I was also invited by Janene and Christine over at The More Than Mommies Mixer to be their "Life Of The Party Hostess" (yeah, that certainly sounds like me!) this week. Please link up with the blog hop below once you check out the bloggers I've handed out these lovely awards to today.
The first award is the Inspiring Blog Award, thanks to the Insomniac's Dream @ http://hypnoticbard.blogspot.com. I am honored to be nominated by this talented lady since her blog posts are some of the finest writing I've seen in a long time. Her brilliance shines through in every entry she posts.
As with any blog award, there comes a set of rules:
1. Display award image on your blog page.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
5. Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to their posts.
7 Things You Were Dying To Know About Menopausal Mother:
1. I'm addicted to the History Channel and I'm a freak for old sci-fi shows such as Twilight Zone, Lost In Space and Outer Limits.
2. My favorite song in 2012 was Swedish House Mafia's "Don't You Worry Child." I still listen to it at least once a day. I'm just weird like that.
3. I don't do shots unless it's Patron Tequila.
4. I cuss like a sailor every morning when I struggle to put my contact lenses in.
5. I think Guy Fieri is sexy and I want to bake him a special rum cake....but I'm not gonna tell you what we're going to do with it.
6. I'm a HUGE fan of Foghorn Leghorn. I think every father out there could take a lesson or two in parenting skills from this feisty, outspoken rooster.
7. Yes, my husband actually does say, "Dadgummit," "Y'all" and "Now listen to me, Boy!" I think I might have married Foghorn Leghorn.
The 15 outstanding bloggers I am nominating for this award are:
The next award is the Very Inspiring Blogger Award given to me twice by two of my favorite bloggers----Sandra @ www.awriterweavesatale.com and Sarah @sadderbutwiser.wordpress.com. Sandra is one of the first bloggers I met when I was new to the blogging community, and she helped me numerous times with getting my blog off the ground. I could always turn to her for advice---and pretty soon our blog relationship turned into a true friendship. Sandra is my go-to gal and a damn good writer! Sarah I just met a few months ago and quickly discovered we're kindred spirits. Our wacky sense of humor is so similar, it's scary. Who else can I talk to about ear wax casseroles and Barbie bidets? We've even fantasized about joining the Navy Seals together---now THAT'S what I call a REAL friend!
The rules for this award are the same:
1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Post award image on your site.
3. List 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers.
5. Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link back to their site.
7 MORE Things About Menopausal Mother: (If you're not comatose yet, you're getting to know me a little too well by now...)
1. I have a secret stash of Christmas cookies left in my freezer. Shhh....don't tell the kids....OR the husband.
2. I have a heart murmur, and the irregular beat scares the shit out of me sometimes. But I refuse to give up caffeine. Coffee is my crack.
3. I have 60 squirrel figurines in my house. Yes, I'm obsessed.
4. I also love zombies but I can't collect them. They'd stink up my house.
5. I get my best blog post ideas while I'm soaped up in the shower or at 3:00a.m. during a bathroom run. Go figure....
6. I make lists for everything. I even add "make a list" on my list. I'm OCD like that.
7. Last year my husband and I scheduled our colonoscopies together (you can read about it here). All they gave us was coffee and graham crackers in the hospital when we woke up from the procedure . After having a tube shoved up my ass, I think they should have given me Prime Rib.
Since I was lucky enough to receive this award twice, I think it's only fair that I be allowed to nominate double the amount of bloggers to receive it. The 30 deserving bloggers I'd like to bestow this award on are:
tzookeeperswife.blogspot.com rumpunchdrunk.blogspot.com
followmehome.shellybean.com jonwhiting55.blogspot.com
hypnoticbard.blogspot.com modmombeyondindiedom.blogspot.com
snarkfestblog.blogspot.com singlewritermomrants.wordpress.com
www.theblacksheepmom.blogspot.com www.justkeepinitrealfolks.com
www.whencrazymeetsexhaustion.com stacysewsandschools.wordpress.com
forever-51.com mommybags.blogspot.com
lettersfromlaunna.blogspot.com www.mygirlyparts.com
whatthepoohdude.blogspot.com www.nicolechardenet.com/blog/
lipstickmargaritasandhairspray.com www.trashyblog.com
myheartblogstoyou.blogspot.com shitidonttell.blogspot.com
theterriblethrees.blogspot.com thegreekhousewife.blogspot.com
dustyearthmother.com jdeneen.com
75percenthippie.blogspot.com panchalibolchi.blogspot.com
www.themomoftheyear.net www.mail4rosey.com
Now that you've gotten through my list of "Who's Who" in the blogging community, let's get this blog hop party started! Want to meet some more bloggers and continue the fun? Link up below and be sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts. Please hop around the links and visit other bloggers. Follow them, leave comments and make some new friends!
Here are the "rules"
(Don't make us post bouncers at the door.)
- Follow your Hostesses - Christine and Janene from More Than Mommies
- Follow our Co-Hostess - Meredith at The Mom of the Year
- Follow the Life of The Party - Marcia at Menopausal Mother We have decided to change our LOTP spot a bit. We were worried that we might have been missing some people who tweeted and wanted to make it fair . . . sooo - we will choose someone who signs up via Twitter on the Linky below to be our LOTP each mixer. (We choose a different Life of The Party EVERY week! We would still TOTALLY appreciate a shout out on Twitter if you don't mind! Tweet
- Follow our Mixologist - This week our Mixologist is Ramona at Create with Joy. Every week we will choose one participant to get our party started at the #4 slot. All you have to do is link up under the first Linky (and follow the "rules") to be considered!
- Follow the person directly BEFORE you on the hop!
- Finally, we ask that you post one (or both!) of the following buttons in either a post or on your sidebar to let other people know where you are partying today!