
Friday, July 24, 2020

Fly On The Wall In Funny Family Photos

     Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, there are three brave bloggers allowing you into their homes for a sneak peek at what goes on behind closed doors.

     As the COVID-19 numbers here in Florida continue to escalate, our family is pretty much still in quarantine mode. Our family sees each other, but that is the extent of our social life right now. No restaurants, bars, parks, or gyms. We only go to one another's homes on the weekends for a swim and backyard barbeques. And that's enough for me because family is #1. Besides, I really enjoy the company of my kiddos.

     I haven't had a chance this month to keep track of some of our funnier conversations, but I HAVE captured a few photos here and there of time with my favorite people on the planet:

This is the face my husband makes when he hasn't had his coffee yet.
                 She definitely takes after her grandfather's side of the family....
I guess that cupcake didn't taste so good after all.

Nothing a little liquor can't fix!

She's learning how to make silly faces from the pro.

Which mask? Decisions, decisions.....'s what's for dinner.

What are you guys doing out there? No fair! You're having all the fun!

Isn't that what the Doyles are all about?

***WANT MORE MENO MAMA? You can find me this week on Humor Outcasts discussing senior citizen beer flavors here:

Click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

Baking In A Tornado        
Never Ever Give Up Hope   
Menopausal Mother         


  1. The month in pictures is every bit as funny as the month in words.
    PS: That pic of your husband before coffee looks an awful lot like me without coffee. We could be twins.

  2. Your pics always make me smile and they certainly tell a story. Love the pup one and it wouldn't be your post without him in it.

  3. Awww these pics are so darn cute and hilarious! My favorites are the pug's pic and your husband's pic...I can so much relate to that face when I don't get my tea the first thing in the morning...;P
    Thank you for continuing to make us laugh and smile with your posts <3

  4. Fabulous photos, Marcia! Looks like you're all making the most of it. OMG, too funny the expressions on everyone's faces. And it's always 'chicken' here, too. Ha!

  5. Yep. It's all there in those hilarious Doyle facial expressions!
    And if in doubt of what mask to wear? Wear both!
    What could possibly go wrong...?

  6. I just saw a fly on the wall it died of boredom and fell down to the floor

  7. Funny pics, but I do love the one of your husband holding his granddaughter. Now that's precious.

  8. I can relate to that face before coffee. In my family, I call it my "Cruella deVil" face. I pull it out whenever I need it:)

