
Friday, November 14, 2014

Twelve Good Things About Being A Grandparent

When I first learned that I was going to be a grandparent, I was surprised and terrified at the same time. I hadn't changed a diaper or burped a newborn in 16 years. What if I'd forgotten the basic rudiments of infant care? I prayed that it would come back to me like riding a bike----even though I haven't been on one in twenty years, I'm pretty sure I could still pedal my way around the neighborhood. I might wobble a bit at first, but eventually I'd straighten up and glide effortlessly down the street.

After talking to several of my friends who had already been initiated into the ranks of being a grandparent, new worries arose. What if my daughter had the same difficulty adjusting to the drastic changes brought on by new motherhood that I once experienced? What if my grandchild was colicky and inconsolable at all hours of the day and night? Even worse---what if I was unable to bond with my grand baby?

Fortunately, my fears were assuaged once my granddaughter was born. She was a healthy, happy baby, and my daughter eased naturally into her new role as a mother. And I couldn't have been any prouder of the patient, confident parent that she became.

Despite a few fevers, tantrums and troublesome teething episodes over the years, I think I've gotten the hang of grandparenting. Now that my granddaughter is approaching her third birthday, I've had time to reflect on my relationship with her and the advantages of being a grandparent:

1. You can load them up on homemade chocolate chip cookies after dinner, then send them home to their parents before the sugar kicks in.

2. You're allowed to teach your grandchild descriptive words such as "dingleberry" and "fartcake" without an ounce of guilt.

3. When the grandchild has a meltdown in the grocery store and thrashes around on the floor like someone in need of an exorcism, you can hand the whirling dervish over to the parents.

4. You'll have fun reading to your grandchildren all the old storybooks that you read to your own children... but this time you're allowed to tweak the tales: "There once was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She lost all her teeth and forgot how to chew."

5. When the grand baby gets sick, you don't have to be on barf patrol 24/7. This is a job for the parents…and the reason why speed dial was invented.

6. You don't have to buy your grandchildren boring things such as school supplies and uniforms. You can spend your money on entertaining toys such as Tom the Talking Cat, Wubble the Bubble Ball and My Little Pony. Bonus points for loud toys or ones that require assembly and have over 100 parts.

7. Any parent who talks incessantly about their precious offspring's accomplishments will receive plenty of eye rolls and cold shoulders. But as a grandparent, you're automatically allowed the bragging rights you were denied while raising your own children. "My two-year-old grandchild knows the Preamble to the Constitution by heart and can recite the Seven Deadly Sins…in fluent Russian…" No eye rolling, please.

8. You can embellish stories from your youth and your grandchild will believe every word. "When I was two, I learned how to skin a bull and make my own diapers out of his hide." No one needs to know that Grandpa grew up in the city and that the closest he ever came to a bull was a plate of Rocky Mountain Oysters.  

9. If the grandkids don't finish their dinner at a restaurant, you have permission to eat their leftovers. "What? Grandma gave you too much milk and now you're full? Of course she can help you eat those extra chicken tenders and fries!"

10. You have the opportunity to pick and choose which recitals/ concerts/ sporting events you'd like to attend. Skip the three hour violin concert but don't miss the twenty River Dancing toddlers in Pull-Ups.

11. Grandparents have free license to act silly, play games and spoil their grandchildren without punishment or unsolicited advice. Because no one will put the grandparents in time-out.

12. You get to skip the whole potty training phase. If someone leaves a poop on the carpet, better check on the dog...or Grandpa.

My connection to my granddaughter is a bridge between the past and the future. When I look at her precious face, I see my own childhood mirrored in her eyes.

I'll never be too old to use sidewalk chalk, finger paints or play kick the can in the suburban streets of my youth.

And I'll never be too old for fairytales with happy endings.

***Want More Meno Mama? This week I'm up at Humor Outcasts talking about my husband's obsession with fire. You can read it here:


  1. Being a grandparent is really the best, I wish my little Jackson lived closer, I would love to spend lots of time with him... These are bang on as usual Marcia... have a wonderful weekend xox

    1. Thanks, Launna! I feel very fortunate to have my grand baby here. I know for a lot of grandparents, that is not always the case.

  2. I look forward to having grandchildren - as long as it's way in the future. My hope is it doesn't happen until both boys are out living their own lives so I can focus on grandparenting without still parenting (much).

    1. Oh yes! It was an adjustment for me having my daughter move back home with the baby but they just found an apartment nearby and will be moving out in December.

  3. Hilarious, Marcia! And so true. I have five and have learned to get away with more with each one! The nightime cookies, skipping baths, embellishing stories from the past or buying what mom said no to. My kids just sigh..... know it's the law of grandparenting! Fun post!

    1. FIVE grand babies? Awwww…. you are blessed, Joan!

  4. Fartcake. Haha! You're a cool grandma, and the photos are so sweet, but I think the last one is my absolute favorite.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I love that photo, too. Mac took it last summer when were were visiting Bok Tower gardens.

  5. I can't wait to have some of my own! :)

    1. It really is a great phase in life. You get to skip all the messy stuff and just have FUN.

  6. Sounds pretty terrific, Marcia. Gotta be easier than being the parent. I'm not ready for this yet, but it isn't too far off. So nice if you get to live close by!

    1. It is WAY easier than being a parent, that's for sure. I'm ready for another one….

  7. I don't have kids, so I have to settle for being a fantastic aunt to my one nephew. I try to be the crazy aunt who does fun things. Love this post!

    1. Thanks, Carol! I'm betting you are a BLAST as an aunt and I'm sure your nephew adores you!

  8. You sure are a lucky lady Marcia! I can't wait to be a grandma but looks like it won't be happening any time soon.

    1. I wasn't expecting it this soon, either. It took me awhile to get over my fears and adjust, but now I am truly enjoying the precious time spent with my grand baby.

  9. What a great way to end an already awesome write-up. :) I have a 1 1/2-yr. old grandbaby who is precious and sweet, but she lives in another state so I don't get to see her near enough. I do, however, see my son's face (her dad) in hers, every time we're together, and it's nice. :)

    1. Isn't that sweet? I love seeing how they turn out and who they most resemble in the family.

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  11. Precious, precious times! Grandchildren keep you young. And now, it's once more okay to dance to the closing credits of a movie. Yay!!!

    1. Yes! You can dance all night---and the grand kids think you're awesome, LOL!

  12. Our son is 35 and we're still waiting for him to settle down and start a family.

  13. Fairytales and Fartcakes, just what I'm looking forward to!

  14. sweet and beautiful. Having my mother around I know how much she enjoys my kids....and she finds their faults also pretty quick than us and they despise her for that :)
    And I thought you had teenage boys...didn't know you had a grandchild too...your posts always bring smiles..thank you for that.

    1. Thank you so much! Yep---3 adult kids and one teen and now an almost three-year-old granddaughter.

  15. I can't wait. Don't tell anyone that though :) You would be the most gorgeous grandmother ever I'm sure Marcia.

    1. Awwww…thanks! You will be a GORGEOUS grandma too, my friend!

  16. I know my parents spoiled my son rotten, to the point where I was surely jealous several times at what he could get away with! I am not sure I will ever be a son doesn't strike me as very interested in procreating.. lol

  17. I love being a nanna, so much my mum will tell you the same thing she loves all 17 of her grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

  18. sweet and funny at the same time. I can't wait to be a grandma - when my boys are a little older!

  19. No grand children yet for us. Our oldest son just been married for little over a year. Then the youngest one a little over a month.
    But I'm looking forward to spoiling the grandkids and listen to my son say "We never got a way with that crap"
    Coffee is on

    1. LOVE this!!! Yes, we are allowed to spoil our grand babies. And the nicest thing is your own children will respect you soooo much more after raising kids of their own.

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate that you came over to take a read!

  21. It sounds like you are really treasuring every moment with your precious grand daughter! Enjoy!

