
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wacky Wednesday Writers Guest Post By: Indian American Mom

    My fabulous WWW guest today is one of the sweetest bloggers I know. Please welcome Roshni AaMom from  Indian American Mom! What I love about Roshni's blog is its uniqueness among most of the blogs that I read. Her posts offer a glimpse into the Indian culture when it comes to traditions, holidays, parenting and more. She weaves beautiful, poignant stories about her family, but also throws in quite a bit of humor with her funny musings on life. Every time I read her posts, I learn something new and fascinating about her heritage.
     Roshni is a talented writer with a kind heart, and someone I am honored to call my friend. Please welcome her to Meno Mama's site today with lots of comment love. Enjoy!

Ode to my toilet

(paraphrased from a poem titled ‘To a skylark‘ by some random guy named P.B. Shelley :P)

Hail to thee, porcelain throne!
Shiny thou never wert—
Even though gallons of bleach, or near it,
Have I Poured into thy open mouth
In profuse quantities to curb the smell of urine and fart!
Stinky still; no, stinkier!
From hell thou springest
Like a cloud of ammonia
The piss deep thou bringest,
Dribbling from the side thou dost stay, until I alone wipest.
What can be done, I know not;
Which way to teach my boys is most likely?
Sweet reminders or open threats work not,
For drops are still bright to see,
As from looking at thy presence, I emit a shower of blasphemy.
Teach us (my boys and husband)
What basic hygiene are thine
they have (apparently) never heard!
For the love of God, or wine,
I plead for a clean rim; ah! that would be divine!
One day, I looked before and after
And, I had to rub my eyes and blink!
Oh, happy day with joyous laughter;
The pot was stained not a chink!
And, then my happiness was curbed, for they had used the sink…..


Roshni was born and brought up in India. She met her husband while they were doing their PhDs and the two set off for the sunny shores of California soon after. She has two rambunctious, mouthy boys who fight during the day, but then whisper and giggle with each other at night long after she's told them to "go to sleep already!!" She blogs about her Indian American life, and pretty much any other topic, at Indian American Mom. Even though she keeps swearing off social media, you can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Hahahaha! Roshni this is awesome! And hilarious! Maybe I should make my son and husband memorize this and hopefully they will get the hint!

    1. I suggest taking a printout and taping it near the washbasin!! :P

  2. This is hilarious Roshni! I love your blog, it is so funny!

  3. Thank you so much for that wonderfully sweet intro, Marcia!! It's an honor to be here!!

  4. hello my best friend.....
    Sorry from Tirana Aduka not visit your blog...

  5. Printing off and putting over our thrones...

    1. Hope it doesn't majorly 'piss' anyone off'!! :P

  6. LOL Well if anything in the house deserves an ode it's the toilet. And I can say that, I have a house full of men/boys. ;)

  7. Hay menopausal,
    Thank you Very Must for Another Cool Article. it's Really Interesting and Helpful Article. Keep up This Interesting Writing.

  8. Roshni the Rapper! You gangsta!

  9. Oh my goodness this was bloody great I am going to pop on over and have a look at her blog now.

  10. You wicked one, you! Such ideas you put into my innocent head. Such instigation! tsk tsk...

  11. Howlarious Rosh. Living with 3 boys has its own cons I suppose. :)

  12. hahahaha Rosh. Haven't I read this toilet treatise before? :).

  13. hahahaha :D Having two boys in my own house, the vividness was appalling.

  14. Haahaa..awesome! Boys will be boys! ;-)

  15. Wonderfully funny! I was in righteous "yes!"-ness over "For drops are still bright to see" and then got to the sink part and laughed out loud.

    1. :D The things they did to try and get out of wiping the rim!!! Well, they didn't try *that* again!!

  16. Yuckily Funny! :P

  17. I loved it!! Boys will always be boys! :D

    1. Except that I beat them up when I catch them in the act!! :P

  18. Oh, how I loved this- hilarious!

