
About Me

Marcia Kester Doyle

Hello, welcome to my blog, Menopausal Mother. I am the married mother of four adult children, grandmother to four grandchildren, and a native South Floridian. I live in the land of surf and sun, hurricanes, and incredible concoctions made with rum.


* My house is overrun by three chinchillas, two pugs, and a finch that chirps at all hours of the day.

* I love to cook, but baking is my specialty (best damn Butterfingers rum cake you'll ever have).

* I'm addicted to Facebook, Nutella, Pinot Grigio, and I have an obsession with squirrels. There's a reason why I earned the nickname, "Squirrel Whisperer."

* I live in a home that has been certified as a Wildlife Sanctuary and spend my weekends in my backyard garden oasis, which is an ongoing labor of love.

* I can find the funny in just about anything. What other choice is there? If I wasn't always laughing, I'd be crying in my wine and singing bad country music on Karaoke night at the local dive bar. 

     If I haven't already scared you away, you can contact me at:
     You can follow me here:

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  1. Hi, Marcia! I'm Courtney, and I blog over at The Brown Girl with the Long Hair ( to meet you! I've found my way over to your blog by way of the Bloggy Moms February Blog Hop -- and, wow! -- am I glad I did! In the short time I've been perusing your lovely blog, I've found that we have quite a few things in common -- a love of Florida (although I live in Michigan); I, too, love my backyard oasis; and one of my bloggy friends -- Kristi Campbell of the Finding Ninee blog -- is also published in The Mother of all Meltdowns! I'm going to stick around and read more of your writings because I enjoy your perspective. As a 36-year-old mother of two kiddos under three, I have forgotten what it's like not to have Cheerios stuck to my pant leg. Your blog signifies hope for my future. Anyhoo, I am going to become a follower of your blog, now, and I would love for you to stop by to my blog as well. Have a wonderful evening.

    1. Oh my goodness, I just now saw this! Thank you for all the kind words and I'll be sure to check out your blog!

  2. OK @Menopausal Mother! I passed on your request to Hotel Neptun and this was their reply "Dear Madame, you will not find our recipes and I can’t give them. All our recipes (also on cakes) are our secret.". Well, I tried LOL! :)

  3. Good for you Marcia! I can't wait for your book to come out! Your blogs are a riot! Mac is the perfect "partner in crime"......crazy as ever. Blow off the dust from those manuscripts you're hiding under the bed....I love that you are following your bliss!

    1. After all these years…..FINALLY doing it. Thank you for watching the podcast---I totally APPRECIATE IT!

  4. I read your blog on the perceived entitlement of today's younger gens. I totally agree! My husband and I both work hard, but we always make time for our two girls (15 and 6). What you wrote struck a chord with me, not so much with my teen, but my 6 year old. I know she's young, but she seems to have the entitlement thoughts already. We don't have cable, and the TV I allow has few or no commercials (read: PBS, Netflix and the like) because all I hear when she's watching them are the "I Want's" and they drive me CRAZY. She came over to me today with a dvd insert from a Barbie video purchased years ago for her sister and she was pointing and listing off the things she had vs. things she wanted. Nothing drives me battier than a kid who bases his or her life around what they POSSESS. My teen still has the I Wants, but she's been babysitting, and can now purchase things for herself. I think this is helping her to appreciate the almighty dollar. Please keep writing--you're awesome!!

  5. You sound like an AWESOME mother to me! You are doing parenting right! Thank you so much for stopping by to read my blog and for taking the time to leave such a heartfelt comment. I can't tell you how much that means to me. Thank you!!! XO

  6. I am really liking your blog. I think I can identify a bit being 30 something trapped in something anyways...

  7. Hi Joe! Happy to see you here. Yep----my brain is still stuck back in 1981 but my body keeps reminding me it is indeed 2014.

  8. No wonder so many men opt out of marriage. You're a train wreck.

    1. Train wreck---no. Enigma, YES. Unless you have experienced menopause, you don't have a leg to stand on. Ask my HAPPY husband---we have been married for 32 years and are as close as ever. Can you beat that? Somehow I doubt it, "anonymous" (btw---why didn't you post your real name??).

  9. Wow I have 3 pugs too! Also a menopausal mom, 3 young adults. I'm a beginning blogger.

  10. Dear Marcia

    Hi. Not sure if this is appropriate to ask, but do you ever share with your audience links to articles you may like. I recently published an article in Ms. Magazine online about my personal journey through menopause and its broader implications -- told as a story with as much humor as I could muster to capture the head scratching silence and inattention to this critical, often adverse, life transition. (How can it be, for example, that NYC subways now have ads for erectile dysfunction drugs, while no one, not even many doctors, seem able to talk about menopause?)

    The buzz is that it is like a public service announcement — which is why I want to share it as widely as possible. If you like an article, might you be willing to share the link? Here is the link.

    Thank you so much for considering this. I appreciate it.

    Jessica Levin

