
Friday, June 15, 2018

Winning The Dad Lottery: Happy Father's Day!

     With Father's Day approaching, I've spent this past week thinking about my husband and how blessed I am to have him. Many of you may not know this, but I met Mac on a blind date in 1982, and although it wasn't love at first sight, all it took that night was one kiss in the parking lot and I knew he was THE ONE. Call it chemistry, call it destiny; either way, I knew I'd found my soulmate.

I was recovering from an abusive relationship at the time, and the last thing I needed was another man in my life, but Mac was different. His compassion, honor, quick wit and loyalty convinced me that he was a keeper, and here we are, 34 years later with four adult children, one feisty granddaughter and....SURPRISE! Another grand baby on the way!

     Our children won the dad lottery when the powers that be decided that we would have four kids. The role of father is one Mac embraced wholeheartedly from the very beginning, spending every spare moment he had with his family: Wiffle Ball games in the backyard, shave cream fights on the lawn, helping to coach our son's little league team, attending every one of our daughters' marathon-
length dance recitals, and pushing the kids in a cart around the grocery store while they each picked out their favorite treat.

He played "monster" for hours whenever the kids asked, chasing them around in the dark with their friends no matter how tired he was after work. He volunteered in their school classrooms, attended overnight field trips with them, and served on the PTA board. He taught them how to Rollerblade and ride a bike (and eventually taught them how to drive). He played basketball and hockey in the driveway every Sunday with all the neighborhood kids, helped our kids build their science projects, study for their exams, and was always available for cuddling on the couch whenever they felt sick.

Mac also taught them to love unconditionally and to never, EVER, take the unique closeness that we share in our family for granted. Our kids know that their dad always has their backs, and that they can count on him to feel safe.

The list goes on and on, and there aren't enough words to describe how appreciative I am that he is the father of our four, amazing children.

Amazing because of him.

Happy Father's Day Mac, and to all the hard working fathers out there celebrating this special day of recognition. You deserve the best!

***WANT MORE MENO MAMA? This past week I was featured on Motherhood Collective.  You can read about my funny experience with head lice here:


  1. Oh, this is wonderful, Marcia! The fathers in our kids' lives simply do not get the recognition they so richly deserve! This goes a little ways toward addressing that! Thank you for sharing him with us, too!

    1. He is such a wonderful man---I had to brag on him a bit!

  2. Wish your husband a wonderful father's day. But the wishes he will value most will come from the four special souls you mentioned here!

  3. Happy Father's Day to Mac! Your kids did win the dad jackpot. I hope that your whole family has a great day and congratulations on the new grandbaby to be.

  4. Happy Father's Day to your husband. Family is everything!

  5. My daughters won the dad lottery as I did with my dad, I met Tim through a dating agency

  6. How beautiful!
    Loved this post.
    Hope Mac had a wonderful father's day!
    He is one amazing dad. Stay Blessed always you all.


    1. Thank you! He had a GREAT dad day doing all the things he loves!

