I have been grinning from ear to ear in anticipation of introducing you to today's Wacky Wednesday Writers guest. I found Deb of http://www.justkeepinitrealfolks.com awhile ago after she left a comment on my blog. When I hopped over to her site, let's just say there was some jaw dropping involved....and a LOT of laughter! This lady has a warped and wacky sense of humor, which is why I appreciate her so much. Her blog posts are totally relatable and although they often make me blush, I like the fact that Deb is always "just keepin' it real" on her site. I'm betting that you'll love her, too. Do yourself a favor and visit her blog for your daily dose of laughter....you'll be glad you did.
Bridge The
As you all know, October
is breast cancer awareness month and there were thousands of events
goin’ on around the globe to raise money and put the spotlight on
this worthy cause. Now I’m all about savin’ second base and doin’
my part to keep abreast of the situation, but I gotta tell ya folks,
I ain’t gonna bridge the gap between life and death and look like
I’m bein’ crucified over Lake Titicaca.
Check out the story of
this 55 year old Florida lady who my blogging buddy Robyn of
so aptly described as makin’ a boob of herself. Apparently the
woman was not walking abreast during the Making Strides Against
Breast Cancer 5K and decided to take a walk on the wild side instead.
The railroad drawbridge was not even part of the route and was
actually closed to pedestrians but I guess she heard Aerosmith’s
“Walk This Way” in her head or somethin’ ‘cause I’ll be
damned if she didn’t cross that bridge over troubled waters just as
it started to rise. Since the woman is obviously bigger than a
titmouse she got booby trapped for 30 minutes until rescuers could
free her. Good thang her headlights were on, ey?
Well, I guess it’s all
water under the bridge now ‘cause she was unharmed. However, since
there are no medals awarded for sucking hind tit, I hear she did
receive the booby prize. A little tit for tat ya might say because
the woman may be charged with trespassing. Let’s just hope next
time she puts her breast foot forward.
Bio: Deb is a former attorney, turned domestic engineer, turned blogger writing warped and wacky snippets of everyday life. She fancies herself a bit of a redneck, and unlike her blogging buddy Marcia, enjoys shootin' at those rodents with bushy tails with her 22 and makes a damn good squirrel pot pie. Come on over for dinnah anytime!