for four days very similar to hurricane conditions. The famous Ft. Lauderdale Boat Parade was canceled for the first time ever in over 45 years, but luckily, the storm did not interfere with any of my party plans. We have been enjoying all the sights and sounds of the holidays and embracing the blessings God has given to us.

I also created a new tradition on social media of sharing an "ornament of the day" each day this month. I share a photo of a special ornament and then ask the readers to send me pics of theirs that are similar in theme (oldest, newest, memorial, most sparkly, vacation-bought, heirloom, anniversary, etc.). The response has been great and I'm really enjoying this new tradition! 

I'm happy to say that my decorating, shopping, baking, and gift wrapping is finally done and I plan to just RELAX this weekend with friends and family to soak in all the holiday goodness. I'm like a little kid when it comes to Christmas morning---seeing everyone gathered around the tree, and this year, we have a houseful (my house is SMALL...yikes!) but I can't wait to see those beautiful, smiling faces! 

So here are "some" snapshots of our holiday fun so far.....get ready for a massive photo dump!! And don't mind the pesky fly buzzing around---he's probably drunk on my special eggnog! 


***WANT MORE MENO MAMA? Here's where you can find me this month: AARP/The Girlfriend--Holiday Cocktail recipes HERE Holiday Regifting Rules HERE and Holiday Side Dishes HERE. Then on AARP/The Ethel, you can gobble up my famous Christmas cookie recipes HERE Lastly, if you are looking for good, inexpensive wines from Trader Joe's, check out my latest article for Family Minded HERE

Now go buzz around Karen's house at Baking In A Tornado to see what she has been up to over the holidays!
