
Friday, May 19, 2023

Fly On The Wall During A Mother's Day Celebration

Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall, hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, the two of us are inviting you into our homes to give you a fly's eye view of what goes on behind closed doors. 

Let me start by saying that the nosy fly was privy to some very exciting oldest daughter is having another baby! This will be her third (but it's my 4th grandbaby) and we are ecstatic that she's having a boy this time. The baby is due in November, so we might be postponing our annual cruise that was scheduled around that time...because there is NO WAY I'm missing out on the birth of this beautiful baby boy!!

My daughter's news made Mother's Day even sweeter and I feel so incredibly grateful to have all of my family living within miles of me, and being able to see my grandbabies every week is the icing on the cake. 

It has been a wonderful month---Two weekends were spent brunching with my daughters--no boys allowed! We laughed so much that my stomach muscles hurt for days. I was also fortunate enough to sit in on a jam session to watch both my sons playing guitar together. My youngest boy has gotten really active in our local church (where my friend is the minister) and is now playing every Sunday with their Christian rock band during the service. I'm so proud of him!! (See photo below---he's the young man in the white ball cap who is playing the guitar)


As for Hubs and I, we've been hitting up some new restaurants in the area, hanging out with our neighbors at a few community events, and chilling in the backyard garden with cocktails while watching the brilliant sunsets. Hubs is nearly retired now, and my dream job of writing full-time for 2 websites has finally come full circle. Most days I have to pinch myself to see if it's real because I have waited so long for this to happen. Whoever said that getting old sucks was WRONG. These are by far the best years!! 

Since I can't really put it all into words, here are some of my fave photos that capture the last 4 weeks of Doyle fun:

I know I say this every year but I swear, this was THE BEST Mother's Day---and a pretty phenomenal month all around. Sometimes I wish time could stand still so these special moments would last forever, but there's always something new and exciting around the bend! Speaking of which, next month's "Fly On The Wall" ought to be very interesting......we are taking our first RV trip on June 9th to explore one of Florida's oldest state parks for a few days. I hear the mosquitoes can be brutal there, but I'm well prepared and super stoked for the upcoming I'm sure the nosy fly on the wall will have a LOT to say about it! 

Want more Meno Mama?? Catch me on AARP with my collection of yummy Memorial Day picnic foods HERE

Now be sure and hop over to Karen's house next to see what the fly has been up to over there this month:


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on a 4th grandchild! Oh, and I can't wait to hear about that RV adventure!

    1. We are so excited---about both!

  2. What a fun family... and now, a new little one coming, congratulations!

    1. Thanks! We are beyond ecstatic!

  3. Congratulations! And well done. <3

  4. Reading this took me back to a Mother's Day 13 or 14 years back when my brother and his wife and my sister and husband told Mum that they were expecting babies this was back in 2009 and the thought of those babies kept my dad going as he battled lung cancer.a good memory thank you for bring it to mind. Congratulations on your news about a new grandchild.

  5. I'm so excited for your new Little!
    And a boy so your numbers will be tied, right?
    What a fun, sweet family you have!
    I'm stoked to hear about your trip.
    If you're going into mosquito country,
    leave the bananas behind and take the citrus!

    1. Yes---thank you for the tip! We leave June 9 and I bought mosquito netting plus I even have a mosquito netted hat!!

