
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wacky Wednesday Writers Guest Post By: Singlewritermomrants

    My Wacky Wednesday Writers guest today is a dear friend I met in the blogosphere two years ago when I first started blogging. Please welcome Tiffany N. York of I quickly became hooked on this talented writer's humorous blog posts, and when I discovered that she had actually published a NOVEL, I contacted her for writing guidance. Tiffany was so kind and helpful to me, and a friendship grew from our frequent emails. Her romantic comedy, Accidental Cougar, is a MUST read for those of you who love romance novels spiced with a dose of humor.  Check it out and I guarantee you'll get hooked on her writing, too.

   I've gotten some great advice from Tiffany and she has always been so supportive of Meno Mama. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this special lady. Please welcome her to my site and give her lots of comment love (some hugs would be nice, too!).

                                    Divas Come In All Shapes And Sizes

It all started with the movie, Beverly Hills Chihuahua. My son was 7 when he first saw it and he instantly fell in love. Had to watch it 10 times in a row. Every day.

“I want a Chihuahua,” he announced shortly thereafter. I pooh-poohed it of course, as I often did his ridiculous requests (a motorcycle, a nuclear submarine), or I’d nod absently and say, “Mmm-hmm, okay, honey,” figuring he’d drop the idea eventually. I should have known my son does not drop anything he truly wants. He hounded me incessantly; he became like this obsessive-compulsive parrot who only knows how to say one word (Chihuahua), or a CD that skips, repeating the same lyric over and over again (Get me a Chihuahua).

A year later, when he still hadn’t gotten the whole Chihuahua thing out of his head, I began to take him seriously. We had talked about getting a dog before, but there was no way in Hell I would ever consider a Chihuahua.

“They’re just not kid-friendly dogs,” I tried to explain to the boy. “I don’t even think they’re people-friendly dogs. They’re mean, yappy oversized…” rats that I’d like to punt like a football. Okay, so I didn’t actually say that, but I thought it. I’m a cat person. I’ve had 7 cats at one time. I don’t do dogs. They’re kinda stinky, they’re over-enthusiastic about everything, and they poop a lot.

And yet, I had this Norman Rockwell image in my head of a boy sitting on the steps with his arm around a dog. Except in the image, the dog was a strong and noble Lab, not a quivering slip of a dog that old ladies dress up in cutesy sweaters. To the animal shelter we went, just to look. Unfortunately, we live in a complex with a 40-lb.-limit dog rule. Every time my son and I visited the shelter (sadly bursting to capacity with barking Pit Bulls and Chihuahuas), I’d have a poor shelter attendant drag out a Lab mix and weigh them. “Sorry, this one’s 43 lbs.” or “This one’s 38 lbs., but she’s going to get bigger.”

The boy and I must have visited that shelter 50 times in search of the “perfect” dog.

“Won’t you at least consider a different breed of dog,” I’d plead, as we’d pass the cages with the snarling Chihuahuas and their ear-piercing, nonstop barking.

“No, I have to have a Chihuahua.”

During one fateful visit as we strolled through the area where the shelter kept the large dogs, there amidst the deafening barks was this 7-month old Chestnut brown Chihuahua in this huge cage, and she wasn’t barking. She wasn’t barking. She approached us, friendly as can be, and licked our fingers through the bars. The boy and I were instantly smitten. We adopted her on the spot.

I wish I could say we lived happily ever after, but the truth is this Chihuahua is everything I knew she’d be and worse. That no barking ruse? Apparently, it was all a ploy to get us to adopt her. She in fact, does bark. All the time. At falling leaves, cats, the sound of a voice 3 towns away. And she snaps at small children who reach down to pet her. And she chases poor, unsuspecting kids on skateboards and bikes, scaring the bejeezus out of them. Oh, and then there’s the peeing on the carpet that I’ve since had to replace. And the need to be near me or on me every nanosecond of the day.

You see, she became my dog, not my son’s, because, well, my son is a bit rambunctious and smothering and I don’t think Chihuahuas appreciate those traits. And while I can’t say I’ve transformed into a dog person (dogs are just so needy compared to cats), this diva Chihuahua has indeed sucked me in under her diva spell. She forces me to baby her, and allow her to sleep in my bed. I have to buy her more expensive food than the cats, and yes, I must dress her up in cute sweaters, dresses and Halloween costumes—because a diva won’t have it any other way.

Do you think there are more dog people or cat people in the world? If you have a cat or a dog, tell me something ridiculous you do with them.

Tiffany N. York lives in SoCal with her spirited son, diva Chihuahua, 3 ½ cats, and 2 screeching parakeets. She writes romance to escape reality. Her first book, The Accidental Cougar is available on Amazon.

You can read her somewhat raunchy blog that her family doesn’t know about here:

New LIKES on her Facebook page get her very excited:


  1. I don't know if there are more cat people or dog people but I have 3 dogs and 4 cats. And honestly, I would have told you before we got the kitties that I was more of a dog person but I really love those cats too. As far as ridiculous things, our dog once let himself into Spanish class at the high school near where we live. He squeezed out of the fence, followed kids to school and went in the classroom. I got a call from the teacher. Unbelievable.

    1. 3 dogs and 4 cats?! Wow! Do they all get along? Every time I introduce a new beast into my home, my cats spray all over to mark their territory. It's delightful.

      I love that your dog went all the way to the classroom. With any luck, he came away being able to bark a few words in Spanish.

  2. I don't know if there more cat or dog owners, I suspect cat owners. I am a cat owner... unfortunately I don't have any funny or cute stories to share like you did... I love the ruse of no barking that pulled you in, smart doggy :)

    1. Dogs are very smart, although secretly I think cats may be a bit smarter--they just don't want you to know it so they can get away with more stuff.

  3. love blog
    twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
    Fashion room lounge

    A chic kiss ;)

  4. Loved this! You certainly got sucked in! :)
    Definitely dog people here. We raise Old English Sheepdogs. That 40 pound rule? Smashed flat. We like the enthusiasm. The neediness. The excitement. The one HUGE bark when someone comes to the door. (Especially when it's someone we don't know . . .) They aren't barkers. Definitely not biters. And infinitely protective of their family. I have stories. Oh, boy, do I have stories . . .

    1. I bet you have a lot of land around you. Big dogs like that need to run and frolic and play. I throw the diva's stuffed skunk ONE time, she does a once-around the living room, and then she's done for the day. Really.

  5. I too don;t have idea about! But i do love cat..:p

    1. Men who love cats are awesome! That is one of my Top Ten Needed Qualities in a Man.

  6. Hi MM! Just dropping by amid Thanksgiving craziness to wish you a wonderful holiday! (if you are in America...I guess we never established that?) Thank you for your warm blog-friendship, I really treasure it and your crazy sense of humor! Blessings to you :)

    1. Thank you so much, Ceil! Yup--I'm in America and getting ready for turkey day tomorrow--also counting my blessings. I have had a wonderful, beautiful year so far. I appreciate your sweet blog friendship, too!!Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thank you for stopping by today!

  7. I'm a cat person...they just know where to poop. I like your blog, but couldn't leave a messge.
    Re: sleeping in fleece? When I got night sweats, I went au natural. But I keep a secret as to why I sleep that way. Why ruin the man's fantasy?

    1. Thanks for visiting. I am in the very beginnings of the wonderful journey called menopause (!), but I haven't had any hot flashes or night sweats yet. I'm actually looking forward to them since I'm always freezing, although I'm sure MenoMom will call me crazy!

  8. Even tho cats usually have the greatest disdain for all dogs, I once had a cat who was separated from her mother at 8 weeks, but still needed the comfort of suckling. My noble and loving MALE dog allowed her to nurse for about a week until he got sore (remember ladies?) and said later for that. When she had kittens, he was the only one allowed near them and he brooded over them if she dared to go outside to relieve herself. She must have imprinted on him. Outside the house, he did the normal chasing of cats he didn't know for the joy of it.

    1. Isn't it funny how dogs "select" certain cats to nurture and other ones to chase? The diva does the same thing. Some cats she leaves alone and others she'd like to stuff and mount on a mantle. Weird.

  9. I too own a yappy, naughty little Chihuahua I love to bits. He and his sister (a mini Fox Terrier) both sleep in our bed and are spoiled rotten. Now that I own one I'd never buy another breed. Cats... meh... they're okay

    1. "A yappy, naughty little Chihuahua..." hah! Love that because it's so true. Is the Fox Terrier yappy also? Or does the Chihuahua get her going?

  10. Definitely more dog people - but who knows about cat people? They're probably inside cleaning litter boxes. That's the crazy thing I do with my cats - twice a day, I shovel up their waste into little paper bags, and once a week, I put those into a bigger bag for trash day.

    Crazy, I tell you. Crazy.

    1. My cats are indoor/outdoor, so they take care of their potty business outside. But any time they have to hack up a hairball, you'd better believe it's always done INSIDE.

      Crazy, I tell you. Crazy.

  11. I tend to be a dog person; I think I'm comforted by their neediness (as compared to cats). Like you, I was never too keen on the smaller breeds, finding them irritating and, at times, a tad nasty. My last dog was a beautiful buffoon of a Dalmatian that I loved dearly - although he did test my commitment to him one icy morning when I slipped and he tried to mount me!

    Great story, well-told.

    1. Dalmatians are great dogs! But yeah, that mounting thing...I was always terrified to visit my aunt's house because she had this HUGE black poodle who, every time he saw me, would jump up, put his paws on my shoulders and hump me. I was 9!!! It scarred me for life.

  12. I applaud you for taking in a shelter dog. We found all of ours there too. Over the years we have had both cats and dogs and loved all of them. We are a sucker for animals.

    1. Oh yes, "Sucker" is my middle name as well. A teenager in my complex begged me to keep her kitten for one night until her mom could pick it up the next day. I never saw her again. Another friend of mine begged me to house her 2 cats temporarily until she got her own apartment. She never came to get them. Sucker pattern here.

  13. A great big THANKS, MM, for hosting me. And thank you to all who were kind enough to leave a comment!

