
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Symptom Of Menopause Least Discussed

      Many of my blog posts focus on the symptoms that peri-menopausal and menopausal women face as they approach midlife, such as irregular periods, frequent mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, weight gain and night sweats. But there's another symptom that occurs during this time in a woman's life that is seldom discussed: urinary tract infections (UTIs).

     Today I'm pleased to be taking part in the Uristat "Never on Pause" Education Campaign to share some important information on UTIs with my community of readers, and with anyone who may be a little shy about discussing this painful yet common type of infection.

     Did you know that one in three women will experience a urinary tract infection by the time they reach 25? And that 40-50% of the female population will experience the infection at some point in their lifetime? Contrary to the myth that UTIs only occur in women, 12% of the male population are also susceptible to UTIs. The infection begins in the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and the urethra. A UTI occurs once bacteria enters the urinary system through the urethra. There are several factors that contribute to the onset of a UTI:

*Sexual activity

*Certain birth control



*Urinary tract abnormalities

*Impaired immune system


*Complications in the urinary tract

*Previous UTIs

*The female anatomy.

     UTIs are even more common among peri-menopausal and menopausal women due to a decrease in estrogen production, which makes a woman's urinary tract more susceptible to the "bad bacteria" that causes infections. 53% of women over the age of 55 experience recurring UTIs as well (on average, three infections during a twelve-month span). Please be aware that the symptoms often begin with the need to urinate frequently, and can be accompanied by a painful or burning sensation while urinating. The urine may be cloudy, bloody (pink or brown colored) and have a strong odor. Pelvic pain, pressure and cramping in the lower abdomen or back may also occur along with fever and chills.

     It's important that a woman who is experiencing these symptoms see her physician as soon as possible so that proper antibiotics can be prescribed. Although some UTIs may subside on their own, the infection can also spread to the kidneys and cause serious damage. But there is no need to suffer through the discomfort of a UTI while waiting for the doctor's appointment or for the antibiotic to kick in. The good news is that there is now an over-the-counter medicine that will help reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of the infection.  From the makers of MONISTAT comes URISTAT Pain Relief Tablets, which are specifically designed for fast, temporary relief of pain, burning and frequent urinating associated with a urinary tract infection. Each tablet contains phenazopyridine HCI, which is the #1 doctor recommended OTC ingredient for relief from UTI pain. URISTAT Pain Relief Tablets can be taken as soon as the the symptoms are detected, and while being treated with antibiotics.

     To determine whether or not a UTI is present before meeting with a physician, URISTAT has available a convenient Relief Pak that includes a test strip for detecting white blood cells and Nitrate in the urine, which can indicate the presence of a UTI. Each URISTAT Relief Pak comes with one test strip and twelve URISTAT Pain Relief Tablets.

     URISTAT products are available in many drugstores and online retailers across the country, including Walgreens, Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, Kinney Drugs and

     For more information about UTIs ad URISTAT, please is it  and download a $1 off coupon by clicking  HERE.

***This is part one of two in my series on UTI education. My next post later in June will discuss the myths of UTIs and prevention measures, plus my personal story of discomfort while dealing with an annoying UTI.

***I received a free product and promotional consideration from the makers of URISTAT. Any comments I have made on the product are a reflection of my own views.  


  1. I haven't had this issue for many years... although I am getting up there in years now... I hope this symptom by passes me... I have enough as it is... lol... I am not sure I can take on anymore...

    It is better to be armed with knowledge though than to flounder around wondering what might be going on... xox

    1. It;s really good to know what the symptoms are, especially for people facing it for the first time. Even better---knowing there is fast relief from an OTC product! :)

  2. Don't recall ever having this, but then again, I DO know I have menopausal memory loss, so Babushka's saving this post Just In Case... ; ) BB2U

    1. LOL Thank you, BB2U! Now you know what's going on just in case these symptoms ever start….

  3. This is precisely why I teach people how to build their immune system. You prevent these symptoms from happening. You mentioned before you wanted to talk -- we should. We don't have to go through this AT ALL. That aside, you did a great job on this sponsored post, as you always do

    1. Thank you, Carol! I'm prone to UTIs, so this post was perfect for me!

  4. Oh god..I hope these don't start happening more frequently. I've had TWO in my life and that was two too many.

    1. Aren't they awful? First time I had one, I had NO CLUE what was going on and panicked. Called my mother, like I always do when something freaks me out. I wanted to share the post today to help educate others so they don't need to go through the panic I went through the very first time I had a UTI.

  5. Thank you Marcia - indeed this is one of the most painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms/infections, ever. I hate those times when I feel one coming on, can't seem to decide whether to stay or go, and thankfully recedes, but not before making me miserable.

    I am glad you highlighted this! I remember the last time I had to go to the gynae with a UTI - I hated her snarky attitude. Worse still, she had a student with her and there I was, literally shrinking into myself.

    I am here via the Blog Sharing Family on Facebook - just saw your link and headed over!

    1. Oh Vidya, I'm so sorry the doctor made you feel so bad about having a UTI. They are really quite common. My next blog post about this topic will look into the myths and prevention of UTIs. Be sure to check it out for more info. Next time you feel one coming on, Please grab URISTAT as soon as possible--you shouldn't have to suffer through these infections. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Such a common problem, and therefore so terrific to be getting it out in the open and talking about it. Having the ability to run a quick test at home is SO helpful!

    1. Right? I wasn't even aware that there was a home test available for UTIs---that is VERY helpful!!

  7. What an interesting new product--could have used it in my youth!

    1. Yes! I REALLY wish this had been around 19 years ago when I got my first UTI!!

  8. Excellent advise, Marcia. UTIs can cause disorientation and pain for older women, too. My mother suffered from them and didn't ask for help. I found a good physician who gently explained the problem.

    1. Oh your poor mom! I feel so bad but happy you were able to get her some help. A lot of women are too ashamed to say anything until the pain becomes unbearable,

  9. I actually have used the pain relief tablets and they're awesome. thank goodness.

  10. This is great info to have on hand!!!

  11. Love this being in the group of women you discuss! Must share!

  12. Love this being in the group of women you discuss! Must share!

  13. I am so glad you are talking about this potentially deadly infection. Last summer, I got a UTI that landed me in the hospital with Sepsis and I, miraculously avoided going into total organ failure. I went to the ER with lower back pain, fever and chills. Had I not gone when I did, it would have been too late. I was told how lucky I was to be alive. I get recurrent UTI's and have been put on an antibiotic daily to avoid future infections. Women do have to take these symptoms seriously and see a doctor at the onset of symptoms. Thanks for letting us know about this product, I will be sure to pick one up! :)

    1. Wow! I'm so glad you were able to find help in time! They really are frightening if you don't realize what is happening. Knowledge is power, and I think it would be a great idea to keep URISTAT around at all times in your medicine cabinet!

  14. The dreaded UTI! In the last few years I've had these more often, and I definitely blame menopause. Thanks for the info about the home test kit - will come in very handy!

    1. Same here--I'm getting them way more often than I used to. Very grateful for the home test kit that URISTAT offers!

  15. Wow! I didn't know any of this information. i remember mom having UTIs, but I have never experienced this. I appreciate you passing the information along...I feel so relieved...keep the stream of info' flowing! enough bad Uro' humor, don't want anyone getting pissed off! But seriously, this may keep me from an ER in the future, thanks for sharing it. Nothing worse than not knowing what's going on when you're in pain. Glad they made a test that's included in the packaging. Seems like a great product. Glad to see you endorsing products you KNOW work, and that are relevant to us ladies. You're the bomb-diggity, Marcia!

    1. Thank you for stopping by to read the post, Dawn! You are one lucky lady not to have ever experienced a UTI, but now you know what to expect IF you ever get one.

  16. You mean to tell me, that along with still getting zits at age 51, hot flashes, sporadic periods, and my head spinning around like Linda Blair I now have to worry about UTI's. JAYSUS, I thought honeymoonitis was LONG gone girl.

    1. Ha-ha so did I until I got another UTI years later…THEY'RE BAAAAACK!

  17. Great information Marcia! I have to watch mom for these and knowing that there is an OTC medication is a huge help!

    1. It really is! And many times the elderly may not sure of what's happening when the frequent urination and pain begin. They may not know to seek help when an infection starts.

  18. Thanks for sharing this, as I never knew.

  19. Thanks for sharing this, as I never knew.

  20. Haven't had this problem in many, many years. But I'm armed with knowledge now for when it happens! Thanks, Marcia!

    1. I think it's wise to ALWAYS keep some URISTAT on hand!

  21. A very different blog post from you! Great job! I'm fortunate in that I've never had a UTI. Of course my memory is shot, so maybe I've had one that I can't remember, but good to know that I can take something for it if I ever do get one.

    1. You're so lucky not to have had one! They are incredibly painful and downright dangerous if not treated properly. I'm glad you haven't had to go through one.

  22. Good to know! Must check if Uristat is available in Canada yet (we're always lagging behind, it seems). Drinking pure organic Cranberry juice can help as well.

    1. Yes, that's true! Check the URISTAT website to see if they have it available in Canada?

  23. I have other symptoms-- like craziness, memory loss, and itchiness. Do I really need to look forward to this shit, too?!!!

    xxx Kiss from MN.

    1. Ha-ha!! You always make me smile. Hopefully, this is not one of the side effects that will plague you--- and hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones :)

  24. Thanks for keeping us updated with the latest information.

  25. UTIs are awful! I'm bummed to read that it's yet one more thing I have to look forward to in the next year or two. Trading in tampax for UTI treatment! Great post, Marcia!

    1. Thanks, Kristi! Fingers crossed that you will never have to experience a UTI!

  26. I can't remember the last time I had a bladder infection or a urinary tract infection thankfully as they suck and for me menopause was a breeze

    1. That's great, Jo-Anne! You are one of the lucky ones!

  27. I didn't know that UTI's are more common in peri and Menopausal stage. I'm in the Peri stage so this is important to know! Thanks, Marcia.

    1. I didn't realize it either, Lisa. I have already learned so much just from reading all the material that URISTAT sent me. I can't wait to post part 2 on my blog about the myths and prevention of UTIs!

  28. I am in peri-menopause and truly had no idea. Thank you for sharing this....I've have two horrible UTIs in my life, both requiring hospitalization so as far as I'm concerned this is informational gold.

    1. Oh Sandy!! I'm so sorry to hear that your UTIs got that bad. Very scary!! Please keep some URISTAT on hand at all times---I wouldn't want you to go though those terrible symptoms again!

  29. I remember I got a UTI when I was in high school, and a few of my friends gave me knowing looks and asked what my boyfriend and I had been up to. I was mortified--because we hadn't been up to anything!! It still kind of makes me laugh that they thought that; I didn't become a slut until a few years later in life. LOL

    1. You crack me up, Shay!!!! Well, at least NOW you know where UTIs come from and how to prevent them!!!

  30. Great post, Marcia! UTIs are so common and yet a lot of people have so many misconceptions about them!

    1. Very true! Hopefully I was able to shed some light on the truths of UTIs!

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