
Friday, March 20, 2015

Fly On The Wall In A Party Zone

    Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall, hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Fourteen bloggers are participating in today's group posting with their tell-all accounts of what really goes on behind the closed doors of their homes.

     This past month, the Doyle house has been in the party zone….because that's just how my crazy family rolls. There's something to be said about sharing new and embarrassing experiences with the ones you love.

     First up was a "Bicycle Pub Crawl" in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. You might be thinking of a group of people on bikes, pedaling from one pub to the next. Not quite. This was one GIANT bike that held twelve riders (six on each side with a bar in the middle). Our seats faced one another across the bar and our tour guide sat up front to steer the bike.  Each seat had its own set of pedals and a cup holder so that we could pedal our way downtown at three miles per hour while drinking libations.  Loud music was pumped out of speakers attached to the bike's roof as we pedaled from pub to pub.

     After two hours, I understood what the "crawl" portion of the tour meant. No one wanted to pedal on the bike once the beer kicked in. I sat back and let the minions do all the work. Isn't that what adult children are for? A few, unfortunate family members were left to do all the pedaling (which explains why we stalled on the railroad tracks and held up traffic). I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, and I look forward to doing another Bicycle Pub Crawl in the VERY near future.

     Our next family fun adventure took place at the annual Florida Renaissance Festival. We've been attending these events for more than fifteen years, and my grown kids are now relieved that I no longer badger them to squeeze into Robin Hood tights or fairy costumes. Where else but a renaissance festival can you find vampires, zombies, wenches and royalty sitting side by side at a lunch table? "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!!"

     There was nothing more enchanting for us than watching a jousting match while a nearby vendor shouted, "Booze on a stick!" "Fried Twinkies!" "Get your hot turkey legs right here!" (obviously they didn't have Jenny Craig back in the Renaissance days). My family decided that calories didn't count at the festival, and we didn't feel an ounce of guilt for scarfing down large quantities of kettle corn, fried fish and onion rings.

    A few weeks ago, we attended a celebration dinner at the local Lebanese restaurant. The lamb kabobs were outstanding, but once the belly dancer started circulating the room, I knew we'd come to the right place for a party. And it turned out to be the BEST place for some embarrassing photos to be taken.  The men were pulled from their seats by the belly dancer and they tried in vain to keep up with the woman's hip gyrations. Even funnier was watching my husband do his best belly dancing imitation and getting stuck on the floor when his knees refused to cooperate.

     Last but not least, the month rounded out with a special visit from one of my favorite blogger friends, Lisa Newlin, who writes the hilarious blog, Lisa Newlin Seriously? We enjoyed a wonderful dinner in the backyard garden and chatted for hours. Lisa is one of the funniest writers I know, and needless to say, there was a lot of laughter around the fire pit that night. Best of all---she witnessed my husband's awesome dance moves….and I doubt she will ever be the same.

     What will the next month bring us? Who knows…but I'm betting it will all be fun…. Doyle style.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:                          Baking In A Tornado                          Spatulas on Parade                          Follow me home                          Menopausal Mother                        Stacy Sews and Schools                                   Battered Hope                                  Just A Little Nutty                                        The Momisodes                            Someone Else’s Genius                        The Sadder But Wiser Girl                            Dinosaur Superhero Mommy                                Disneyland in Kentucky                            Juicebox Confession                      Searching for Sanity                                      Go Mama O


  1. I saw one of the pub crawl bikes when I was in Nashville! I don't know how you did it I would have gotten drunk and fell off somewhere along the way! I love your costumes for the festival, I've never been to one but they look like a lot of fun!

    1. Oh, you need to try both of these events!!! It will create fabulous memories you will NEVER forget!

  2. You certainly know how to party and you never seem to tire of it!

    1. My body says" Midlifer" but my brain is still stuck in 1981….

  3. SO MUCH FUN!!!! I want to come along next time! To all of it!! LOL

    1. It really was a blast. We are currently planning our very next bicycle pub crawl!

  4. LOVE that bicycle pub crawl - and of course it's down in my home state! God love Florida, where all the crazies go to hang. I miss the sunshine AND the fun.

    1. Yep---that's Florida for you! So much to do, so little time….

  5. I am so jealous. I've never heard of a Bicycle Pub Crawl, but I would LOVE to do one. Especially with minions to do the pedaling!

    1. Come down to Florida and I PROMISE to show you a good time. We'll get the minions to do all the pedaling while we sip our libations!

  6. I am not sure about that pub crawl on a bike... lol... I am not all that coordinated and add alcohol to the mixture could be more than funny... I probably would have fallen off... lol

    You do sound like you have some great times with your family Marcia... I need a night around that fire xox

    1. We're planning our next pub crawl---sure you don't want to give it a spin??

  7. Ok I read this it made my head hurt more, or that might have happened because I started to laugh I don't know why I just did and maybe that is the reason my head is hurting so much, I did wake up with a headache and that is never good, I will say I have never been on a pub crawl, oh hang on Leigh's engagement party had a pub crawl so I guess I have been on one who would have thought

    1. Pub Crawls are fun….but a little difficult to remember the next day….Hey, I hope your headache goes away---feel better! xo

  8. Love your fun adventures! The Bicycle Pub Crawl sounds like a blast - totally up my alley! We took the boys to a renaissance fair when they were younger and it was so much fun. Their favorite part was learning how to use a bow and arrow. Have a great weekend!

    1. Our sons were alway interested in the welder--guess they liked the fires and sparks, LOL! I'm always interested in the FOOD!

  9. Replies
    1. You'd love it and I guarantee you'd get a good blog post out of it!

  10. You are fun, I can just tell! I came over because of your blog name. It made me smile :) I am trying to imagine that bike!

  11. sounds like you all had lots of fun, love that you just enjoy the moments and each other.

  12. Oh boy, I missed the boat and should add a post on my experiences as I've been having some interesting times and so has my spouse. There are stories, some from the not to distant past, where my poor dear spouse has to duck and cover for a second or two..

    1. Yes ,yes, YES!!! Write about it--I wanna read it!

  13. The bicycle pub crawl seems like so much fun! Also how does booze get on a stick?

    1. It really is! At the Faire, they sell frozen drinks on a stick, like a frozen daiquiri, etc. on a popsicle stick. But you have to eat it fast, as it tends to melt quickly. Lots of alcohol in them.

  14. I was going to ask about booze on a stick, too! Your pub crawl sounds awesome (especially once your children were pedaling for you) and I love that your husband got stuck on the floor trying to belly dance. Also? You met Lisa? What fun - I'm so jealous of you both!!

    1. *See response above about booze on a stick* YESSSSS I met Lisa! She is HILARIOUS and we had so much fun together. I consider myself very fortunate to have met her.

  15. I absolutely love seeing your story at a glance! It's so fun to see the "behind the scenes" moments! I like how your family rolls, and I love that this ended with dinner with a blogger friend! How FUN is that? Love!

    1. Thanks, Galit! We really do have a good time and make the most of every day. Life is too short not to have FUN.

  16. You have such a fun family. I enjoy reading about your adventures :)

    1. We're always looking for something new and fun to try out. Now if I can just get you down here to visit me, you could join in on our craziness!

  17. Looks so much like a really fun and full family activity. :)

  18. Everything sounds fun. I know a ton of people who would love that pub crawl. Two of whom live right down there in that area!

    1. Tell them about it!!! I have lived here forever and never heard of it, but happened to see the big bike downtown one night. It looked like so much fun and I was instantly curious. My son's fiancé researched the company and bought us all tickets as a gift. We are going again in April and I can't wait!!!!

  19. I live in the wrong state for a bicycle pub crawl, but it sure sounds like fun!

    Ha! Impromptu belly dancing = always hilarious!

