
Friday, March 15, 2013

I Need A What?

     A colonoscopy. The scary "C" word. Something I have been putting off for two years.  This is what you get for your birthday once you hit middle age. "Hey, happy birthday! Here's your present---a gift wrapped colonoscopy!" Thank God they don't sell home kits for that sort of stuff or else everyone would lie about their birthday and stay forty-nine forever. My husband had to drag me kicking and screaming into the doctor's office because I seriously rebelled the idea of a camera being shoved up my you-know-what. Who the hell wants that? "Wow! What a gorgeous morning! It's a great day for a colonoscopy!" Unfortunately, it's a fact of life once you reach your middle age years. The only way I agreed to do it was if my husband scheduled his procedure the same day as mine. "The family that has a colonoscopy together stays together!" My husband was four years overdue, so he was anxious to get it done. He has a history of  polyps, so he was due for the double whammy---the camera shoved into two orifices for the price of one. His first question to the doctor was to make sure the the camera they used to explore his colon wasn't going to be the same one they used down his throat. The grinning doctor assured him that yes, it was indeed the same camera, but not to worry because they would explore the throat first before heading south. That's when I interrupted the conversation and said, "No way in hell are you using the same camera on me! I don't want the leftovers---schedule me first!"
     After much ribbing from our friends and a lot of great advice ("Use Gatorade to mix the powdered medicine," "Use wet wipes for your behind, because trust me, you'll need it by the end of the day...") we faced the daunting task of getting through the "day of preparation", which is the day before the procedure. No food allowed for twenty-four hours, just clear fluids. Oh, and this nasty powdered medicine you mix with liquid and drink gallons of to clear out your colon. In other words, don't leave home because your butt is going to take you on a wild ride at the speed of light. Another word of advice---if you have to go through this little excercise in colon gymnastics, do not eat corn the week of your procedure---trust me, you'll be sorry if you do.
     On the prep day, I felt like a contestant on Survivor. No food to a "foodie" like me is like serving a jail term where 24 hours seems like 24 years.  I started chugging chicken broth and apple juice until I felt like I was going to start clucking and pecking at apples. My husband was just as miserable as me. I've never seen him look so longingly at the handful of pretzels my son was munching on in front of us. I was dying of starvation, ready to forage in the flower beds in my garden or start gnawing on the wooden couch legs. Even the dog started to look pretty tasty. The doctor said, "Only clear fluids"...I idly wondered if that included gin or vodka.
      At 2:00 p.m. that day we were due to start drinking the "magic elixir of life"---the stuff that makes you poop uncontrollably. We mixed the powder perscription with lemon lime Gatorade and began chugging. It was like the games we played in college---my husband and I stood side by side at the sink and tried to out-chug one another. I could just hear the frat boys chanting, "Go, go, go!"
      So far, so good.
      Fifteen minutes later as we sat on the sofa and watched the food channel (we were gluttons for punishment), I heard the first rumbling. It sounded like Mount Vesuvious getting ready to explode. I turned to my husband. "Was that your stomach or mine?" Gurgle, gurgle, then, "OH MY GOD!!!" and the race to the bathroom began. Thank goodness we have two toilets in the house because if we didn't, someone would be sticking their fanny in a bucket. These were not bowel "urges", these were bowel demands screaming "NOW!" Too bad we don't have a television in our bathroom because I sure could have used one after sitting in there for five hours.
      The day of the procedure, I no longer feared what was going to be done to me because I was so hyper-focused on what I was going to eat once I woke up from the anethesia. I wondered if they'd serve me steak and a big baked potato in the recovery room. That would be a nice thing to wake up to after being molested by a small camera.
      As promised, I was wheeled into the surgical room before my husband. I feebily waved "good-bye" to him as I rolled past, and he gave me the thumbs-up. It was a bit disconcerting to see so many doctors and nurses waiting in the room for me---like this was major surgery or something. That's when I glanced over at a partially hidden closet and saw these long, black, snake-like tubes hanging from hooks. The tubes looked long enough to stretch all the way to Russia. They were going to put that thing up my what?!? Before I could rip out my IV and run for the hills, the anethesiologist patted my shoulder and sent me off to la-la land with propofol, the infamous Michael Jackson drug.
      Next thing I knew, these very kind nurses-more like angels- gently woke me and asked if I'd like some coffee and graham crackers. I sat up like a seal  and clapped my hands. Food!Food! Graham crackers have never tasted so good.
      As soon as we got home (polyp-free), my husband and I raided the refrigerator. We didn't even shut the door---we just stood there in its light snacking on lunch meat and cheese sticks with the cool air hitting our faces.
       All in all, a colonoscopy is not as bad or scary as you might think. At least you can drop a few pounds in the process. It should be called "the colonoscopy diet" because you starve and then poop out everything you've eaten for the last month. Everyone should be awarded a souvenir once they finish this procedure. An "I survived a colonoscopy!" tee-shirt would be nice. Or maybe just hand them a steak.


  1. I'm crying laughing. I don't know how you and your husband did that together. Well done my friend!!! I drank my magical potion on the way to Dick's sporting goods just waiting for the explosions, but nuthin', absolutely nuthin'! I'm tellin' ya, I've had worse experiences at Taco Hell than the colonoscopy prep.

    1. You kidding!!! Really??? Oh GAWD that stuff just went through me! I can't believe you went to Dick's sporting goods KNOWING what you just drank Holy cow woman, you are brave!!!

  2. Thank you so much for re sharing this, I had not read this entry... omg... I laughed so hard my tummy got a work out... lol

    1. You deserved a good laugh today--glad I could provide it!

    2. I just got home from my own "procedure" (smile). Tom drove me to and from. I can relate! Would love to compare notes, but won't take up time here. Mine wasn't all that bad. I used "Suprep" and was pleased. Gawd, isn't it tough getting older in that you now find yourselves conversing about these kind of things? (ROTFL). Marcia, you have great writing skills! Hope to see yas at the trail one time.
      Tim (from the jogging trail)

    3. Forgot to share other humorous colonscopy stories by Dave Barry, columnist for Miami Herald.

      Dave Barry had a couple of versions, one at and the Miami Herald version at

      He has a short about it on YouTube at

      Only way to deal with discomfort is to laught about it! Shame is that you can't get full effect of your wittiness and clever writing until you've been there yourself. (SMILE)

      God Bless!

  3. That's what you call funny... again. You have such a way of putting things MM. It reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I had surgery and the day before I also had to take the 'magic poop' stuff. Oh my days, I thought my liver, kidneys and in fact all my intestines was going to come out from the back too. That medicine had no mercy at all and thank God my room is next to the bathroom otherwise I would have had one hell of a messed up place. There was no feeling of 'I'm about to go', it was just 'go go go', ha ha ha.
    You sure did give me another good laugh.

    1. Haha that's a funny story, RPD! Maybe you should blog about your experience, too! You are right though--that prep junk makes you feel like every vital organ in your body is about to drop out!!!

  4. OMG I needed that laugh this post made me laugh and freaked the shit out of me at the same time.....

    1. Don't say "freaked the shit of me"---that's what the prep does to you Lol!!! No worries--you are young and probably a long time away from having to go through this backside violation!

  5. I used to work at a gastroenterology clinic back in the files... The worst part was (other than NOBODY laughed at fart jokes) was having to see the pics of people who didn't do their colon prep properly. Man... the things we will do for money in college.... *shudder*

    You and you husband going together is one of the sweetest things I've heard in a long time. It's easy to go on vacation with someone but to get you bum probed together??? Now THAT is love....

    1. OMG they take pictures of that stuff???? Dear God I hope they don't pass mine around on the internet!!!

  6. I have had several colonoscopys through the years. The worst thing is the preparation. The actual test is painless.

    1. You're right, Betty---because by then you're out of your mind with hunger and you don't care WHAT they do to you at that point!

  7. My most embarrassing moment happened the day I was preparing for my colonoscopy. That post won me a little award...probably from pity. I quite enjoyed the procedure, sleeping, caring less about the world around me. It's the day before that is something I don't look forward to again. Blech!

    1. Fortunately I don't have to go back for another 10 years. But yes, that prep day is brutal. I don't ever want to taste chicken broth again.

  8. Not as bad or scary as you might think??????????
    Oh my God - it was the absolute worse thing in the world for me - not the actual procedure but that elixir lol - seriously?
    I'd rather climb mount everest - naked - on my hands and knees - than ever have to go through that again................
    Lost 5 pounds though - in 2 days lol

    1. Suzan, you are hilarious!!! Can you believe people actually drink that stuff on a regular basis just to lose weight and cleanse their colons? No thanks--I prefer to keep my intestines intact, thank you very much!

  9. Holy Crap!! (sorry....couldn't resist). Yes, the preparation BEFORE the procedure is the worst. The very last one I had (I've had 3 so far - yikes), I actually woke up during and freaked out a little bit. I remember the room being kind of dark and all these white lab coats were watching my innards on a little TV screen. Come to think of it, that's probably why it was the "very last one". Don't see another one on MY horizon any time soon!!

    Funny post as always!!

    Penny at Green Moms and Kids

    1. OMG you WOKE UP in the middle of it??? GAH!! That was my worst fear when I went in for the procedure!!!

  10. Well, I just totally re-lived my recent colonoscopy through yours and you "nailed" it, if I may say so. Another necessary EVIL of our age: Grrrrrrrrrr!!!

    Enjoyed, Slu

    1. But aren't you relieved that it's all over now? And hey--did you get a steak when you got out????

  11. This is hilarious and I was ROLFL... Although I haven't had to go for my annual big "c" as I have a year and some to wait.. I have given many patients the go-lytely prep, smiling as I think of how this has been missed named. I also wonder if I could wait until my hubby turns 50 before I have mine and do it on the same day.. probably not as he is 11 years younger then me :)... I might just try though.

    1. Oh YEAH, I forgot that the name of that life elixir was called "Go Lytley", is that an oxymoron or what???

  12. Omg!! As they say the best humor is found in the most serious of situations, and for once I have to agree with the all-knowing THEM!!! LOL... that was a rib-tickling account that got me into splits, MM!!hahahahha....
    So, the results of the action-packed event came our clean with God's grace. Happy..happy for you, my dear. All's well that ends well. PHEW!
    Awesome blog!!

    1. Yup! Everything came out clean, Panchali! I'm good for another 10 years! Thanks for coming by--I'm always happy to see your comments here!

  13. Hilarious! A little too much information, but absolutely hilarious!

    -Queen Mommy

    1. I know it's a TMI kinda post but I'll bet you loved every minute of it, Queen! lol! <3

  14. I have one a few years ago and it really wasn't that bad. Good luck!

  15. I had one colonoscopy back in the 70s WITHOUT anesthesia. I would rather have had a dozen kids in a row than go through another one, but NOW they knock you out? What a relief. I might actually go through another one in this lifetime :)

    1. OMG no anesthesia??? Oh HELL no!!! You are one brave woman, Theresa Wiza!!!

  16. Wow, I wouldn't have believed a colonoscopy could be so funny. Glad you got through it and it wasn't as bad as you were afraid of. Also, yay for a healthy colon!

    1. Thank you--yes, I am so relieved and glad I don't have to go through that again for 10 more years...but at least I got a good blog post out of it, right?

  17. Well thank you very much Marcia!! I will be 40 soon and I have history of colon cancer in my family. EFF that business!! It's not the procedure I'm afraid of it's the before. OMG!!! I cry like a baby when I sit on the throne just from the stomach flu. And, no eating for 24 hours!?! WTF! I remember I had to do that w/ my son's planned c-section. I seriously almost died! But, at least I got a baby out of it. What the hell do I get out of this? De-virginized by a camera! No thank you. I will poop in a bag just like my mom did. LMAO! I loved this post.. so damn funny!

    1. Poop in a bag??? OMG I am laughing so hard right now I think I'm going to cry...or pee...

  18. "A lovely day for a colonoscopy." Who says that??? I'd be telling my dr where to shove it... ;-)

    1. Well, um....he me! I was violated by a miniature camera. Thank God I don't remember ANY of it!!

  19. Hello,
    I saw your comment on my blog, and yes, I found it in Spam. I went through the same trouble last year, and it was all solved when I contacted the "" site and told them I'm not a spammer!

    P.S. I adore this "Century Gothic" font! :D

    1. No, it's not "Century Gothic", but it's lovely! :D *Asleep*

    2. Ohhh thank you so much for the tip!! I need to do something about it because there are so many sites I can't comment on! Thank you, thank you!!!

  20. I'm so glad to hear you're both healthy, and I am sorry to hear about the grossness, but can I just tell you how this made me laugh?!!! The gurgles! The competitive chugging! HILARIOUS!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Steph! I WAS seriously laughing when we were going through this and I told him him the whole time that this would make a GREAT blog post!!

  21. Oh mama, can you hear that slapping sound? That is the sound of me clapping in delight. That was absolutely hysterical! And I'm pretty sure that I felt my butt re-seal itself, in sympathy. :)

    1. Yes! Keep your butt sealed up tight lest you get molested by a small camera. Oh no--you are still too young for that!

  22. I don't care what you say, I'M STILL SCARED!!! Maybe even more now than before. When someone finally forces me to do this, I better get a damn shirt.

    1. Forget the damn t-shirt--demand the steak, by God, you deserve an award for going through it!!! Medium rare with a baked potato on the side? Comin' up!

  23. This is the second colonoscopy blog post I've read today - Bad Word Mama was also talking about when her mom had to have one done.

    Makes me nervous but I've only ever heard 1 really bad story about a perforated bowel. Yeah - the prep sounds like the worst part. Too bad they don't send you to la la land before you see the cameras, huh?

    1. I gave Bad Word Mama the idea--we were talking late last night about colonoscopies--yeah, that's what you talk about on Fb late at night---and she told me the story about what happened with her mom--I was laughing so hard--I told her she HAD to blog the story and thank God she did--it is HYSTERICAL!!!

  24. What a freaking hilarious and horrifying post! I'm not sure what disturbed me the most--24 hrs with no solid food, butts exploding, or anaethesia. We need to start getting these at what age? (sobs)

    1. Yes, you must start preparing yourself mentally to be violated from behind while under anesthesia.. just ask for a steak when it's all over....

  25. I LOVE that you guys did this together. I've always told my husband that if anything is going to be shoved up my a$$, it will need to be shoved up his first. This rule is non-negotiable, despite my husband's belief that my resolve will weaken over time. He's wrong.

    Your scenario works perfectly and doesn't violate my rule because it's simultaneous shoving, and it's not one spouse doing the shoving. Everyone wins. Er...maybe not.

    I hope everything "came out okay." :-)

    1. Haha that is a great rule to live by. I figured if I had to starve for a day and be violated the next, then by God he was going to have to go through it, too!!! And yes, everything came out okay in the "end".....

  26. I had my first colonoscopy last summer and picked July 5 to do it, not thinking that the 4th of July would be my cleansing day. Dohhhh! (As if that weren't fun enough, I even went the extra mile and had hemorrhoid surgery a few weeks later.) At least it gave me plenty of material to blog about!

  27. All I have to say is "that's love"!

  28. ROTLFMAO! This is your best blog post yet, Marcia!!! Although I'll admit it's much funnier if you've actually *had* a colonoscopy...which I have, even though I haven't hit fifty yet...had a "health scare" a few years ago and they said, "Maybe we should do a colonoscopy," and I said, "Um, maybe I can just live with the cancer, if that's what it is..." No, I wound up doing the whole bend-over-and-pray-this-video-doesn't-wind-up-on-Facebook thing :)

    S**t, you've just reminded me that they'll be nagging me next year for *another* colonoscopy. Which I will have to do because I will have hit fifty by then, and because my dad's side of the family has polyps, so they need to check me for potential mushroom hunting as well :)

    If you've never had a colonoscopy and you're reading this with the same chills with which you watched your first Friday the 13th movie...don't worry, it's not quite as bad as getting an arrow driven up through your thyroid for the crime of having sex. Almost, but not quite. :)

    The fasting really sucks - I worked from home the day I had mine so I wouldn't have to smell everyone's lunch heating up in the microwave - and the s**t they make you drink to give you the runs is just the *worst* - it's not painful, it's just disgusting, and you won't get much sleep that night so don't make plans to work the next day. And you can be "put out" temporarily so that you sleep through the whole thing. So that part's not bad at all. I woke up wondering when they were going to get started...then realized I was in the recovery room...then wondered why I was the next YouTube star...:)

    (Kidding, kidding!)

    There are definitely way worse medical procedures than a colonoscopy. Getting your bones set is one of them. Probably childbirth is worse. If I had to go through getting my broken bones wrapped up - the worst pain I've ever felt in my life - and giving birth (which I've never done), I'd definitely pick the bones. Because that doesn't taking farking HOURS...:) But the prep for a colonoscopy is not fun. Fasting sucks. So does the s**t they make you drink (buy lots of Gravol for anti-nausea).

    1. It's a wild ride that's for sure. And I'm with ya on the broken bones thing---HORRIBLY painful!! And even though it has been years since it happened, the bones in my left arm STILL ache when the weather gets real humid. It likes to remind me to never play Frisbee again.... with BIG people who land hard on your arm....

  29. I'm your latest follower. I found you from the Let's Get Social Sunday blog hop.

    Missy Inspired

  30. I have to get a colonoscopy soon. I am way past due. I just haven't taken the time to schedule it. I am visiting with Silly Sunday hop. I followed you.

    1. Don't be afraid--just get in there and get it done. It really does have its humorous side....

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Hi my dear I have nominated you for an award - The Very Inspirational Blogger Award. You can check out the details here:

  33. Oh man, that's the worst. I do not look forward to the day I have to have this done. My mom's had one.

    1. Just remember to stay close to the bathroom at all times....don't make any plans to go horseback riding or anything.....

  34. Consider yourself lucky! Colon cancer runs in our family, so we had to start at 40 AND we have to go every 3 years (we being me and my sister) But we have it down to a science, shots of straight, freshly squeezed lemon juice before a chug, and a shot of Coke-a-cola after. It's a magic combo!

    1. Thanks for the heads up! I'm good to have to remember that for next time!

  35. I thought it was normal to stand at the refrigerator and shove food into your're saying that I should get a colonoscopy first in order to have an excuse to do it? :) I love the tips you got from your friends. Once again, great post!!

  36. As I sit on the toilet reading this (lol) I dont wantto think about that right now! haha

  37. I've never had one, but you are giving me the courage to "just do it." Thanks!

    1. You'll be glad you did--better to be safe than sorry!

  38. Steak and a t-shirt. I love your sarcasm.

  39. That's funny that you were chugging together, lol.

    Glad you had a support team in place. :)

    1. I don't think I could have ever done it by myself!

  40. I'm not sure if I'm glad I read this or not. It was well told and good info for those of use who haven't gone there yet. But I just turned 43 and am already dreading it. Maybe I'll forget all this by the time my turn rolls around.

    My husband's a few years older than me. I'll push hard to get him done on time so I can work through my stress ahead of time. I definitely don't want us both living in the bathroom at the same time if I can avoid it. Eeek!

    Stopping by from SITS.

    1. Hi Misssrobin! I think you are my very first visitor from SITS and I am so happy to have you here! Really though, The colonoscopy was not bad--it's the fear of the unknown that gets ya, but believe me, after doing a day of prep, you are sooo ready to go in and get it over with!!

  41. MM I always find you funny, but I literally have tears rolling down my cheeks! I work in a hospital on a GI surgical unit... need I say more? Thanks for reminding me, in a very gentle and humourous way, that even though I'm the you-know-what-wiper on my unit, it is still worse for my patients than for me. Um, well, maybe not...

    1. Hi Traci!! So happy to see you here! Oh boy, with your job, I'll bet you have some interesting stories to share----just not at the dinner table, right?

  42. That's what my family says "Oh God! Not at the dinner table!" They kind of scream when they say it. Sometimes they gag a little.

    1. Oh GAWD you are too funny! Added you to my blog roll 'cuz I love your awesomeness! <3

    2. Oh man! You did what?? That means I have to write!! And spell! And be coherent! People actually read your blog, woman!

      (Just kidding... you're sweet! Thanks!)

    3. I'm hoping it will motivate you to post more often!! Show off those skillz, woman!

  43. Ha!! Hilarious post!! :) Glad you are taking care of your health. :) Thanks for stopping by today!!

    1. Thanks! Not fun thing to do but an evil necessity in life!

  44. Great post,
    Thanks for linking up at the friday chaos hop

    Have a great weekend

  45. I need one also but I haven't decided when it's going to happen, maybe I will schedule on during the holiday season. Subscribing to your page.

    1. Thanks for the follow and definitely schedule your appointment!

  46. My parents are 65 and haven't had a colonoscopy yet! I've been on their case about it for ages. It's hard raising parents.
    Good for you for looking after your health. It's not pleasant, but it's such a treatable form of cancer if you do find it. It's so important to be proactive.
    Enjoy your SITS day!

    1. So true! This type of cancer is very treatable but people are so freaked out about having the procedure done!

  47. I DO NOT want one of these! I put off my baseline mammagram for years and years -- yes I know that one is much easier!!

    1. Don't put any of the tests off even if you are squeamish about them!

  48. Ok. That's it! I refuse to get any older. I'm done.

    1. Haha! I said the same thing...and here I am.....

  49. I don't think I could go through one of those...I am a wimp! Happy SITS day :)

    1. You don't know how bad I wanted to take a tranquilizer before I did this!

  50. I've survived three of these things but totally under with drugs only once. Don't let them do it without being drugged. The first two that I was awake for--not commenting, just think Stephen King type terror. Thanks for the blog I did laugh. The nice thing about colonoscopies are if they find an early polyp and take it out, you never get cancer. Enjoy your SITS Day.

    1. You did it without the anesthesia???? I cannot even BEGIN to imagine what that was like!!!

  51. OMG Too funny, laughed out loud a few times...and so true. I had one done and I swore I was going to die from the liquid made me gag...I couldn't finish it...but thankfully all was okay.

    1. Yes, the liquid junk was NASTY!! I gagged a few times myself!

  52. Happy SITS Day! OMG...Too funny!!

    I cringe at the thought of this but you did ease my fears and that's what I needed...

    Keep it Touched,

  53. Well you've convinced me not to schedule a colonoscopy the same day as my husband. We only have one bathroom...

    Funny post!

  54. If my husband and I tried to do this together, there would only be one of us left to undergo the procedure!!

  55. I can't believe you and your hubby did this together. This is NOT a competitive sport - the colon cleanse! So funny. I can only imagine how it could have been a little more enjoyable though since you could commiserate together.

    1. Yes--see? I was scared so we he promised to go through it with me--and I swear, I will do it like this again when we do the next one in 10 years!

  56. Awww... now you got me soooo looking forward to my 49th birthday...
    Congratulations on being featured at SITS, enjoy!

    1. Yup! Colonoscopies are the birthday gifts that just keep on giving!

  57. Now I have YET to do this... but my adoring hubs has to have them often. I think I would much rather go through it than have to "nurse" my "fragile man". seriously. Put me through it. SO. Much. Easier. ;)

  58. As horrible as that sounds I'm glad you did it! My grandpa just passed away of colon cancer because he didn't get screened in time to catch it. It's a very important thing to do! Visiting from SITS!

    1. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather! Yes, colon cancer is very preventable if caught in time. I'm sure you will be the first in line to do this then when you are 50!

  59. I haven't had the dreaded colonoscopy yet, but have had other procedures where you have to drink the elixir of life! The stuff I had to drink was named "go-lightly" Huh? What a crock of S@#%T. It was anything but lightly, it was more like go like a Mac truck was driving out your tush!

    Great post! Hilarious!

    1. Oh, you are too funny! Yeah, who comes up with those stupid names for that elixir crap anyway? It's a conspiracy to trick us into drinking it!!

  60. This was the funniest explanation of the process yet! I had one done last September and my husband in April, the worst part is the prep, ugh! Happy SITS Day!

    1. Yes! The prep is gross and the drink made me gag!

  61. I had one done years ago b/c of pain issues, and they did NOT do things right at all. It was horrid. I wasn't even given a sedative. NOTHING. I thought I was gonna die. I'm glad to know that my next time will not be nearly as difficult as my first all those years ago (I was about 24, and am now 40). Happy SITS day!

  62. Funny story!! Everything is better when your knocked out for it ;-)

    1. I would NEVER go through this process without the sedative!!!

