
Friday, August 2, 2013

Squirrely Blogger

Today Meno Mama is unveiling a brand new award dubbed the "Squirrely Blogger Award." If you've been reading my blog for some time, you already know that along with my love for Nutella and wine, I also have an obsession with squirrels.  My house is a menagerie of squirrel paraphernalia and my backyard is inhabited by colonies of the little furry rodents. It was only natural that I choose a squirrel for my badge design when I decided to create this award. But I couldn't have done it without the creativity of my teenage son and my bloggy buddy Jon Whiting. Jon is an incredibly gifted photographer and he has the most extensive collection of squirrel photos I have ever seen ( I know this because I stalk his critter photos often). Jon was kind enough to allow me the use of his squirrel photos to pick the one that worked best for my award badge.
     Why squirrels? Because aside from being ridiculously cute, they're nutty and quirky. They can suck up seeds and nuts faster than a Hoover vacuum, and they have a playful, feisty nature that I respect. They remind me of several bloggers I know. It is in this spirit of nuttiness that I have chosen 10 bloggers to pass this award down to. All I ask is that they name 7-10 quirky facts about themselves, and then pass the award along to 7-10 other squirrely bloggers.


1.  I dont like to cuddle while I am sleeping. Don't "spoon" a menopausal woman during a hot flash or you may lose a  limb.

2.  I always look like I am in mourning because my wardrobe is mostly black. The majority of my underwear is purple. Between the two, I look like a giant bruise.

3.  I decided a long time ago that calories don't count if nobody sees me eating them. They're ghost calories.

4.  With all the men in my house, I bought stock in Febreze to counteract the mix of gaseous clouds that permeate my home.

5.  I burn plumeria incense in my house and pretend that I am in Hawaii. This annoys The Hubs because it reminds him of high school in the 1970's when he couldn't get a girlfriend. He has flashbacks of being a wallflower at basement parties in Missouri when all the other teenagers were busy making out. I've discovered that incense makes a great spouse repellent.

6.  I don't flush the toilet every time I pee, and this also annoys The Hubs because he says it gets his nut sack wet when he uses the bathroom after me.  I am now being blamed for Wet Ball Syndrome.

7.  Now that I have adopted yet another animal and brought it into our home, The Hubs and The Teenager realize that they have just dropped down another notch in the food chain.

8.  I don't fly.  An I.V. drip with vodka or a Prozac-laced chocolate bar will not get me on a plane, either....but a seat next to Johnny Depp will.

9.  Two years ago I didn't know how to turn on a computer. Now I can't turn it off. My addiction has resulted in laundry piles the size of the Himalaya mountain range and dinners consisting of freezer-burned hotdogs sandwiched between stale rolls. I won't even mention that pesky bout of hook worms our pugs recently had....

10.  I decided I was drinking too much wine on the weekends, so to counteract it, I bought rotgut wine and mix it half and half with water.  Instead of drinking four glasses of wine, I now drink eight. I'm smart like that.


     Be sure to check out my awesome bloggy friends and you'll understand why they deserve this award!

***Meno Mama was recently featured on Generation Fabulous at and In The Powder Room at Please visit the sites, leave some comment love and share it on Facebook and Twitter with your friends. There might be a jar of Nutella in it for you....  


  1. Ha! These had me rolling~ and my daughter would probably say #7 is true about me.

    1. The fur babies end up being a top priority once the kids move out, right?

  2. Woman, you crack me up like no other! My mom never flushes either! If its yellow... let it mellow.. if it's brown.. flush it down! That's her motto! And too bad it's rubbed off on my 10 year old... but she gets that crap backwards... UGH!

    1. That's HILARIOUS!!! Hopefully she'll figure it out soon enough..until then, you will remain on poop patrol!

  3. There are so many reasons that I just adore you, and this is one of them. I LOVE your awards and how you always think of me when handing them out. I'll GLADLY take it, and for this, I'll even forgive you for the dryer thing!! (Check your e-mail for that reference; hehe) So excited to get started on this...thanks, Marcia!

  4. Yay! Does this mean I'm an honorary member of the nuthouse? Please, pretty, please??? Then, I could come over, have nutella and wine and reminisce about Missouri. I promise I wouldn't have bad flashbacks, just memories of Deja Vu and By George's! Thank you, sista! I heart you big, funny lady.

    1. Yes! Oh boy, could I show you some CRAZY pictures from By George's! And I'll bet you have quite a few of your own! LOVE you, sista! XO

  5. I hereby accept your Squirrely Blogger award, and raise you one big virtual hug :) :) Thanks for thinking of me, Mama! I'm leaving for vacation tonight, but I'll try to remember to share the love when I get back. THANK YOU! xo

    1. Have an AWESOME vacation! Can't wait to see the photos from your trip!!! And perhaps a new blog post will come out of it???

  6. My husband just doesn't get #1. #10 - ha!!!

    1. Mine is still scratching his head over those, too!

  7. You crack my ass up girl. Thank you so much for the award!!! It's perfect for me especially since I have been known to get out my redneck hubby's 22 and try to shoot those damn squirrels when they get in our attic. I can make a mean squirrel pot pie!!!!

    1. Oh Lord don't tell me that. Remind me not to come to your house for dinner. How about we stick with chicken???

    2. You would love it!!! Hahaha. Got my post set for Monday.

    3. Can't wait to read it--contact me as soon as you have it up so I can hop over!! <3

  8. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... thank you! This means so much to me. I graciously accept this award and-OUCH! It bit me! Rabies! Rabies!

    1. We'll get rabies together then and as we slowly start losing our minds, we will create the BEST blog posts!

  9. Why would his nutsack get wet because you leave pee in the toilet - there would still be water in there LMAO!!!
    You are too hysterical!!!
    Love ya :)

    1. I asked The Hubs the same question----he said, "Marcia, when a man gets older, his balls drop, ya know..."

  10. LOL, I'll write mine when I stop laughing at yours. That may be a while!

  11. Oh my god this was hysterical! Wet ball syndrome and a giant bruise? LOL! I am absolutely with you on the first one. I hate to be cuddled after bed. Ugh!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. So happy to see you here, Lanaya, and I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, that cuddling thing at night has to be stopped Lol!

  12. #2 has me laughing out loud and making the dog look at me like I'm crazy ;)
    I am honored to be nominated by you lady, and I can't wait to get started!
    P.S. Love the idea of this award, and the badge is awesome!

    1. I just KNOW you quirky list will have me laughing!! Let em know when you post it! XO

  13. ROFLOL!! I love this SOOOOOOOO much!!!!
    I need stock in Frebreeze, too... There are 4 males in this house plus the dog... SMELLLLLY!!!!!!!

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! #3, #4, and #5 - Yes! And I could have given you a squirrel picture too! Haha! The dogs love 'em! One time when one of our pups treed one, it started throwing nuts at us. Talk about hysterical. Little incoming missiles...thank goodness he didn't decide to shower us with another kind of missile...that would have been bad...

    1. I would LOVE to have seen a video of that--it must have been hysterical!

  15. Holy Crap! You finally did it, you made your own award! I love it, and I'm so honored that you think I'm squirrely enough to be given this award. I freaking loved #6!! Haha!!! xoxo

    1. Now how did I KNOW you were going to like #6? Lol. I was very happy to give you the award--you have always been one of my squirrely, blogger friends!

  16. This nutsack vision in my head? Your fault. Entirely. Your. Fault.

    1. It's kind of like an ear worm but with bad visuals. See, after The Hubs told me this, I couldn't get it out of MY head, either, so it was only fair that I share that image with my friends....

  17. Sounds like fun! I'll be sure to check it out!

  18. ROFL. Love #1


    1. We need a lot of distance between us in bed because I am ALWAYS hot flashing!

  19. Replies
    1. That seems to be the most popular number today on my list.....

  20. Love #3! You have convinced me to start eating alone so I don't have to worry about counting anymore :) Brilliant!!

  21. you had me at "squirrels" I am BEYOND squirrel obsessed!!!!! Loved this post and oh, I don't always flush either! lol

    1. Yay!!! A fellow squirrel lover!!! Aren't they precious???

    2. Ha! you are obsessed with squirrels?? ah you make me laugh... i have over 700 squirrel related items in my household, have been called squirrel since 3, answer to the call, "squirrel" and believe i am a squirrel. and they arnt "precious" they are a lifestyle to me.
      - SquirrelGirl

  22. My father doesn't flush after peeing either. Drives me crazy. I go to his house to visit and if I flush, dirty looks come my way tenfold! At home, I have to think of the cats. I have never seen them take a drink from the bowl, but if my one chance in Hell do, I don't want it to be filled with urine. They are too vengeful and would do the same to my house slippers, bed sheets, and probably my computer chair. Why take chances? Funny stuff!

    1. And cat pee smells the worst!!! Yeah, you'd better keep the bowl clean....

  23. Hi there, I'm Hanna! I'm co-hosting the Aloha Friday hop this week and just wanted to stop by, say hi and follow your blog via bloglovin and twitter :)

  24. BWAHAHAHAHAH...wet ball sack...OMG...f*cking love it woman. LOLOL Hubby always comes after Dino and it.

    OMg...I still can't breathe...laughing so flipping hard.

    1. I am so effing glad I could make you laugh that hard!!! Come back and effing visit me again, OKAY????

  25. I always enjoy hearing about bloggers life as it's always interesting stuff.

    No 6: Mama, flush the loo mate, cause you don't want to mess with hubbie's Crown Jewels. You'll be more sorry than him but it'll be too late, ha ha ha.

    No 7: Oh how terrible they must feel. Maybe they should start barking, peeing on the floor, chewing up the furniture and it will get them higher up the ladder.

    No 8: Hubby needs to be smart on this one but RPD is here with the answer to get you on that plane. Get a Johnny Depp mask. The ones where you cut out the eyes. It works wonders and who will know unless you start to talk?

    No 9: Don't worry about those. You've given us readers something good to do ie: Read you blog. Otherwise we could have been out on the streets causing mayhem to all or taking up all the beds in the mental hospitals, and you wouldn't want that would you? So keep up the good work mate.

    No 10: You're a smart woman mate :)

    I can't wait to check out the blogs you mentioned too. I know some of them to be excellent and the others are new to me. So thanks.

    Massive congratulations on being featured on Generation Fabulous and The Powder Room, I will definitely stop by this week to have a good read. Did I read 'jar of nutella in it for you?'

    1. See, THIS is why I just know we would get along famously if you ever get to come visit me! You have THE BEST ideas and you always make me laugh in return! XOXO

  26. Hey Yo:

    #1: :-(
    #6: :-(
    #9: :-)... Lucky for us!!!

    Totally enjoyed, Slu

    1. Now how did I just KNOW that you and Donna are spooners??? And I had better start flushing.....

  27. don't like the way that looks...


    : -(
    : -(
    : -)

    hope this looks better, slu (ha)

  28. So I have to get Johnny Depp to sit next to you on the plane to get you to visit me. Xxx

  29. Congrats on the award. :) I like the squirrel pic. Kudos to nice friends who share their photos!

    LOL at the 8 glasses instead of four.

    I met a woman once who didn't like Johnny Depp. I'm still mortified. :)

    1. What? She doesn't like Johnny Depp??? For shame!

  30. I don't even think Johnny Depp could get me on a plane if he knocked me out himself. I am not terrified of much...however just the thought of getting on a plane makes my stomach flip a few. *shudders*

    1. I shudder too, at the thought. I SHOULD have said that the only thing that would get me on a plane was Johnny Depp.... and some sort of medication that will temporarily put me to long as Johnny takes care of me.....

  31. I was rolling! I am far from meno but man! Ha

    Cindy --your newest follower! (I shared this with my mom who is in menopause and oh she was dyin'!

    1. Thank you for sharing the post--you made my day!

  32. Oh yes - whenever a pug or another pug...or in my case...ANOTHER pug, come into the house...get ready to move on down the chain family! ;) woof!

    1. Yup! Fur babies come first..ESPECIALLY if they are pugs! <3

  33. This was awesome Marcia. Can't wait to read all the acceptance speeches. And by the way, I think I know a little too much about your Hubs now!!

    1. Well, our lives have always been an open book. Come over and I'll spill even more secrets over a glass (or three) of wine!

  34. I like squirrels but not in the summer. They steal my tomatoes but I have my secret weapon, "cayenne pepper". Once they try to steal my tomatoes and this stuff gets on their paws, they don't return LOL. Anyway, I'm learning so much about the computer with this blogging stuff too. My hubby is getting quite annoyed with me because my to do lists don't get done.

    1. I've heard of the cayenne pepper thing--it sounds like a good idea. I had to laugh though about your hubby getting annoyed. That's how it starts....pretty soon you stop cooking and the laundry never gets down because you're chained to the computer. I'm still living that life, so I don't have any answers for you. Perhaps we can join blogger rehab together?

  35. Some day you'll have to visit me in Toronto where we have black squirrels! I never saw black squirrels until I went to school at Kent State University which was famous for them. Well guess what, they came from Ontario!! They're adorable little buggers. Well okay, I'm the only one who thinks so because everyone else is all like, "They're friggin' black rodents, eh?" Well I *adore* black squirrels (we have a few red ones too) because all I ever saw were grey squirrels in Orlando. so you give out the squirrel love to everyone, they are adorable!

    Okay, maybe not when they're eating your house and pooping the laundry. But then again, *you'll* never notice, will you, Marcia?!? :)

    1. I could live very happily among the squirrels....along with the fairies and gnomes that reside in my backyard as well....

  36. I have to admit to mixed feelings about squirrels -- but not about this blog, which is hilarious! (I, too, am a member of the purple-and-black wardrobe crowd.....)

    1. Welcome to the Black and Purple club of middle age, my friend! <3

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