
Friday, May 3, 2013

The Birds And The Bees

       Today Meno Mama is stepping outside of her comfort zone and talking about the dreaded three letter word that might make some of her readers a bit squeamish....S-E-X. Who better than Lanthie at to help me with this blog post?  I met Lanthie over a year ago in the blogosphere and we hit it off from the very beginning. She writes a slightly risqué blog about her life adventures and is the mother of FOUR boys (God bless her!). What I love most about Lanthie is her spunk, spontaneity and love for anything quirky and fun. She is very comfortable in her own skin and not afraid to speak her mind, especially when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex.

     We decided to do a fun experiment today by swapping a list of 10 sexy little questions we had to answer about ourselves. Perhaps we are divulging more information than we should in the blogosphere; you may be nodding your head in agreement or laughing at our expense...that's okay, we can handle it. We have survived raising teenagers and now we're both menopausal--NOTHING bothers us anymore.
     After you read Lanthie's answers to the questions, please hop on over to her site to find out all of Meno Mama's dirty little secrets.....and then I will have to brainwash you somehow into forgetting everything you learned about me.....                                                                                                          

     Hi there to those of you who have popped over from my blog.  Marcia and I met just after she started blogging and we became great friends over the past year---long enough to tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets.  

     We have been talking about doing a collaborative post of sorts for awhile and finally agreed to share this list of 10 questions. For those of you who don't know me - please pop over to my blog and read Meno Mama's answers (they may surprise you!) and please don't be shy about leaving a comment! I hope you'll hop over every now and then to join me in re-discovering my sexuality after bringing up 4 boys.  

     I'm so excited about guesting on Meno Mama's blog, so without further ado, here is my half of the questions and answers:

1). What turns you on most about the opposite sex? 
      Honesty, a sense of humor and someone who can challenge me intellectually. On the shallow side----great abs and a tight ass! And let's not forget penis pointers.....

2). How would you indicate to a man that you were interested in him?
     Up close--- smile, look him in the eyes and hang on every word he says (what man wouldn't appreciate this?). From a distance---smile and stare! Via social networking---light banter and a LOT of cyber flirting!

3). What was your worst date?
     In the 10th grade I was asked to the Matric Dance (the equivalent of your proms in the U.S.) by a guy in our church.  I was very religious way back then. He was a goody two- shoes type of guy and an absolute gentleman. He was also a sommelier at an upscale restaurant.  I spent the whole night bored to death and I don’t think we said two words to each other.  He was too busy trying to be the perfect gentleman and showing off his wine skills (which did nothing to impress a 14/15 year old).  I was also wearing a borrowed dress which didn’t fit well around my boobs---I was constantly tugging at the dress so that he couldn't see my bra sticking out.

4). What is your most embarrassing or funny romantic encounter?
     This has to be when the hubby and I were in the throes of passion, heating up the bedsheets.  Our oldest son was 2 years old at the time, and we were still new at the whole lock- the -door- thing. Our little boy was unable to reach any door handles...or so we thought. While we were mating like rabbits, we were suddenly stopped in our tracks by a little voice at the foot of the bed asking, “Mommy, is daddy hurting you?”

5). What was your worst sex flop experience?
     One of my high school boyfriends and I were getting amorous for the first time in my bedroom after school one day.  My parents worked, so I was always home alone. The boyfriend had just taken off my bra and his mouth was sampling my assets...when suddenly my dad walked in! He had come home early that day because he wasn’t feeling well.  Needless to say, I was still a virgin for quite a while after that!

6). Where is the most public place you have had a romantic encounter?
      I used to catch the train to high school when I lived in Cape Town and I met a guy who went to a nearby college.  We had to catch different trains from the same station, but eventually became very friendly there---making out at the station.  We made sure we were always early for our morning train so that we could have a quick groping session. I think this was probably my first oral experience....

7). Favorite time of day for a little romance?
     Anytime! Well, that's the answer I would have given you years ago before life got so hectic. Now I try to make time for a little romance early in the morning before my brain wakes up and the never ending To-Do list kicks in.

8). What's the sexiest thing you have ever done?
      Take up Belly Dancing! I have never felt sexier. Trust me---every woman needs to pick up this hobby...for obvious reasons!

9). How many times have you been in love? Is there "the one who got away"?
      I could name at least 10 guys (or should I say boys) whom I thought I "loved" before the age of 14!  I even remember my "first love" –- a 7 year old boy in Grade 2.  He was blond, beautiful and had a scar on his ear.  He was known for going around the playground and kissing all the girls.  He never kissed me, but I spent many a day writing him love notes and dreaming about him.  Then after the age of 14 there were probably around 3 or 4 serious relationships.  There isn’t a “one that got away” since I ended up marrying "the one."

10). What is your ideal date?
        Let’s just say it involves Johnny Depp and a box of Cadbury’s Crème Eggs!

Hope you enjoyed our little question swap!  Feel free to leave us a comment on one of your interesting "encounters." Please be sure to visit my site next and see how Meno Mama handled these same won't be disappointed!

***Meno Mama has a BIG favor to ask her readers! If you are a member of the Blogher community, could you please share the love and throw this girl a few votes in the Blogher Voices 2013 contest? I have entered 4 blog posts in the contest (ones that you know and love). It's as easy as clicking on the 4 links below and then just clicking on "vote" when it comes up on the page. BOOM you're done. It's just a one time deal and it ends May 15. This would mean the world to me if you could take a few minutes to do it! Thanks for sharing the love and support! XOXO


  1. That was great! I can also relate to #5.

  2. Johnny Depp and Cadbury Eggs - now that sounds interesting! LOL

  3. Groping at the train station? WOW, I'm sure that was great entertainment for the other passengers waiting to board their trains! What an excellent way to start the day!!!

    1. Hi there - Well it was first thing in the morning so station was pretty deserted - hence us getting there so early!

    2. Guess I missed out on all that fun. I didn't know any cool, older guys in high school....

  4. I love some of the descriptions, "sampling my assets". HA HA! Thanks for swapping with Marcia for the day-it's always fun to get a sample of someone else's writing (not assets).

    1. Hey there Sadderbutwiser...
      Glad you like my assets - Oops, meant writing...
      Hope you will pop over to my blog on occasion.

    2. I didn't even HAVE assets at that age.......

  5. Can I cut and paste the pic of Johnny? I want to put him over my bed while I eat the creamy chocolate. Oh a girl can dream, can't she?

    1. Now there's a thought.. Wonder how big my local printers can print this pic

  6. Love it!!! An honest, open post... smiling!!!

    Happy Friday, Slu

    1. Lanthie is always honest--its one of the many things I love about her!

    2. Thanks Slu - yeah, I always tell the truth (wink wink)

      Hope you will pop by my blog every now and then.

    3. Am now following... Looking forward to it, Slu

  7. Belly dancing!! You are the second person I have heard say this THIS WEEK! One of my good friends has tried to talk me into going to a lesson with her. So I take this is something you would recommend???! :)

    1. You heard Lanthie--she loves it! I'm still trying to get all the zumba steps down in my class---the belly dancing will have to wait....

  8. LOL... Brilliant... Would love to know what you would do with Johnny Deep and those Cadbury's Creme eggs. ;-)

    Popping over from the Friday Blog Hop

    1. We both share a love for Johnny and Cadbury eggs. I can think of all sorts of fun things to do with the two of them.....

  9. I have had my kids both walk in on me having sex. Very embarrassing but I don't think they knew what was going on. Never had my parents catch me though. MY GOD! I would die if that had happened.

    1. I can't tell you how close to death I was after I was caught by my dad.

    2. Thank GAWD I have been spared this ordeal!!!

  10. I had to laugh at number 4. It reminds me of when my little sister caught our parents at it and run away. I found her hidden behind the sofa and explained to her, that mummy and daddy were just playing horsey.
    Now she's a wife and a mum and the scars from that day, still remain. :)

    1. I know how she older siblings tricked me into going into my parents room one night right while they were in the middle of the act. I'm STILL scarred by that....

  11. Oooooh, sex! Right up my dirty alley. I was a wild child back in the 80s. (It was the 80s!!!!) I had a thing for restaurant bathrooms. As for awkward/worst sexual experience I'd have to say it was at the house of a man whose dog I walked. I was engaging in some naked oral activity with my boyfriend and was on my hands and knees. Can you see where I'm going with this? Let's just say the tongue I suddenly felt on my nether regions did not belong to my boyfriend!

    1. OMG!!!!! I am laughing so hard!! This would make a HILARIOUS blog post from you!!!

    2. Agree with meno mama here - would make for an excellent post....

  12. No 4. I can just imagine the shock on your faces and on his. I bet you made sure that you had the door under lock and key with a child alarm the next time....... or was there a next time? ha ha ha ha.

    No 5. Nooooooo. Noooooooo or should I be saying yes, yes as Daddy caught you in the nick of time. How was the atmosphere in the house after that or need I ask? My father would have committed murder on both of us.

    No 9. That's so sweet Lanthie. We don't always get to marry our ideal mate but you got him good.

    I enjoyed both of these posts with all the questions/answers and it's always good to be able to discuss sex in an honest but fun way without the dirt, if you know what I mean. I'm way too shy to tell you about my encounters though. And I'll definitely do the Blogher Voices vote for you.

    1. No 5 - yeah the atmosphere was not very good for awhile. But about a month later my parents calmed down a bit and in fact stopped being so strict with me.

    2. RPD, you love to tackle sensitive issues--I think it would be great if you did a post on sex or sexuality--and kept it clean, of course Lol! If anyone could do a thought-provoking post on it, that would be you! And thank you so much for the BlogHer votes! XO

  13. This is a great idea for a post, although I'm not sure I'd have had the balls to do it! (Stupid pun totally intended. :) )

    1. I still don't have the balls to do it...but i did it anyway.....Lol!

    2. Hope you enjoyed it Shay.

  14. I have shared a lot... not sure I could share all this in my blog... lol

    It's great and hilarious to get to you both better:)

    1. It was a lot of personal stuff to share....but we had fun doing it! Thanks Luanna for coming by!!

    2. I would recommend belly dancing to anyone - it is great fun and very easy to do once you get into it.

  15. Thank you for sharing your innner self with strangers. I appreciate your honesty, insight and humor. I'll be following. Glad to know you!

    1. Thank you for stopping by th read lanthie's guest post. I hope you'll come back to read future posts!

    2. Hi Barbara
      Thanks for popping by and look forward to seeing you on my blog as well. We love hanging our laundry out for all to see

  16. I envy posts like these where one can just let it all out. All my family reads my blog, including my two young adult kids. So sadly I am very censored. lol


    1. Yeah, you have to be careful with that. I actually did warn my adult children about it and asked them not to read it---they said, "Eeeew Mom, we don't WANT to read about that!!!"

    2. Ive warned my kids that they read my blog at their own peril!

  17. This post still remains so unbelievable to me.You are truly bold to post it.

    1. Haha - Marcia and I can be very bold when we do things together

    2. Yeah, Lanthie and I like to get a little crazy.....

  18. Really nice post ;)

    New follower from the lets get social Sunday;)

    1. Thanks Anca
      Hope to see you here and on my blog in the future again

  19. How am I just reading this now?? I needed something fun to read, so I thank you both. Loved numbers 4 and 5. I can totally relate to both...and I'm on board with anything having to do with Johnny OR Cadbury Creme Eggs! Off to vote for you :)

    1. Oops, I already voted....Yeah, I <3 you!

    2. Thank you for coming by for the read, Michele! Lanthie and I have been talking about doing this for months and I am so happy we were finally able to get together!!

  20. Hahaha, love this post-it wasn't that "obscene", I was expecting a bit of Fifty shades of Gray...:)


    1. I told her she had to tone it down a bit on my site Lol!--if you go to Lanthie's site, you 'll get to see how funny and sexy she is!

  21. Wow great to meet you! Bradley Cooper and Johnny Depp definitely float my boat!! Your dad walked in??? I cringed when I read that - I would have died on the freakin' spot. Hopping over to see Meno Mama's answers now!!

    1. Glad you liked Lanthie's guest post! We had a lot of fun doing this!

  22. oooh...that was some post, MM!!I dare not comment on this beautiful piece and mellow down the tempo..hee hee...Fun post!!
    You Rock, gal. xoxo

