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Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings, hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today, 4 bloggers are opening the "virtual" doors to their homes so that you can have a sneak peek at what goes on inside when only the nosy fly is watching.
"The Day I Learned My Husband Was A Crappy Plumber" on WRY TIMES
"How A Rescue Dog Helped Me During The Pandemic" on COVEY CLUB
"Best Pet Matches Foa All 12 Horoscope Signs" on ALWAYS PETS
ME: "This website is charging $300 for DNA kits that tell you what diseases you might be prone to."
MAC: "I'm prone to being stupid if I spend that kind of money on a kit."
ME "I can't believe how far back I'm finding my ancestors on this family tree!"
MAC: "Honey, you've gone so far back into your family tree that I wouldn't be surprised if you found a relative who was at The Last Supper."
MAC: "Ancestry.com just sent me an email saying that my test results were inconclusive and that I have to do another test!"
ME: "Did they address your email to, 'Dear llama'......?"
ME: "Since you're adopted, I think it's important to find out your family roots so that we know what's in your gene pool."
MAC: "It's a cesspool, not a gene pool."
As we prepare for the holidays, the fly on the wall has seen the hustle and bustle around here as I bake and wrap gifts. However, one bright spot in this lousy pandemic is that I was able to do ALL my shopping online, and in my pajamas, no less! The important thing though is that we are making our own kind of fun during these trying times, and the fly has witnessed it all....."Sorry, but I had to---you know how our family is so steeped in tradition."
"More like steeped in stupidity."
"Are you going to pick up a holiday turkey from Aldi's today?"
"No way, I hate that store. They only sell Faux-Turkeys there."
"I was a little nervous at our annual screening today when they put that ultrasound wand on my carotid artery. I was afraid of what they'd find."
"Not me. As soon as I heard the heartbeat on the ultrasound, I told the tech it sounded like my COVID baby was doing just fine."
"I still have some meds leftover from my last prescription. You can have them."
"Your prescription is probably from 1868, but sure, I can
"My daughters must love me so much....."
"What brought that on?"
"They both texted me today and called me 'Hoebag'."
"And that's....a sign of love?"
"Sure! We have names for all six of us in the family:
"I don't even want to know which one of those names you gave me...."
From our Hoe-Dirt-Douche-Scum-Flea-Barf Bag to yours, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay Save and MASK UP!!!
Click on these links for a peek into some other homes:
Baking In A Tornado https://www.BakingInATornado.com
Never Ever Give Up Hope https://batteredhope.blogspot.com
Menopausal Mother http://www.menopausalmom.com/
Go Mama O. https://gomamao.com/posts/