
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pigs, Poodles And Possums

     Several bloggers have asked me recently why I don't post weekly or even daily on  my blog site.  Professional bloggers recommend it in order to increase traffic and followers.  I know this is sound advice, but I am ashamed to admit that I am often stumped by writer's block.  And that's when I turn into a professional procrastinator.
     This is how it starts:

5:45 a.m.
     Obnoxious alarm clock jars me awake.  I want to yank it from the wall and toss it out the window onto the neighbor's lawn.  It wouldn't matter because they get up at  the ass crack of dawn to rev up their lawn mowers.
      On my night stand sits the TO-DO list I scribbled out last night when there was still adrenaline coursing through my veins after watching a rousing episode of Top Chef.  In the bleak morning light, that TO-DO list becomes a GO-TO-HELL list.  No way am I getting up early to make everyone breakfast.  That's why God invented granola bars and oatmeal-on-the-go.
     Slap the snooze button on the alarm for fifteen more minutes.

6:00 a.m.
     Just as I have drifted off into Never Never Land, I hear a nagging buzzer go off, and wonder if I'm on a new game show called, "Wheel Of Misfortune."
     I REALLY need to wake up.

6:15 a.m.
     Coffee.  My morning elixir.  Jumper cables to my heart.  Now I'm ready to work.

6:30 a.m.
     Realization that just because my body is doing the happy dance doesn't mean that my brain has caught onto the dance steps.  Need more coffee.

7:00 a.m.
     Staring at a blank computer screen, convinced that my muse bought a one-way ticket to Bora Bora and is completely content to sip Mai Tais on the shore while I struggle to post something witty on my blog site.

7:30 a.m.
     Still staring at blank computer screen.  Pick dog hair off tee-shirt and make a daisy chain out of paper clips.  I end up trolling Facebook for status updates.
     "Wow Camille, you sure look wasted in those office party pictures.  Do people still do that kind of stuff on copy machines???"
     "Aw, Cynthia, I just LOVE little Tommy's mullet.  Is he channeling Billy Ray Cyrus?"
     "OMG Vicky!  Your poodle just pooped in your Jimmy Choos?!"

9:30 a.m.
     Staring out home office window.  When did the neighbors get a hairless cat?  Oh, that's a possum rummaging around in the trash can.  I didn't know possums liked beer.

10:00 a.m.
     Glance at Facebook again to see if anyone commented on my latest status update: "Is it too early to add whiskey to my coffee cup? LOL!"

10:30 a.m.
     Check fridge to see if anyone left an amazing surprise in there for me to eat, like an ice cream bar or a leftover egg roll.

11:00 a.m.
     Back on the computer and begin typing blog entry: "Hello Readers!  I'm hyped up on caffeine and shaky as hell but my brain has a log jam and I.....oh look!  A cupcake!

11:30 a.m.
     Gotta get this blog post going...whoa, what's this?  New outdoor decorating ideas on Pinterest?  Pot-bellied pigs for sale on Craig's List?

1:00 p.m.
     Stalk other blog sites for inspiration.  They're all good.  Damn good.  This leaves me feeling a bit insecure and I pick up the phone and call a friend for moral support.

2:30 p.m.
     Damn possum is back.  Brought some of his buddies.  I didn't know they could carry a six pack and beach chairs.

4:30 p.m.
     Wake up to computer keyboard imprints on my forehead.

5:00 p.m.
      Feed and walk dogs, try to figure out something clever yet appetizing for dinner.  My family is starting to catch onto the fact that I'm recycling leftovers tossed into pasta and rice to confuse them.

8:00 p.m.
     Back on the computer.  Something skitters across the floor and under my desk.  Could have been a cockroach.  Or a possum.  Call Husband to exterminate whatever predator is stalking me.

10:00 p.m.
     Loud cheering from the TV room.  My family is either watching a Dolphins football game or The Kardashians.  I need to investigate.

     Computer screen still blank.  So is my brain.  Time to reboot both.  Possums now sitting around campfire singing Kumbaya and making smores.

     Surely tomorrow will be a more productive long as a parade of pugnacious pot-bellied pigs and prancing pink poodles doesn't pass by my office window...


  1. I'm not an everyday blogger either. I blog when something strikes me as blogworthy.

    Found you on the TGIF Blog Hop! Have a great night.


    1. Best time to blog...or maybe after a few glasses of wine....

  2. Spend a day with my kids and you will have a months worth of daily posts! If you write everyday people expect it... If you don't it's like a nice surprise! Your always funny pink poodles and pot belly pigs, I wouldn't never thought were funny until you talked about them

    1. I was seriously sipping coffee on the porch this morning and the hubs and I were talking about pigs and mind just ran with it....

  3. First of all, thanks for adding me to your sidebar! Second, I will always be towards the bottom of it because I am not an everyday blogger either. "Follow me home posted 67 days ago"...
    Don't feel bad. I love reading your posts, and let's be honest...if there were ANY chance that you would find an ice cream bar in that fridge of yours, the procrastination would SOOOO be worth it! Can I get an AMEN?

    1. Amen Sista!!!! Love your blog and will be patient for the next post..but soon, please???? I miss you!

  4. Replies
    1. Ha! This is nothing! You should read some of my older posts!!!

  5. I can totally relate. I actually think and know what I want to post but then after done taking care of my children, I fell asleep or I will say to myself: I just want to watch tv for a little bit and I will stare at my computer screen and time flew. I went to bed and think I will do it tomorrow. Haha I totally understand what you mean about procrastinate. I do not do my posts everyday as well. Love your blog! and I visit everyday now :) I love it!

    1. Believe me, when my 4 kids were little, I was exhausted at the end of the day and I doubt that I ever would have been able to keep up with a blog. At least you are writing one! That's awesome!

    2. Aww thanks! But in all honesty, if I have 4 kids, I probably would not have met you and this awesome blog. I am happy that I only have 2 and be able to meet wonderful new online friends and bloggers such as you. Thanks again for visiting me. You rock!

  6. another great read... always love what you have to say. very entertaining. is there anything better than good coffee in the morning??? wait: don't answer that. take care, slu

    1. You are too funny...and well, yeah, there are a FEW other things that would be better than coffee in the morning...


  7. Every time I read your posts I get entirely overwhelmed thinking ' this woman's kicking it, she's got it made, brilliant posts with humor, a genius'. I then curl up in a fetal position praying that an idea will hit me like a ton of bricks, so my stuff can flow like yours. I really didn't think about you getting writer's block at all.

    I loved the way you did this post because the pattern is so true. You start the day meaning to do one thing and by midnight you still haven't got round to it. Menopausal mama, I know you are capable of turning dust into gold, whether you write once a day or once a month. You churn out the best. If you write like this with writer's block then throw some my way please.

    I'll give you a suggestion: make a film, I think it will sell faster than Harry Potter. :)

    1. Aww, such kind words!!! I think your blog is EXCELLENT!! You educate people and make them THINK!! I can't tell you how much your compliments mean to me---thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

  8. I go through writers block sometimes too, I usually write something like a fluff piece and than it seems to come;) I always enjoy reading your blog:)

    1. I know exactly what you are talking about! I will write the first draft or two, set it down, come back to it the next day, hate what I wrote and start all over again. Then I stress about it some more and worry that my readers are going to think I've gone off the deep end. I mean, who else would write about pigs, pink poodles and possums??? But hey, I am so glad you always come back for more--I truly appreciate the love!

  9. I can honestly say I've never suffered from writer's block, because my brain never shuts down. It spins with millions of ideas all day long. However, I get distracted by the slightest interruption. A piece of lint on the floor, a phone call or text, squirrels running across my roof, thoughts that stumble over each other in my head, hunger, thirst, memory triggers (somebody stop me). Your blog, however, is so well written, you could write about nothing and it would be fun to read. As a matter of fact, reading your blog is like watching Jerry Seinfeld with menopause – on a different kind of screen.

    1. That is hilarious!! Your comments always make me smile, Theresa. You do have a very creative spirit---I don't know how you keep up with the blogs and all of your other writing endeavors. You amaze me! So, do you think I should contact Jerry?? Haha!

  10. Hmm. You'll have to start doing some of my writing prompts! But glad you got a whole day free to sit and stare at a computer, however blank. Oh, and did I miss whether the dogs actually got walked in the morning? I'm thinking a lot about dogs these days. Really want one though we have allergies. Thinking about a poodle but not that pink one! As to blogging every day, I'm not sure that's the best way to get traffic. I think having one day when people know you'll have a new post up is a good idea. I tried that though, even made a button for it, Tale Tuesdays. But right now ain't sticking to it. Always a delight to read you. I have another resurrection hop up. I loosened the rules so you don't have to repost as a new one, though I think that's the best way to get traffic (and a good way to keep your home page active if that's what you're trying to do) Just add that blog code as you have a LOT of followers and would love to get them on board. Maybe if you really love me you could even just write a little post pointing them in my direction with the link? Am I being greedy?
    Here's the link, I'll make it easy!

    1. I will work on that! And yes, add your link whenever you want--I've got you on my blog roll so people can link up that way as well. Why don't you start a weekly blog hop? I tried several times to participate in the resurrected blog hop and I just screwed it up every time--couldn't figure out how to get the link to that exact page--told you I'm no good on the computer--a baby, really. I don't even now how to add a "blog code", as you call it. I get my son to do all that stuff for me...but there is always payment in energy drinks involved....

  11. I love this blog post hun utterly brilliant. Since I went to the BritMumsLive conference in London (awesome by the way) I have totally taken a step back in my blogging. By this I mean I have gone back to why I want to blog in the first place - to document my journey as a mother and explore my talant as a writer! Everything changed when I became I single mother and I have found my blog becoming more spiritual and my Twitter/facebook friends have been my lifeline. Our blogs are bound to change with the ebb and flow of life just we do. I think you do a grand job - keep it up! I'd still check in with your blog even if it was once a year ;-) Take care love Kate xx

    1. I think you are an excellent writer and I hope you stick with it. Your blog posts always make me smile!

  12. Great post as always. I know exactly how you feel.. There is always one thing or the other and then when you finally do sit down at your computer - your mind is either blank, or thinking about the other gazillion things you should be doing.......

    1. Yes--you and I have talked about this. It is especially hard when you're a mum and wife and you still have all your home duties to attend to on top of trying to find time to be creative. Even when you might have the time, you can't force the muse--it comes and goes as it pleases!

  13. As always brillant....

    And yes you should post more often for us to enjoy your beautiful viewpoint and excellent writing skills

    1. Aww thank you!! Trust me, I'd blog at LEAST once a week if I didn't get stuck with writer's block as often as I do!!!

  14. You write so well and just can't stop to come back here again and again..

  15. Hi there! I really love how you write. By the way, I know you already received this before. I just hope it's all right with you to receive it again a 4th time because I included you in my list for the Liebster Blog Award here at my post at

    1. Thank you so much! I am honored that you thought of me and will gladly accept it!!!

  16. Great posting, love it! Especially 10am. I have days when I ask that same question, "Is it too early to have a glass of wine?" :) Always enjoy reading your postings whenever you post! :)

    1. Yes--there are those days when I ask those questions!! But coffee will have to do. Thanks for the visit--I appreciate that you always come back to read my new posts!

  17. Wow MM, I thought you said you got distracted. You just posted what my first two hours of the day is like. Squirrel, where? I wonder what's happening in the news? What did the dog just bark at? Should I throw a load of clothes in the washer? Oh wait, I need to find a job!! Oh, but I should post something on my blog it's been a week.

    Oh, we can only do what we can in our super-distracting, oft-procrastinating lives, right?? Can I get an MM "AMEN?" ;)

  18. Amen!! I swear we are doing the same things at the same time from the sound of the way your life is going! It is very difficult to stay focused and write these new blog entries. Every once in awhile I'll get a terrific idea and it all comes tumbling out at once--those are always my favorite blog posts! Nice to hear from you, MJ. You always leave me smiling with your witty comments!

  19. Can we switch days just once? I want to sleep face first on my keyboard and have them imprinted instead of someone trying to hit me with the keyboard (true story) and thanks because I might just blog about that :-) Great post!

    1. No thanks--I'll stick with my boring life--I don't want my kids or my hubs to throw a keyboard at me!! You have a crazy life, Suzie---and a very interesting one! You should definitely write a blog ago it!!

  20. LOL! Funny post Marcia! I feel your pain cause I wrote about procrastination on my latest post today, but somehow it came out differently!lol! (as mine usually do!lol!) You're doing just fine so I don't think you have to worry. But I "sorely" know how you feel! :)

    1. Thanks, Donna! I'm curious now, so I'll have to hop over and check out how you spend your blogging days!!!

  21. I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't blog until you really have something interesting/intelligent/funny to say. Why not make every blog post an absolute gem? And no, 10am is *not* too soon to put whiskey in your coffee...why do you ask? ;)

    1. I Knew we had to be twins separated at birth---like minds and all that... Love ya!!!

  22. Coffee is my life also. Well, basically caffeine. I inherited that wonderful trait from you it seems. Great post.

  23. lmao sounded like my day yesterday haha i just stared at the screen all day! stopping through from the TGIF Blog Hop (late I know! =) )

    1. So glad you found me--I saw your name on my followers list and thought I just HAD to check out a blog with that name!!!!

  24. Thanks for visiting me. I already follow you.
    One Chic Mom

    1. Great--nice to know we are now following each other!!!

  25. Hello again, thnx for the advice, I have never used before google friend, I had only google+,,
    Cheers... ;) :))

    1. Hope it works out for you--the photography on your site is good--but of course you roped me in immediately with those pictures of the pug puppies....

  26. I get writer's block as well... Your post made me chuckle! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

    1. Glad you liked what you read--hope you come back for more!!!

  27. I know I should be reading about what you have to say ... but really I spend the first few minutes just playing with the Heart on the screen ... somehow it is very relaxing :)
    Sorry about the writer's block... it happens to the best of people. Have a great week.

    1. That is another one of my distractions--playing with the heart cursor--just another tactic of mine to delay writing a new blog post!

  28. Found you on the hop!

    Seems like writers block is a common theme with a lot of us.

    I usually think of something awesome to write about and then forget what it was before I can get to it. Or I try to get it out and it's just not as funny as I thought or wanted it to be.

    1. I usually get a TERRIFIC idea for a blog post when I'm in the shower, trying to sleep or stuck in the car somewhere with NO paper or pen to jot it down on. And like you, at first it sounds great, but once I write it, let it sit for a day, then go back to it, I wonder what in the world I was thinking because it is just too damn weird to put in a blog post!!!!

  29. I click over from the bloghop, and find the title "Pigs, Poodles, and Possums". I think, we must have lots in common, as I have written about those things, too. Now that I've read it, we'll just say that our experiences with these things are very different:) However, I very much enjoy your take on them, too. And the dancing heart? Awesome. So nice to have met you!

    1. Thanks for the visit--I loved your site right from the start!! Just don't let that heart cursor distract you from blogging! Haha!

  30. Pinterest and FB tend to preoccupy my mind as well. Mainly Pinterest, thats probably were i'm headed right now. ;)


    1. I'm with you on that! I'll start looking at the gardening tips or worse--the recipes, and next thing you know, 2 hours have gone by!! And no new blog post!!

  31. I am addicted to Pinterest! I had no idea that possums liked beer or beach chairs! Love the blog. Following you and thanks for following me as well.

    1. Thank you so much for the follow, Shelly. If you think the possums are bad, you should see the raccoons---they carry flasks of rum and sing karaoke late into the night!

  32. Hi there! I'm a new follower from the blog hop and would love a follow back at Don't forget to follow me on twitter & Pinterest. I follow back all of my twitter & Pinterest followers :)

    1. Hi Sugarplum!! I am already following you--I like to go to your blog just to see what's cooking...anything with sugar is my weakness!!!

  33. Haha that possum was really funny looking. xD

  34. hi thanks for dropping by my blog! :) and in reply on your comment on my post... we dont celebrate thanksgiving here in the Philippines sad to say . :)

    followed you already! :)

    1. That's a shame--Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday--but I am sure you celebrate others that are equally fun!

  35. what a fun blog!! love it!!

    1. Glad you think so and hopefully you'll be back for more of my twisted humor!!!

  36. All I can say is poor little magenta poodle!!! : /
    Hi there! I'm stopping by from the lovely comment you left on my blog, following you as well now : ) Thanks for taking the time to read my post ^^
    See you around xx

    1. Don't worry--I would NEVER do that to my own dog!!!! Thanks for the follow back!

  37. I have a hard time coming up with intelligent, non-muddled comments, how can someone expect me to post something new, witty and informative everyday??!!

    PS I didn't notice the cursor until I was reading the part about something skittering under the desk. Thanks for the adrenaline rush! I may get something posted today after all!! =D

  38. O.M.G. found your blog via FTF. I am laughing so hard at work right now. Everyone thinks I am crazy. I am the only female in my office, and I really needed this. Check out my blog if you get the chance, even though it is not nearly as fully as yours.

    Sarah @ Our Family of Three

    1. I love this!!! Keep your co-workers wondering what you are laughing about!! And yes, I can't wait to check out your blog site!!

  39. I love your blog!!! So entertaining and true!!! I have writers block on a daily...but I just get frustrated and walk away from the but when I do return I stalk other blogs too, like Love your blog!

    1. Thanks, Nae! See, stalking other blogs sometimes gets the creative juices flowing!!

  40. Writer's block is also my excuse for not writing everyday. :) Another excuse is lack of computer access - my laptop is broken. Huhuhu...

    1. I would die if I didn't have access to a computer or internet!! Just yesterday the internet service went out for 2 hours and I was ready to storm over to their offices and raise holy hell!!

  41. You and I differ only in that I sure as hell don't wake up at six! But as for staring at a blank screen, and then procrastinating for the rest of the day? Yup, right there with ya!

    1. Trust me--getting up at 6:00 am is NOT by choice!! I try to sleep in longer but there is this pesky thing called kids getting ready for school and me getting ready for work. Fortunately I work at home, so at least I don't have to wear makeup and strap on high heels to get there!

  42. Looks like you're doing just fine no matter how much you post!

    1. Awww thanks Crazy Mama! This means a lot coming from you because I truly enjoy your blog and you are so good at keeping up with yours!!!

  43. I need a hot pink poodle. Desperately. Too cute.

  44. Hey, thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is so entertaining! That possum picture made me laugh out loud. I've followed you back!

    x Ellie

  45. Possums are so ugly they are cute--but don't mess with them because those teeth are sharp!!! Hey, thanks for the follow back!

  46. Awesome as always!

    I have tried the old style of - Write it high and edit it sober. Seems to work for me .And then I post almost once a month so I should not talk about writers block. ;)

  47. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a helpful comment! Laughter IS the best medicine! I'm so excited to be following you and look forward to getting to know you more! :) By the way, what's writer's block...?? That NEVER happens to me ^.~

    1. You are very fortunate'll know what Writer's Block is when it hits you!! You'll be staring out the window or looking in the fridge for an inordinate amount of time!!!

  48. I agree with few writers here, it does not matter if you are not able to post daily; because whenever you post, you nail it! Your posts are so very humorous and awesome. Just loved reading this one thoroughly. Keep up the great work!!! I must say, you are a blessed writer. Thank you for sharing with us:)

    1. That is so sweet of you to say! I'm glad you enjoy my words and still come back for more---I promise not to disappoint!

  49. I love this! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower:-)

  50. Hahaha, you had me laughing out loud!
    Oh my, poor poodle right!?

    1. I know--don't think I could ever do that to a dog!!

  51. Whoot! Thanks for following and now I'm following back. I'm excited to read more from you. I like your sense of humor! o(^0^)o

    1. So glad you like the off-the -wall humor you find here. Keep coming back for more!!!

  52. gawd, this sounds like me!! i can spend the whole day (at work, eek!) trying to write my posts. i finally get it together and rush-publish it five minutes before i'm shutting down and getting ready to leave. what WORK did i actually do?! nada. zero. zilch. here's to tomorrow!

    Enter to Win a Complete Anti-Aging System

    1. You have to write the minute inspiration strikes---I would do it at work, too---just don't let the boss catch on....

  53. LOL, any time you need a little inspiration I'll lend you my family for a week! No? A day! No? An hour. Just one lousy hour? You'll be set for a month. Promise!

    1. Send 'em long as they bring one of your yummy recipes with them!

    2. If you'll take them I'll tatoo a recipe on their foreheads, just be forewarned, they don't help in the kitchen!

    3. Oh God, you are too funny!! I say let's go for it!

  54. Loving your honesty!! Thanks for visiting me!


  55. Love the title of the post. Thanks for stopping by Chasing Hailey and linking up to the hop. I am your newest follower.
    Anissa from Chasing Hailey

    1. The blog hop has been great! I'll be back next week to do it all over again!

    2. Interesting blog...I am your new follower via Friday Chaos
      Would love to see you in my site
      Have a great day!!
      Amy-Food Corner

  56. your great sense of humour! I want that pink poodle. So adorable! Oh hi, I'm following you back from

    1. Thanks for the follow--I truly appreciate it an hope you'll be back for a whole lot more!

  57. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today. You have a lovely blog which I'm now following. This post had me laughing!

    Kimberly @

    1. Glad you like it Kimberly, and thanks for the follow!

  58. sorry,Accidentally my previous comment was published as a reply,hope you don't mind :)

    1. Not at all---got your earlier comment and yes, I am already following you back!

  59. I do the same thing! blog hops and meme's save me on days like where I have nothing to write haha. Following you back!

    1. They definitely help with inspiration--or they can make make you think, "Why the hell didn't I think of that??"

  60. You've been reading my mind again. No wonder I'm now suffering from bloggers block.
    Another great post!

  61. Holy shit, I could have written this EXACT same post. I have been so busy drowning in self-deprecation I can't even go on to look at my blog. One thing that has been helpful goes back to Anne Lamott's book "Bird By Bird." She says that often we want the first draft to be "perfect" and as a result we just stare at the screen. Her remedy is to give yourself permission to write a really shitty draft. She calls this the down draft--where you are just getting shit down. The next version is the up-draft where you are fixing things up. I forget what she calls the 3rd version but you get the idea. ALSO, remember Ernest Hemingway said, "The first draft of anything is shit." Not that I'm taking any of my own advice here--but you get the point. :-)

    1. Your blog posts are awesome--I read a bunch of them at 1:00 am the other day and was laughing so loud I was afraid I was going to wake everyone up! Yeah, Anne and Ernest were totally right--My first draft is always shit---I have to edit and rewrite several times because I tend to second guess myself the whole way. There have been a FEW moments where the blog posts just popped right out of my head, into the blog with little to no revision work--they were THAT quick--and they were some of my best posts. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen that way very often...

  62. Very funny post! I will come back. I'm a new follower from the weekend blog hop walk. I'm glad I found you and maybe you will stalk me online too.

  63. Great post that gave me a good laugh. Are you a doctor they say laughter's the best medicine, i certainly feel better after reading it.

    Take care.

    1. Glad I could be of help! Just don't overdose on too much of a good thing!!

  64. I <3 that the arrow changes to a heart on your site! Thanks for linking up with Super Sunday Sync!

    Check out my Mommy blog at:
    Visit anytime!
    {All follows are returned}
    Come play on Sundays @
    Super Sunday Sync!

    1. The heart is a distraction--I play with it too much instead of writing!

  65. LOLOL! I don't even bother sitting at the computer. I just have a notebook sitting in front of me at the kitchen table with a pen on sits there all day. I keep hoping something will get written on it, but nothing ever happens. Glad to know I'm not alone!!! Stopping by from Super Sunday Sync.

    1. Glad you found me and thanks for the follow. I'm going to hop over and check you out now!!!

  66. This post made up for any others you haven't done, lololol!!! Good stuff! :)

    I am here from the blog hop too, and following. I like the heart curser you have going on w/the blog. That's neat.

    1. Everyone seems to like that a lot--that's OK as long as that is not the ONLY thing they like about my blog site! Lol!

  67. hello...
    visit your blog today...
    have anice day......happy blogging

    1. Thanks Tirana--I appreciate all visits and comments from my readers!!!

  68. wow! loved your recap of the day. **crackin up** great blog! By the way, I'm following you courtesy of the bloghop! I hope you'll visit my blog and follow me too! :o)

    1. Your blog is adorable and I happily joined the site!

  69. Hilarious blog! Following you via the blog hop... stop by and say hello! :)


    1. Thanks for the visit and the follow--mucho appreciated!!

  70. That is pretty much how it goes some days. Between that and the fact that I have all my good ideas either while I am driving or in the shower and then I can't remember them once I am to a place where I can jot them down, I get no where.

    1. I get my best ideas in the shower--maybe I should invent some sort of waterproof writing tablet and get rich quick!!

  71. love your blog, now i am a new follower, follow me here

  72. I followed you:) Found you on blog hop as well!


    1. Thanks for the follow--I will definitely check out your blog!

  73. What an adorable blog you have! I too am a menopausal women (well I'm past that stage.) I can totally relate to your blog post. I am new at blogging. I would love for you to give a peek and leave a comment. You have made a follower out of me!

    1. Certainly! I'd love to commiserate with a woman who knows where I am coming from. Just let me grab a glass of wine and I'll be right there, hot flashes and all!

  74. What a day!!! Following back from the hop, thanks for stopping by.

    1. And it's already time for me to start thinking up a new post! Hmmm...maybe I should check in with those possums again since they are obviously leading a more exciting life than I am.

  75. I sometimes have the same problem! It's kind of hard to come up with new topics to write about, that is why most of mine are lifestyle. I feel that by sharing more of my personal life with my readers they will get to know the girl behind the blog!

    Xoxo Jessica

    Excited to be your newest follower (found you through followers to friends blog hop!)

    1. My mind is always going in 10 different directions, so it's hard to get just one thought down! Thanks for joining my GFC as a follower--I appreciate it!

  76. it really sucks sometimes when you're having Writer's Block. It's like you see something familiar and you can't remember it but it's at the tip of your tongue.hehe
    love your posts so I look forward to more of them!I'm a new follower from followers to friends through GFC :)


    1. It is frustrating...I wish I could unplug the phone, shut the drapes and just concentrate really hard on what I am trying to write...but inevitably my mind wonders on to something more that leftover cake in the fridge....

  77. The stalking bit starts out as a good idea, but then the crushing realization hits me that I am not as original as I thought. I have, thus, compounded the writer's block.

    Fellow Follower,

    1. Isn't that the truth! When I finally write what I think is incredibly clever, I'll read something similar (a.k.a. better) on someone else's post and realize I had it all wrong...and I'll want to delete the whole thing..that's when I turn on the TV and watch something like Hoarders to make myself feel better.

  78. because there is a LOT of pink here...
    AND because its the first wednesday of the month ...
    and because your funny
    I'm stopping by to say hi.
    just another insecure writer doing her monthly, non-mentrated related thang.

    1. Thanks for the visit and the follow, Green Monkey! I've been to your site and am impressed with your writing skills and poignant posts. I'll be back for more reading!

  79. I like this blog. is beautifull blog.
    Don't Clik

  80. I relate to your mornings :) Happy blogging!


    1. Nice to know I'm not alone in this. When I read posts from bloggers who blog everyday, it makes me I'm ready for a martini....

  81. BAHAHA on the "to do list" turning into a "go to hell" list. I can totally relate to that! Thanks for being so down to earth! I just found your blog and I've loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    New follower :)

    1. Thanks for the follow--glad you could relate to this post!

  82. The first step of recovery is recognizing you have a problem. You can't wait around hoping that something interesting will happen to you to give you an idea - you've got to MAKE something happen. I recommend anything that involves flames, or exposing yourself at a drive thru window. They always seem to work for me. Except that last one. That didn't turn out so well, but I can show you an awesome scar I have from throwing a can of starter fluid into a burn bin. Pure genius. Hunter Thompson said it better than I ever could - "I'd rather be shot out of a cannon than squeezed out of a tube of toothpaste." In the immortal last words of every dead redneck "Hey - watch this!"

    1. I never knew that under that sarcastic exterior beat the heart of a true redneck. In the words of Steve Martin, you are one wild and crazy guy... and that's what I appreciate most about you. Thank God for readers like you, Kc. Your feedback is half the fun in my blogging adventures.

  83. That pic of BillyRay kinda scared me! LOL

    I found you via the GFC bloghop at The Life Of A Not So Ordinary Wife

    1. Yeah, back in the day, the ladies found him to be quite sexy--now I look at these pictures and he just looks...weird...

    2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'd love to follow each other :o)

  84. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment at my place. Cute post.

    1. Thanks--I liked your site as well--especially the blog with the sound of the ocean in the background--very cool!

  85. Love it, My muse is usually in bora bora, maybe they know eachother? Your possums stole my smores by the way! I'm a new follower from the "weekend blog walk", please check me out @ =)

    1. You are hilarious! And yes, I think our muses have been drinking the mai tais together on the beach!! Thanks for stopping by--I'm headed over to your site now!

  86. hello my friend.
    Can i call you write mm for your nick name..
    I'm not feeling well today..but still visit your blog.waiting a new entry/post.

    1. Sorry to hear you don't feel well and of course you can refer to me as MM--most people do. New entry will be posted later today!

  87. Thanks for linking up with Super Sunday Sync
    Hope to see you next week :)

    1. I love this blog hop and will always join in with you every Sunday!!!

  88. Newest follower via Mom's Monday Mingle!

    1. Thank you so much for the follow, Melissa! I will be hopping over to your site shortly to check it out!

  89. Good Morning!! I hope you know I love your blog... I have awarded you this morning with the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award on my page :) Have a wonderful day!

    PS. I still love this heart tracker that sprinkles more hearts :)

    1. This is so exciting! I am honored to accept your award and will very happy to share the love with other, deserving bloggers!!! Thank you!!!!

  90. Hi! Following you back from Naptime Review Monday Mingle! Thanks for visiting HomePayge!

    1. I am really enjoying the opportunity to meet new bloggers through these blog hops! Thanks for following me!

  91. Was feeling a bit blue when I opened your blog - you really cheered me up. Good gracious - I love that pink poodle!

    1. Sorry to hear that you are down but glad I was able to bring a bit of cheer into your day!

  92. Hi there!! Just found you throug a blog hop and excited to be a new follower! :) Stop by if you get a chance!!


    1. Thanks, Chrissy! I will definitely check our your blog site!

  93. following you now! i'm scared to death of possums!

  94. I found you via the GFC hop! Hi!

    Misfit Librarian

  95. Following from the GFC Hop! Would love you to check out my blog!


    1. Thanks for the follow--I will check out your blog next!

