
Friday, February 18, 2022

Fly On The Wall Returns To The Renaissance Festival

Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings, hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, there are three of us opening our homes so that you can see what goes on behind closed doors. 

This month the fly accompanied me to the local renaissance festival....again. The fair is in town for 7 weeks, so I will be visiting a few more times ( just can't get enough of those turkey legs!) but I thought I'd share some photos of my first weekend there. For the past few years, I've been dressing up as a fairy rather than in the heavy dresses and capes I once wore to the festival---it gets pretty warm here, and multiple layered dresses, headpieces, and gobs of sparkly fake jewels do not go over well in 85-degree temperatures. Thank God we live in the time of A/C and battery-operated hand-held fans! 

So sit back, munch on a turkey leg, and enjoy some mead while you scroll back through time......

Gotta give this character credit---he wore his mask!

I love men in kilts....makes you wonder what's under all that plaid....

This dude has been my special pirate for over 38 years now...and he's a good sport for putting up with my fairy mischief at the Ren-Fest.

The stuff that nightmares are made of!

I think the wine and mead were kicking in at this point.

Loving on my sweet daughter. Always a good time when we go out together!

Should I tell this lady to "leaf" me alone?

Take me to your castle and feed me a turkey leg!!

Oh yeah, the wine and mead were DEFINITELY kicking in at this point. 

A GREAT time was had by all! Can't wait to go back again!!!

****WANT MORE MENO MAMA? You can catch me this month over at AARP/The Ethel where I'm sharing some yummy crockpot recipes (read it HERE), and in another article for them, I'm sharing the best dogs for women to own (You can read it HERE

Be sure and visit these other bloggers to see what the fly has been up to at their houses:
Baking In A Tornado


The Diary of an Alzheimer’s Caregiver 


  1. A walk down memory lane for me, Marcia. I haven't been to a Renaissance Festival since I was a teenager!

    1. Sounds like it's time for you to go back again! It's FUN!

  2. That close up of you and your daughter needs to be blown up and framed, it's beautiful!

  3. Have always wanted to go to one of these. You're giving me ideas. Maybe this will be the year!

  4. Such events always seem like fun, never been to one though

    1. They are so much fun----hope you get the chance to go one day!

  5. You've been going to those things as long as I've known you. They look like a great time!

