
Friday, January 8, 2016

Wonderful Winter Writers Series: Guest Post By Elaine Ambrose

     I have a special treat for you today on my blog----a superstar guest writer to kick off the New Year! Please welcome my dear friend Elaine Ambrose, an internationally recognized syndicated blogger and award-winning writer of 10 books! Elaine's bio reads like a "Who's Who" in the writing community, and I'm incredibly honored that she was willing to share one of her hilarious posts on my site.

      A little background info: I "met" Elaine a few years ago online in one of our midlife writer's groups and have been addicted to her blog ever since. Her writing is reminiscent of Erma Bombeck's classic humor, and believe me when I tell you, once you start reading one of Elaine's books, you won't be able to put it down. Ladies, I hope you've been practicing your Kegels before you read Elaine's work (or at least have a thick liner in your underwear) because there's heavy bladder leakage in the forecast.

     I'm looking forward to meeting this funny, talented writer at the Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop this spring. She knows how to find me---I'll be the one waving a bottle if cabernet in one hand and a box of adult diapers in the other. Please welcome Elaine to Meno Mama's site with lots of comment love!


  1. Lol this was great! Elaine is so inspirational. I am terribly impressed with all the writing she has done. It (and of course, YOU) motivates me to keep at it!

    1. Thanks! I've done all the writing because I've had SO many years to do it! Can't stop now...

  2. Your post reminded me of high school gym class, where my female gym teacher had us exercise our mammary muscles while chanting, "We must, we must, we must increase our bust." I had none, though, and exercising didn't help (0 times 0 = 0, right)? Now, however, while everybody else who had boobs complains that theirs are hitting their knees, I finally look like I have some ;) Turns out that's the only physical perk of being 64. Enough about me – Congratulations on writing 10 books and receiving your awards!

    1. Thanks, Theresa. I wore a bra by age 10 - and there was no need to "train" these babies.

  3. Oh yes Elaine, you and Erma Bombeck share the same spirit animal, which I believe is a monkey. You inspire us all! Now pour a glass of cab and get back to that keyboard where you belong because we want more more more!

  4. Reading this post was a fun start to my morning! I just received Elaine's book, Midlife Cabernet, for Christmas. Yay! Love her writing style and I'm enjoying every page. Both of you are an inspiration. Rock on girls!

    1. Thanks, Laurie! I'm excited that your splendid essay is in the anthology "Feisty after 45."

  5. As always Elaine Ambrose is hilarious. She floats my boat (along with her boobs).

    1. Suzette, only good friends could say that - so that means we're good friends. Hooray!

  6. Oh this is HILARIOUS!!! I especially loved your homeopathic friend's advice and how you described her organic brilliance! LOLOL Yeah, totally get this.

    You are awesome, Elaine!

    CHEERS! :)

  7. Hahaha!!! This was fabulous, Elaine. It's so great to meet you :) Cabarnet will certainly help with meditation and a jacuzzi tub with gravity challenged breasts. I shall try both. I look forward to reading your books. I'll start with drinking with dead women writers. You had me at drinking...
    p.s I didn't know men clenched their balls. That's funny.

    Thanks Marcia, for this wonderful guest post! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I'm off to the hot tub now...

  8. Hysterical! I can't wait to meet you both at Erma this year. Please, please, both of you, keep writing. I promise, we'll keep reading.

    1. Leslie, I'm eager to meet you at Erma! I predict an abundance of laughter.

  9. It's the second time I've read about breasts this week, so needless to say I must consider my own. Always large, always real and always, well, not that perky. Gravity has not been kind to my girls. But to tell you the truth? I don't give a shit. ;-) I do need better bras, though. I loved this post. So much I had to use a vulgarity in my comment, which means I am definitely being real about my love for it!

    1. Carol, I love your writing - and I'm thrilled your essay will be included in "Feisty after 45."

  10. I will never look at my boobs the same again. Well, if I can find them, I'm sure they're somewhere in my socks.

  11. Karen, I love reading your blog. We should be bosom buddies.

  12. I should have appreciated mine more when they were up where they belong... oh well, I'll definitely appreciate mine even if they aren't where they used to be... lol

    Your writings are totally on the mark ♡

  13. Haha! I think breastfeeding has been the main perpetrator of crimes against my breasts thus far, but I'm sure gravity is lurking in the wings just waiting to rub salt into the wounds!

  14. I'm 45, I've noticed the droop. It's especially noticeable in photographs, so I opt to be the one taking the pictures these days. ;)

    1. Same here---or just take a selfie with the camera held high so that the only thing showing is your face, haha.

  15. This is too funny and although I hated it when I was young, my boobies are small so they haven't drooped too low.

    1. You are blessed! I always wished I had smaller boobs for that very reason.

  16. Loved this article. Yes, I've got a lot of sagging going on and I'm not even at the menopause stage. I'm screwed... well at this rate of decay, my husband won't want to anymore. LOL! Thanks for the laughs.

  17. Oh, my goodness. I think I laughed more than I should. Brilliant.

