
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Menopausal Cuckoo

     I think I'm losing my mind. Seriously. I used to be a compulsive organizer and proud of it. The spices in my spice rack were placed in alphabetical order from anise to turmeric. My closet was color coordinated along with the contents in my under ware drawer. Shoes fit snugly in shoe trees according to heel length and seasonal use. And all of my photo albums were neatly labeled and shelved in chronological order. Freakish to some, but at least I wasn't cultivating a dust bunny farm.
     I was never late for a function, and I could easily juggle work with the kids' karate/cheerleading/    
gymnastics/choir/ballet classes effortlessly while entertaining company and serving up a homemade five course meal Martha Stewart style. Wonder Woman had nothing on me.
     And then something changed when I entered my menopausal years. It started with the keys. Took me thirty minutes one morning to find the refrigerator between the yogurt and an old bag of potatoes that were starting to grow roots. I kept forgetting to throw them out---something the pre-menopausal me never would have done. The keys? I swear I didn't leave them in the refrigerator. Surely someone was playing a prank on me---had to be my mischievous kids playing that "Lets-Drive-Mom-Crazy-Until-She -Is -Willing-To-Increase-Our-Allowance-And-Never-Make-Us -Clean-Our-Rooms-Again," game.
     My glasses disappeared the following week and I walked around like a blind mole bumping into furniture and eating what I thought was a brownie but turned out to be a charcoal briquet. How do you find glasses if you need your glasses to find them?
     It wasn't long before I was forgetting appointments with my hairdresser (which explains why my hair looked and felt like  worn out Brillo pad). It also explains  why the last time I showed up at the doctor's office to get my cavity filled for a tooth that ached, the nurse reminded me I was there for a colonoscopy and that yes, they were certainly going to fill a cavity while I was there.
     What the hell was happening to me? Did all the crazy, drunken weekends from my college years really destroy THAT many brain cells ( I knew that weekend in St. Louis with my sorority sisters was going to cause some long term damage some day)?
     It was karmic retribution for all of those times I poked fun at my husband for his Attention Deficit Disorder. I thought it was rather endearing to watch him struggle to remember what he walked into a room for (Your sunglasses? They're on your head), or when he stomped through the house and stubbed his toe while searching for his iPad (in the bathroom next to the toilet where you sat for an hour playing
raccoon relay races). I had to suppress a giggle each time he accused the kids of losing the TV remote  when all along it was nestled between his butt cheeks on the couch. His ADD also worked to my advantage when it came to arguing---all I had to do was throw around a few incidences and conversations from the past, which of course he could never remember, and I always came out on top.
     Now the tables have turned, and my mind has taken a seat on the crazy train somewhere between this birthday and my last.
     Cooking is one of my passions, but what good is it if I get distracted and add salt instead of sugar to a recipe, or bake a loaf of bread that turns into a lumpy pancake that even the dog turns away from: "Lady, I may be just a dog, but even I have some standards. You can't pass off this crap like it's manna from heaven!" If the dog is insulted, he pees on the furniture to exact his revenge---or maybe it's just because I've forgotten to walk him in awhile, which explains the cobwebs on the dog leash.
     Some days I forget to take my vitamins, especially the fiber pills. This can be dangerous for all the wrong reasons---something akin to a septic tank on the brink of failure.
     While it is a relief to learn that memory loss and menopause hold hands and skip gleefully down a path together toward their best friend dementia, it is equally disturbing to discover the alarming rate for which it is happening. Think of all the women out there who are forgetting to fold the laundry, cook dinner or pick up the kids after school while they're sitting in a Starbucks sucking down a Frappuccino. How about the ones who take the wrong exit ramp for work and end up in a nail salon or at a bingo hall in Arizona?
     My mother suggested that I start doing crossword puzzles to sharpen my mind. I tried this, but I think my brain is too far gone, because I couldn't remember the three letter word for donkey.
     So what am I going to do? Make myself a margarita (or three) to help myself forget what I can't remember.
     By the way, have you seen my glasses?


  1. I haven't experienced the things you said except always searching for my glasses.

    I play a game of chess every day, perhaps I should start doing crossword puzzles :)

    1. Or...don't worry about it and have a margarita!!

    2. I enjoyed your blog and yes, I can identify with some of your "adventures" into menopause. Have you ever found yourself with your head in the fridge and wondering what you're doing there? Ah, yes, hot flashes city - those can make you do things you never thought you opening the front door in the middle of the Winter and standing there thinking this is great! Great piece.

    3. Thanks, Fatinhadehoje! Yes, many times I have found myself staring into the fridge without knowing why I am there! That was the start of the memory loss!

  2. love it... 56 years old, need "readers" (have 4 or 5 pair around the house) for everything, and my "little bride" is always saying: "you don't remember me saying that?" it's frustratingly funny!!! good read... take care, slu

    1. Good idea to keep extra readers around. I have several pairs, but I can't remember where I hid them....

  3. I used to be pretty anal as well with tidying up all the time and everything had its place - now I couldn't be bothered - "I can always make the bed tomorrow / leave it there, I will put it away tomorrow...." and I too have about 8 pairs of readers scattered around the house / car / my bag etc.

    1. My kids always said, "Why do we have to make our beds? We're just going to get back in them again tonight and mess them up!" I think I like that mind set now!

  4. hilarious- After running a household of 11 people, gardening, preserving vegetables, making pickles, keep the house and everyone in it spotless, I am now falling apart! the worst part is, I don't care!

    1. And you shouldn't! People like me tend to be more stressed out because we are trying to control every situation. I think people who just let life happen are the happiest because of their laid-back attitude.

  5. I'm nowhere near as organised as you were, so God help me and my family when I hit menopause.

  6. hello..
    visit you
    follow your blog...done.....

    From TiranaAduka.....: Mengenali TiranaAduka - kesihatan.

    If you have a time do follow and leave some comment in my post......thanks.

    From TiranaAduka.....: Bila diri Tirana Dicintai....tanpa ku sedari

    1. Thans for the visit and for joining my blog site! I will certainly check out yours as well!

  7. Thanks visit my blog....
    i keep your linkin my here...

    if you don't mine.....
    have a nice day...

    1. That would be great! Thanks--I appreciate the support!

  8. I loved to read what you wrote and extend the invite for you to visit my blog and stay awhile and read as many as you have time for.

    1. Thanks Sondra for visiting me and I will certainly come over (with a cup of coffee in my hand) for a good read to your blog site!

  9. Your blog is so funny to read it really made me laugh :)
    Thank you for following me on, would love it if you checked out my blog (: xoxo

    1. I like your blog too, Alice and would be happy to check out more posts. Glad this one made you laugh!

  10. Absolutely hilarious. i think more men and women need to suffer from the menopause to lighten up their lives.

    The margarita is one of the best things to sharpen the mind. It helps you to say things exactly as they are, if gives you great confidence and helps you to get the point across easily. And best of all, you automatically forget the night before, leaving you to start the next day afresh. Margarita's are fun, they love me as much as I love them.

    I found your sunglasses but I'm too embarrassed to tell you where!

    1. Hahaha! I love you Rumpunch Drunk! I agree with you 100% on the margaritas---speaking from experience! Now tell me...where exactly did you get those margarita glasses? Hmmm.....

  11. I love this!! Such a great read, really enjoyed it. Really made me question myself though.. Am I pre-menopausal as well? Lol Im only 27 and I suffer the same insanity :)

    1. Uh-oh, if you are already there, imagine what you'll be like when you hit your fifties??? Scary thought!

    2. That's what Im saying!! I come from a long line of crazy and menopausal! LOL When Im in my fifties, my children should be worried.. :P

    3. That's when you build a little cottage in your back yard and move into it on the days when you are not feeling like your self and you want to unleash the pent-up emotions!

  12. Too funny, I laughed so much... except I must say.. this is me. At least I have something to blame it on, lol.

    1. As women we can ALWAYS find something to blame it on!!!

  13. Hilarious posting, but I know it is probably frustrating. I am forty something and have found my keys in the freezer and have also lost my glasses, even when they are setting on top of my head. :/ There def needs to be a support group for this. :) Def enjoyed this posting today!

    1. I would certainly sign up for a memory loss support group if the had one--but then again, I'd probably forget to go!

  14. LOL this is so funny. But I am 35 and I already started to behave like that....what I am going to do when I acctually hit the menopause??????

    1. Start taking a lot of ginkgo biloba before you hit 50!!!!!

  15. I started losing my mind back when I became pregnant, and I never seemed to get it back. Now I'm 44, and soon to be approaching...the big M. As long as I don't mistake my fat brown Chihuahua for a rump roast and end up cooking her, I suppose it's all good.

  16. I am thankful I'll never suffer from menopause, but I'm sure I will find something else. As we age, and actually notice that we are aging, it isn't always easy to do it gracefully or with humor. Well, I can always count on you for a good belly laugh, and I admire the way you take life and gracefully poke a little fun at it and yourself. The stories you write about going crazy in your life, help others realize that they are not...

    Have another margarita for me... CHEERS.

    1. If I couldn't put a humorous spin on things, I would definitely be locked up in an asylum by now! And cheers to you too, my friend!

  17. Ahahaha! You will be fine! I know what you mean though. I am forgetful at times and it worries me too. Thanks for making me laugh out loud! Stacie xo

    1. Maybe we're not really losing our memories--maybe we're just so preoccupied with worrying about it that it distracts us from what we are supposed to be remembering. Does that make sense? I think I just confused myself. Wait, what were we talking about????

  18. Your glasses are on your head. lol I can't help but laugh even though a part of me is cringing. Of course, I am already used to being lost. I am so far from organized and never had been. Does that make it better or worse?

    1. It makes you ahead of the game so you can help the rest of us---if you can remember to do that! LOL!

  19. You are TOO, TOO funny. Have you been videotaping me? Everything you've said describes me to a T, - except now I have valid excuse for things not being done. LOVED "memory loss & menopause hold hands & skip gleefully down a path together toward their best friend dementia!!!" OMG! We really should start a club!

    1. Perhaps we are twins separate at birth? We could start a memory loss club but then we'd forget to tell everyone about it and we'd wonder why no one showed up for our meetings!

  20. "That explains the cobwebs on the leash." LOL!!!

    Look, don't feel bad, know what I did the other day? Mailed a cheque to a friend and dated it *2013*. No, I'm not a cheapass who wants to make him wait a year to cash it, I'm either 1) Stoopid 2) Going senile as quickly as you 3) Also brain-damaged from a misspent youth I had so I could have the best stories of anyone in the nursing home some day, except now I'll never remember them or 4) I'd spent the day talking to prospects at work about their spending plans for Fiscal Year 2013 and simply had the year on the brain.

    I really don't know what made me do that but I had to write out a new cheque for my friend. Which I forgot to mail yesterday.

    Just shoot me now.

    1. Haha! I've done that a time or two. Love the idea of having the best stories to tell in a nursing home, but you're correct--you're not going to remember them anyway, so take lots of pictures and invent fabulous tales. The good news is, you can tell a different story each day and your peers in the old folk's home won't remember what you said the day before, so embellish all you want!

  21. My adopted parents still have a few living at home. I've lost count how many times Mom has said to me "I'm just too old to argue about this any more" or "I'm just too tired to care". The difference in how they parent now (laid back) and then with us older ones (strict strict strict) is amazing to me..

    1. Same situation here---I kept my oldest three on a tight rein, but then the last was born (my little hellion) and I am accused of spoiling him because he can get away with a lot more than his siblings did. I tell the others the same thing--I am too old and tired to argue anymore, and I've taken a laid back approach to parenting him. But he is also the reason I stopped having any more kids---one like that is enough to age anyone! No wonder my memory is shot!

  22. Another great post! I sympathise entirely with the losing the glasses thing. I lost mine the other day and they turned up on a duvet whose pattern completely obscured them... It was as if they'd adapted to their surroundings in order to elude me. I was quite hurt!

    1. Your glasses are either chameleons or shape shifters---you'd better watch out!

  23. I wish I could blame menopause for all the times I've lost my glasses (and to this day never found one pair) or all the times I walked into a room and forgot why I was there, but I've been this way my whole life, and I'm post-menopausal. What I think happened, though, during peri-menopause and actual menopause, is that I got just a tiny bit crazier, so I never noticed when I was actually IN the throws of full-blown menopause. In short, I never know where I am. Great post again!

    1. This is new territory for me, which is why it's driving me crazy. I lost an expensive set of keys on my last trip, even though I never used them and they sat at the bottom of my purse untouched for a week. They have disappeared off the face of the earth. Any day now I'm expecting a call from NASA telling me they found my keys on Mars!

  24. Excellent post... U have so much to say all the time and your express it so well... I enjoyed reading this post of your's...

    1. Thanks Vidhi! Yes, I do like to babble on, don't I? As long as my babble makes you smile, I know I'm doing it right!

  25. So Hilarious...and OMG so true for me,too! I myself have always been pretty anal/obsessive-compulsive/control freak/looney bin material but nowadays, in my early 40s and yes entering menopause a bit early, it seems that my organisational skills have become very selective on their application. Is it menopause to blame or are we burned out and need a (long) vacation (alone) in a spa perhaps!?! I'd vote for the second!!!

    P.S. Love your blog, just came over from bloggers and I will follow!!! (the greek housewife)

    1. I think it's a priority thing---- should I wash the dirty dishes piled up in the sink or organize my sock drawer....or pick up this interesting book and read a few chapters.....hmmm...not a tough choice for me. Book wins.

  26. Hah, as always - right on the money and too funny. I too was worried about forgetting things. However, the situation soon sorted itself out as I forgot that I was forgetful, thusly turning myself into an idiot savant. But alas, I soon forgot about having eidetic memory and returned to my regular self. This cycle repeats itself several times an hour.

    For solace, let's turn to Nietzsche:

    “The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.”

    Awesome blog from an awesome lady. At least that is what my notes say....

    1. They say the same thing about hamsters----they forget things every couple of seconds and then start all over again. Guess that's why they keep running on their little wheels---same scenery every day seems new every other second. Photographic memory? I wish! Think of all the arguments I could win and witty quotes I could entertain people with at parties: "There once was a lady from Nantucket..." But I still can't find my damn glasses! Squinting at this page like a mole as I type....

    2. There was a young man from Kent....

      Limericks - the french fries of the poetry world...

    3. Why do you think I got a BFA in Creative Writing?? I just wanted to be witty at parties and quote french fry poetry! Do you want me to super size that order for you ???

    4. Hah, all my limericks are rude and involve "Young men from Kent". How did we get into this conversation?

    5. I dunno--you just bring out the limericks in me...that and I love messin' with you. So give me some more limericks and I'll finish the last line for you! Does this have anything to do with a flute?!?

    6. Bwahaha. No flute. This is a horrendous topic. When I was in high school I threw a football into the open end of a tuba while the band practiced. Suspended. But the principal thought it showed some panache, so he let me skate. To this day when I see a tuba player I feel like apologizing....

    7. Poor tuba player! I'll bet you skate by on a lot of things---charm your way out of a few situations. You DO have a way with words! And I can't help but be sympathetic to the flute players...playing solo all the time gets a little boring... (grin).

  27. Ha, I must be post-menopausal. I forget everything. The other day I picked up the scoop of dog food and almost drank it. I need medication! hehehe

    Nicely done, my friend!

    1. If you start barking then I'll KNOW you've been in the dog food again!!!

  28. Thanks m.r.hashmi! I will be glad to hop over and check out your blog!

  29. Lol. Makes me feel better about how my mind will just go blank and I'm still only perimenopausal. But I forget things instantly, so write everything down on stickies that are stuck all over my kitchen counter. Is a miracle that I remember there's laundry in the washing machine, though sometimes I don't remember until the next day to et it into the dryer. Terrific writing as always.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! I use the Post-it Note trick too, but now those little yellow papers are all over the house, adding to the clutter. I have so many of them floating around my desk that I forget to check them all to see if I did what I was supposed to do. It gets overwhelming so I just give up----that's about the time I retreat to the backyard garden with a margarita in my hand!

  30. And you have to remember where the posts and pen are. And also where your house is. That's a pretty indirect way to fill a cavity, I think I'd change dentists! Feelin your pain...

    1. Yeah, I wish I could forget that cavity filling day but it is imbedded in my memory, the one incident I'd LIKE to forget. I've never forgotten where my house is but have forgotten where my hotel room is MANY, MANY times! Heck, I've accidentally walked into the Men's room way more than I ever wanted to. Now THAT'S embarrassing!!

  31. This is one of the funniest posts I have ever read! The main reason it made me laugh so hard is the recollection of so many "forgotten" things of my own. While I am way past the menopausal years, I think they have just hung on for a while longer thinking that perhaps I did not forget enough when I was suppose to. LOL:>)

    1. Thank you for such a nice compliment, Sharla! Are you still forgetting things? This doesn't give me much hope----thought it would be over once menopause ended. Now I'm thinking that the great "change of life" has destroyed more brain cells than my college partying days!

  32. My seat on the crazy train was purchased by my 2 teenagers. I figure my forgetfulness at this point may be a blessing, if I'm lucky I may forget where I live. Found you through, glad I did. I'm your new follower. I'll be back if I remember how to get here...oh wait, I'll get back here, I'm a follower. Did I already say that?

    1. LOVE your blog name--Baking In A--Tornado--brilliant! Hey, thanks for stopping by. I have to agree with you --I do believe my kids bought the crazy train ticket--problem is I forgot what my stop is so I just keep riding and riding and riding.....

  33. It seems like madness is just one of the symptoms of getting older. I can never find my glasses (and I'm as blind as a bat without them) even though there al over the house. Trouble is, how do you find your glasses without them? Catch 22 I suppose.

    The think that drives my poor wife up the wall is when I ask if she fancies a coffee, boil the kettle and then forget to make it! Or think that it was 'her' who asked me if I wanted one!

    I've invested in a coffee machine... But I keep forgetting to buy the ground coffee for it...

    I don't really mind getting old. I just need my coffee lol.

    Great post again. Do keep them coming.

    1. I do the exact same thing--offer to make my husband coffee and heat up the water, then walk away. By the time he asks for it, the water is already cold again. I have to blame him in this situation by saying,"Why the heck didn't you ask me for it? Then I would have remembered!!!"

  34. Thanks for checking out my blog!! I do love the humour on your site! Following you right back!!
    Connie from Sadieloohoo

  35. I've started loosing my mind, I think I still have baby brain.
    Thanks for stopping by, Im looking forward to reading more

    1. LOVE that term "baby brain." Guess that explains what happened to me---I had too many of 'em!!

  36. Fertile Myrtle "The Great" greats VERY forgetful! So far I haven't forgotten where the kids are so I guess I'm doing good. You always have such a fantastic way of wording exactly what I am going through! I love your humor and your blog!

    1. Thanks, Tina! I aim to keep my readers laughing--good way to break up the monotony of the day!!!

  37. I think a few margaritas is a great idea, at least then maybe you won't notice the lumpy pancake :P x

  38. I really enjoyed this. I'm 35 and I already think I'm losing it at times. This is going to be my new favorite.

    1. So glad you like my blog! Yes, I think the memory loss thing begins around 35 and then by 50 it's a train wreck!

  39. haha! I can so relate about the glasses thing!! I do that all the time but I try to refrain from eating while blind:) Thanks for dropping by my blog! Have a great week!


    1. Glasses seem to be the most popular item lost. However, yesterday I lost an new pair of contacts---I have looked EVERYWHERE and believe I may have accidentally tossed them in the trash. Now I really am fumbling around around like a blind mole!!

  40. I know what you mean--I use to get so angry at people who were ate to functions, but after having kids, I totally understand it! Memory loss AND Fibromyalgia? I can't even imagine! You are one brave lady!!

  41. Loved reading this!! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower from the GFC hop!
    HOpe you are having a great day!

    1. Thanks Michelle for joining my blog! I really liked yours, too. The GFC Blog Hop has been great for meeting new bloggers!!!

  42. Thanks so much for stopping by! Following you now via GFC :)

    -Nicole @

    1. You have a great blog, and I really enjoyed meeting all the new bloggers through the GFC blog hop! Thanks for joining my site!

  43. Hi! Thank you for the lovely welcome at Blogaholics. :) Your site is lovely and I happily followed you and will enjoy reading your updates. You can find me over at Rainy Day Reads, Thanks again, Christine x

    1. Thank Christine! I am going to go check out your site right now!

    2. Thanks Christine! I appreciate that you joined my blog---I am going to hop over to your blog now to check it out!!

  44. You are amazing... I love the way you write :) You make me giggle in almost every sentence you write :)
    Whats so funny is that I am recognizing myself in all this... keys for example is a huge problem for me.. I put them in my bag and when I need them I panic cause I can´t find them in my bag and search like crazy in my car, outside the car, outside the garage etc etc and then my fiancé says "um hun, they keys are in one of the small pockets of the bag"
    There are so many things that make me believe that Im on the way of developing some kind of youth dementia :D

    1. Isn't that the truth?! I get frantic looking for my keys, and then find them at the bottom of a small pocket in my purse! But I lost my whole set last month when we went out of town, and had to get all new keys made!! Feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes!!!

  45. Very entertaining!And Hilarious too! Now I understood why my mom misplaced her pills last week.I enjoyed your blog.

    1. It happens to the best of us! I'm still losing things---but when I misplace some THAT is upsetting!

  46. I hope you find this #76 reply?
    Ihave awarded you the Sunshine Blogger award for bringing sunshie and laughter to your readers

  47. Thank you so much, Melanie! I am honored by the award!!

  48. Oh no. I have memory loss (or should I say more memory loss) to look forward to also? It's not just about hot flashes? I'm in serious trouble going forward. Great post!

    1. Just have a margarita and forget about forgetting! :-)

  49. Oh my if this is what happens when I hit the menopause what is my excuse now? ;-) I only ever seem to have my OCD when I get really stressed out. Though it will take a week of neglecting the housework for me to then go "right enough" and then everything is bleached even the shower bottles and put at right angles lol. I hate feeling disorganised. I don't mind having an free schedule to 'cease the day' however I would like to be a little bit more organised ;-) So anytime you want to re-fresh your skills pop on round ;-) xx

    1. That is so true!! I let things pile up until I can't stand it an longer, and then I go crazy and spend a whole day cleaning! I drive my family crazy too because I put EVERYONE to work when I get in those moods!

  50. This post is too funny! Love your writing style...I will be sure to return for more! :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog, The Things We Find Inside. I have stopped by to return the follow and visit. (I am SO glad I did!)


    1. Thanks, Tami! Glad you stopped by and liked what you read!! And thank you for joining the site!!

  51. Hi again :D
    I have awarded you on my blog :)

    1. Thank you very much! I am honored and happy to accept it! :-)

  52. Newest follower via the gfc blog hop :) look forward to reading more of your posts.


    1. Thanks for the visit, Faye! I'll be hopping over to your site to check it out! I just love how this GFC blog hop works!

  53. Too funny! I'm your newest follower from the GFC hop and I'd love a follow back at when you get a chance! :)

    1. Thanks for the follow! Glad you found y blog funny! Hopping over to your site now!

  54. now follow you from the GFC blog hop on naptime review.

    1. Thanks, Mindy! Glad you found my blog site and decided to join. I'm on my way over to your "house" now!! :-)

  55. You said it best - you are riding the crazy train now. Just hold on and hope for the best ~


    Popped in from MMI.

    1. Thanks for the visit, Tami, and yes, I am holding on with BOTH hands right now!!!

  56. Thanks for stopping by monkeysandtutus! Following you back :)

  57. Love this! It happens to all of us sometimes :) I'm following you back now via GFC!

    1. Thanks for the follow, Brooke. Yes, it's nice to know I'm not the only one losing my mind these days!

  58. Hahaha, great post! Thanks for the laughs:) Stopping by from the GFC blog hop and am now your newest follower:) Hope you can come check out Crazy Mama Drama !

    1. Thanks, Brooke! Glad you got some laughs out of it! I will certainly check out your blog--glad you participated in the blog hop!

  59. I love your blog. New follower here.

    1. Thank you!! Always makes me happy to hear that, and thanks also for becoming a follower!

  60. nice your Dis New post I like your writing style

    1. Glad to see you again here, Dileesh! Thanks for liking my style of writing, too!

  61. Hi again! Back to tell you that I just nominated you for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award. Info is on my last post. Hope you have a great day!

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you SO MUCH for this award--this is a new one for me and I really appreciate it!!! So kind of you to think of me!!

  62. Great post. Looking forward to reading more.

    Following you now on GFC from the GFC Link Up. I'd love a follow back if you're not already. ;) Love it if you could link up to Weekend Blog Walk tomorrow afternoon (Friday- but we're up all weekend long!).

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica! Yes, I'd like to check out the link up this weekend! Thanks for the invite!

  63. Hi Beautiful Mama! Thanks for your visit to! It make me happy!
    Just one question: what is "GFC"? Kisses! Nice to "meet"you!

    1. Hi Luiz! Thanks for the visit! GFC is Google Friend Connect---where people can sign up to follow your blog.

    2. Ok Mama!
      Thanks for explain!
      (I put it in my blog to)
      Kisses n greetings!

  64. Mama, this was hilarious! Thank you! I've been pausing from men for several years now. I even gave my doctor the evil eye last month and scared him a bit, I suspect. He wasn't responding properly. Men! Anyway, thanks again for cheering me up.

    1. I'm so glad you came by and I'm happy to have cheered up your day--really makes me feel good about what I'm doing when my readers tell me that!! Thanks!!

  65. ROFL, I am not menopausal yet but my mum is and well, im not sure but i don't think she displays any of these. I hope im right, lol.
    I love this post.

    1. Hopefully she won't get as bad a me!! If she does, then you have my sympathy!!

  66. I arrived here from Bev's (above) blog. Oh, the menopause memory thing! Yes! Glasses in the fridge. Check. Cell phone in the freezer. Check. Zero short term memory and also as husband with something akin to ADD (I swear I've got it now, too.) My husband and kiddo assist me in finding purse, shoes, coat. Glad I'm not alone. (Must check out the "blog hop" Bev has mentioned above.)

    1. Having a husband and kids with ADD is the hardest---we can't rely on them to help us remember anything. In fact, not only do we have to remember all of our stuff, we have to remember everything on their schedule, too. Makes me feel like my brain is going to explode sometimes!!

  67. Just joined you here on the over 40's...Love your sense of humor. So far, I've not had difficulty with my short term memory...crap, is this what I have to look forward to? Looking forward to future smile inducing posts : )

    1. Thanks, Millie! Glad you like my twisted sense of humor--I promise to bring you a lot more of it---usually after something equally strange and twisted occurs around me, giving me the inspiration I need to share it with readers like you!

  68. Thanks for visiting me--just checked out your blog and I love it!! I signed up right away as a follower !!

  69. Thanks menopausal mama for joining my Survivor blog! I love your blog especially since I am also menopausal! I would like to recommend two other blogs that I update more regularly also and those are and My Survivor blog is casually updated and I feel you may enjoy the other two as well :) Thanks again for following!

    1. I will check it out right away! Thanks for letting me know!

  70. thank you very much for sharing the information ... god bless you

  71. Girl, you never cease to amaze me, I am always leaving here with a smile... nine times out of ten :)

    Great post as usual Marcia :)

  72. Imagine being menopausal with children under 10 years old.

