
Friday, August 29, 2014

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

     This week I'm celebrating my three year blogiversary! There have been so many magical moments since I first started Menopausal Mother on August 27, 2011. Most of the exciting changes have occurred in the past year, and I owe the success of the blog to you, dear readers.

     When I started blogging, I was lucky to receive 25 page views per week. Now I'm averaging 9000-10,000 per week, thanks to you! I've seen my fan base grow through various social media outlets and site subscriptions, and I absolutely LOVE interacting with you on these pages.

     2014 has been an AMAZING year. I set certain goals for the blog that I wanted to accomplish within 12 months. I'm astounded that in the first half of the year, I was able to check off every item on my bucket list.  Again, this NEVER would have happened without your love and support. You have proven to me that dreams really DO come true if we are patient and willing to work hard for what we desire.

     Every time I've been interviewed about Menopausal Mother, the same question pops up: "What inspired you to become a writer?" I can answer this several ways---- the artistic gene runs in my family…..but my hubs will tell you that it comes from my gift of gab. Yes, I'm a chatter box. The truth is, I've wanted to be a writer since I read Island Of The Blue Dolphins in the sixth grade.  From that moment on, I kept journals, worked on school literary magazines and eventually graduated from college with a degree in Creative Writing.

     Unable to find a job in my field of interest, I ended up working as a dental assistant by day and writing fiction at night. Within a year, I met my husband, bought a home and in the blink of an eye, had four children.

     I wrote when I could, filling notebooks with plot outlines, dialogue and character sketches drawn from an overzealous imagination. But over time, the notebooks ended up orphaned and unfinished under my bed, home to breeding dust bunnies and wayward socks.

     My identity as a writer became blurred by the daily demands of raising four, rambunctious children and running a chaotic household. I learned to prioritize the needs of my family, and in the process, lost my ambitions of becoming a writer.

     Twenty years passed before I penned anything other than a grocery list.

     After my father was diagnosed with leukemia, I was motivated to write a humorous story about my family life. I wanted to bring a bit of laughter into my father's world of radiation and chemotherapy. He smiled after reading the first story, and told me that I'd finally found my niche. I made a promise to him that day that I would do whatever it took to ignite my writing career.

     A year later, my father passed away. I pulled out the dusty notebooks and woke my dormant muse.

     I've been hooked on writing ever since.

     The blog has led to numerous online publications, collaborative anthologies, awards and a healthy fan base. This fall,  the promise I made to my father will come to fruition with the publication of my humorous book, "Who Stole My Spandex?"

     Writing has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. Having a creative outlet has eased the depression issues I've struggled with for years and is far cheaper than any therapist. Writing has also been a means to capture in words my family history and the memories that I hold dear.

     It took me many years to pursue my passion and find success, but it was well worth the wait.

     I am a mother. A wife. And now, a writer.



"You'll be on your way up! 
You'll be seeing great sights! 
You'll join the high fliers 
who soar to high heights."

-----Dr. Seuss

Want more Meno Mama? This week you can find me over at The Huffington Post. Read it here:


  1. Congratulations Marsha... I love how you write and I am so glad you stumbled across my blog so that I have been able to enjoy your blog. Thank you for the laughter and smiles... I am so excited for you about your up coming book :)

    1. I sooo appreciate you, Launna---you have been incredibly supportive of my blog and that means more than I can say. Love you! XO

  2. Happy Blogivesary! Great stuff you got going on here !

  3. Congratulations on your blogoversary! Great accomplishments and a learning experience along with some fun :) Yay for blogging.

  4. Congratulations and thank you! Thank you for sharing so much and for being so entertaining! Keep up the great work!!!

    1. Awwwww…thanks, Phyllis! You have always been so sweet and supportive. You just made my day! Mwhaaaaa!

  5. Congratulations! Island of the Blue Dolphins was one of my favorite books, too! Reading all those wonderful books made me want to be a writer, too!

    1. I want to read it again since it has been over 40 years! I just remember being transported to another place and time and thinking ho much I loved reading. And then thinking, "Wow--I want to write like this!"

  6. Congrats, Marcia!

    Here's to many more years of success!

    1. Thanks, Kim! I plan on doing this writing gig for a very long time---- and the best part is that I'm in the company of some funny, kick ass writers like you! Mwhaaa!

  7. Your dad would be so very proud. Congratulations on your blogiversary! As one of your readers, I'm glad you "found your dormant muse".

    1. Awww…thank you so much, Susan! I hope he's smiling down on me---I always wanted to make him proud of me.

  8. Your success is well-earned and demonstrates what prizes await those who work hard. Long may you make me giggle, Marcia.

    1. You just brought a big ol' smile to my face. I love your posts as well----I ALWAYS giggle after reading them because I swear, we are two peas in the same pod! :)

  9. Congratulations on all of your successes. I'm sure your dad would be proud.

  10. Congratulations! Very well deserved. I love what you said about being patient and working hard - so important. You're awesome and amazing and I'm so glad I found you through the interwebs! Have a great weekend.

  11. Congratulations on all your hard work and well-earned success. Tomorrow Mrs. C. and I are going to a baby shower and we're bringing a copy of "Oh! the Places You Will Go!" for the baby. You can't start reading Dr. Seuss too soon.

  12. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

  13. Congrats, Marcia.
    The world is sweeter with you inside of it, dear :)
    It is also more tolerable because of your words! xxx

    1. Awwww…you're making me blush. Thank you so much for the kind words! XO

  14. Happy Blogoversary Marcia! Here's to many, many more years of your beautiful and funny words! You're an inspiration! Hugs~!

    1. Thank you so much for these very kind words!!! You have been incredibly supportive over the years---thanks for always being there for me! XO

  15. It's easy to see why your dad laughed at a story you wrote, and meant to be humorous. I think that writing is your niche too. You're funny, but I've shed tears here too, and I only remember because it's not something I do often (well, movies don't count!!). Happy Blogiversary to you. You deserve all of the accolades you are getting now and more!

    1. Oh Rosey, thank you so much for sharing that with me. Wow! You just made my WEEK! HUGS! XO

  16. Congratulations,and happy blogiversary! Your dad was right... writing really IS your niche .None of your success happened by accident. I'm truly looking forward to reading your book.

    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks, Susan! I'm excited to release the book! Hang in there--just a little bit longer. :)

  17. I'm so so glad that you're a writer. Congratulations on your three year anniversary and I'm honored to call you a friend. Oh, the places you'll go...

    1. I'm in good company because I think you are a fantastic writer, Kristi! XO

  18. Happy Blogiversary Marcia and congratulations on 3 great years! Your talent is amazing and I wish you many more years of happy & successful writing. :)

    1. Thanks, Marcia! I hope Menopausal Mother is around for a very long time!

  19. Word to your awesome dreams! Happy Blogiversary.

  20. Hi Marsha! This blogpost brings tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you. Three years of blogging is a lot of writing, and you made it work for you. All those 'opportunities' came from your hard work and determination (some of it to make your Dad proud I'm sure).
    I am so happy that I found you a year ago, altho I can't remember how? Well, anyway, I have enjoyed your sense of humor and generous spirit. I hope you have plans to keep making us smile!
    Cook up a storm this weekend :)

    1. You are so wonderful Ceil, and a source of inspiration to me. Your posts ALWAYS leave me thinking about my life and the things that have happened--all for a good reason and a purpose. I truly believe the saying that God works in mysterious ways. I want more than anything to be successful in writing to make my father and my sister (who also passed away) proud of me. THIS is what they wanted for me, and I want to be able to fulfill that dream! <3

  21. OMG someone else loves Island of the blue dolphin as much as I do! OMG !!!

    1. Wonderful book! If has been a gazillion years, but I want to read it again!

  22. Happy three years of terrific blogging! You deserve the success!

    Hope you have a terrific Labor Day weekend! Enjoy and have some fun. Sorry I have not been around in a while as I have had some family matters to attend to recently.

    1. I'm aware of that, Phil. Please do not apologize----my heart goes out to you after your loss. It's a difficult time of adjustment and I understand that. Give yourself time to grieve and regroup, okay? Hugs! XO

  23. You are impressive and inspiring and delightful. Thanks for that.

  24. Congratulations! What a wonderful journey so far! You have definitely put in the work and it's always a pleasure to read your blog. You are inspiring for sure, I agree with the other comments.
    Here's to another three years, and many more.

  25. Happy Blogiversary, Marcia! I love the way you write! It seems like you have been doing it for ever. You make it look effortless! Cheers to you!

    1. Why, thank you! I'm thrilled that you like my blog posts!

  26. Congratulations! It's funny how "writer" can be a core component of our identities when we are natural storytellers. Good for you for finding a way to do that, in addition to the very important roles of wife, mother, and daughter!

    1. Thanks, Jessica! I think that when our children are young, we are so focused on being good parents that we forget we have other identities. Our passions get put aside in favor of caring for our families.

  27. I'm so happy for you! I remember those early days. I knew you'd be as successful as you are now, and I can't wait for the book to come out next week!

