
Friday, July 21, 2017

Fly On The Wall In A Silly House

     Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group postings, hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, Eight bloggers are inviting you into their homes to catch a glimpse of what goes on behind closed doors.

     Summertime in south Florida is ridiculously hot, and sometimes the intense heat fries our brains. That's the only explanation I have for the weird things that have been said around my house this past month......

"I'm scared to book a cruise. I've never been on one before."
"Come on, Mom, it'll be fun. Let's just go ahead and make the reservations!"
"No way---I remember how Titanic ended."
"Mom, there are no icebergs in the Bahamas......"

"You know your marriage is strong when you can survive head lice or a termite invasion without killing each other."

"That meat was awful and so tough. It wasn't prime rib---tasted more like prime cat."

"Coffee is my magic elixir."
"Well, they just said in the news that coffee promotes longevity."
"In that case, I'm going to live longer than Betty White."

"I really want to breed our pup at least once before he gets neutered. I need to find a good breeder."
"What are you trying to do, pimp out our pug?"

"I went on social media for just a few minutes. Two hours later, there I was, watching Youtube videos on how to toilet train cats. And I don't even own a cat."

"You have millionaire tastes on a chicken nugget budget."

"I'm starting a new diet, but I'm allowing myself one cheat day a week."
"Yeah, I said that once too, but my cheat day lasted a whole year."

ME: "This ice cream cone is stale" (continues to eat all the ice cream inside). "Here, I don't want anymore. You can have the rest."
HUBS: (Stares at empty, soggy bottom of cone) "How generous of you....."

"Just because I came from an era when there were no microwave ovens or cable TV does NOT mean that there were dinosaurs roaming the earth when I was born."

"I'm starving! When is dinner?"
"Not for awhile. I have to feed and walk the dogs first."
"I guess I know my place in the family food chain...."

"Stop showing me these graphic photos on the internet of human oddities. They'll give me nightmares of waking up with a tail."

"You never realize how little self control you have until someone walks into the room with a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts."

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

Baking In A Tornado                  http://www.BakingInATornado. com
Menopausal Mother           
Searching for Sanity                 http://singlemumplusone.
Go Mama O                              http://www.
Spatulas on Parade                    http://spatulasonparade.
A Little Piece of Peace                 http://little-piece-of-peace.
Never Ever Give Up Hope                   http://batteredhope.blogspot. com
Bookworm in the Kitchen                http://www.bookwormkitchen. com/                                       

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Indoor Waterfalls And How They Charge The Vibe Of Your House

     I pride myself in the beautiful backyard garden that I have, rich with native foliage and beautiful fountains. But I've always been interested in bringing some of that serenity inside my home. What better way than placing a tranquil fountain inside my house, where I can hear it at all times?

     Please welcome my guest blogger, Costea Lestoc, to my site today with advice on sprucing up your home with an indoor waterfall.

Indoor waterfalls and how they can completely change the vibe of your house
It’s safe to say that a lot of people start to feel a little bit bored of their house.  They don’t resent living there, but they’ve been seeing the same environment and walking past the same décor ideas for a very long time and it can stop being interesting after a while. If you’re looking for something that can freshen up the vibe of your apartment or home, we have the perfect suggestion for you. Have you considered getting an indoor waterfall? If not, here are some of the perks that recommend it as a great décor and aesthetic boost for your home. It’s more than that however as it also does a lot for how a home feels. You can turn your old, boring-looking décor into something modern and fresh with just a small tweak.
It looks stunning
One of the reasons why you should look for cool indoor waterfall ideas for your home is that they just look amazing. Depending on what kind you get, an indoor waterfall can be an absolute delight to look like. There are multiple styles for this type of waterfall, but mostly feature a beautiful texture wall behind the stream of water which tricks or downright pours in a control environment. It’s literally like having nature in a box. Now, you don’t have to go deep into the wilds to admire the peaceful visuals of a waterfall.
It’s very relaxing
When you have to cook and clean all day, every day, not to mention take care of the kids, life can get really stressful really fast. It’s important to have a distraction, something peaceful that you can use to get away from the mundane stress of your life. An indoor waterfall is perfect for that as it’s a great source of relaxation. Not just in a visual sense but also through the sounds it makes. The trickling of water can be one of the most relaxing things people are able to hear in their lifetime. Having that in your living room, hallway, kitchen or wherever you want to put it can do wonders for your state of mind and your inner calm. 
Breathe a better air
Just like you don’t have to go out in the wild to admire a waterfall, you can also avoid having to climb a mountain to get the equivalent of fresh air. Often times, indoors air can get very unhealthy not to mention unpleasant. A waterfall can do wonders as it produces negative ions which attract dust and other air pollutants. Removing such factors leaves behind a much cleaner air to breathe and improves your health indirectly. 
When you’re alone
Sometimes the house might be full of activity with kids and guests and your partner making a lot of noise, laughing and yelling. However, what happens when nobody’s home and you have to clean, cook, or otherwise do some kind of work? It can get quite depressing but a waterfall would be extremely soothing in that situation. Being able to enjoy that white noise might be the release you were looking for that will help you concentrate on what you have to accomplish. You might even find that you are able to finish a lot faster once your mind is preoccupied with something, allowing your body to perform the robotic task you struggle with on a regular basis.

That being said, these are some of the things that recommend interior waterfalls as great aesthetic accessories but also as all around atmosphere improvers. From a health perspective to a mood perspective, a waterfall can be of great help in how you enjoy your day both in someone’s company as well as by yourself.

Author Bio:
Costea Lestoc

I began writing as a professional on my personal blog and then discovered my true calling, which is writing about technology and news in general. I am a technical writer, author and blogger since 2005. An industry watcher that stays on top of the latest features, extremely passionate about juicy tech news and everything related to gadgets. For tech tips, my email address is neneacostea at gmail.

Friday, July 7, 2017

The Great Termite Invasion Of 2017

     It's the words no homeowner ever wants to hear: "Your home has termites." Just like the five stages of grief, after hearing this news, there is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. How do I know this? Because I just survived The Great Termite Invasion Of 2017. (Photo on right from Jared Belson)

     My journey into termite hell began shortly after my contractor started demo work on my bathroom remodel. I've known this man for many years, well enough that when he called my name by extending the "a", as in, "Marciaaaaaaaa...."  I knew that I had a problem. A BIG one.

     He pointed to an exposed wood beam that resembled a chunk of Swiss cheese. "And that, my Dear," he said, pointing to the holes, "is termite damage."

     NO. Just NO. Total denial. So what if I lived in a wood frame home? I hadn''t seen any termite droppings in fifteen years. No one in the neighborhood had had them recently, either.  I set an appointment with the pest control people just to confirm that it WASN'T termites.

     It was termites.

     Summer is swarming season, and my home had become a banquet of wood delicacies for those nasty bugs. I was beyond anger. I was ready to burn down the house because everyone knows that termites in a house are akin to head lice on your kid.

     TORCH IT.

     The bargaining began with the pest control company. "Are you SURE it's termites? What if the damaged wood is just remnants from the last invasion? Can we skip the whole tenting process and just drill some toxic chemicals into the ground to kill them?"

     When I realized there was no way to avoid the miserable tenting process, I went into a depressive state. I'd ridden that rodeo before, and I knew what loomed ahead: removing all food from the refrigerator, emptying out the pantry, finding pet lodging for three dogs and weekend lodging for ourselves, shelling out tons of money to pump poison into my house, and spending a small fortune to replace all the shrubs and flowers the would be destroyed by the toxic gases.

     Acceptance finally sank in the night I found thirty-some termites swarming around my windowsills. IN MY BEDROOM, FOR GOD'S SAKE. And there were more----a handful of dead ones near my laptop and dozens of discarded, iridescent Tinker Bell-type wings scattered across the front porch floor. It looked like a drunken fairy convention gone wrong.


     My husband and I frantically packed up our belongings, emptied half the contents of our house, grabbed the dogs, and moved out for three days. There was arguing. There was yelling. And there were tears.

     Yes, tears. We argued with the pest control people. We yelled at each other over the enormity of crap that had to be moved. And I cried when I learned that I might lose a few of my beloved trees in the gaseous tenting process.

     I was also extremely annoyed by the fact that I had to cancel my seven-day vacation to Tallahassee in order to afford the termite eradication. So I did the next best thing. I moved into my daughter's luxurious condo and spent my entire time lazing by her pool, sipping margaritas in the sun.

     After the three-day termite vacation, my husband and I returned home. The flowers in our garden looked like they'd been singed with a flat iron, and the inside of our house felt like a landing strip on Mercury. It was ninety-two degrees inside, and while sweat pooled in our sneakers, we unpacked our suitcases, restocked the kitchen, disinfected the countertops, swept up the dead termites, and mopped all the floors.

     Home, sweet home.

     The tricky thing is that the termites are still swarming, somewhere, in search of another home to invade. It could be in the house next door. Or in the attic at the middle school down the street. They might even feast on the wooden dog house behind the fence in my neighbor's yard. Or they may decide the wood at my house truly is a delicacy and return to munch on more beams.

     At least for now, we are termite-free. And somewhere near a sunny pool, there is a celebratory margarita with my name on it, and a t-shirt that reads, I SURVIVED THE GREAT TERMITE INVASION OF 2017!

***WANT MORE MENO MAMA? I am THRILLED to have my first article on The Fix! This is a serious one, folks. It's all about the hidden dangers of Nootropic addiction/substance abuse. You can read it here:
