We've seen so many changes in the past year, this blog and I. We've made internet friends across the globe and have been guests in places we never imagined possible. The outpouring of love my blogger baby has received validates every dream I ever had of being a writer.
As my blog grows, it demands more and more of my attention, like a prepubescent teen preparing for the first year of middle school. It's hard for me to be away from it for long periods at a time--I get twitchy and distracted, wondering how my baby is fairing in the blogosphere without having me at the helm of my computer 24/7.
We started out 2013 with a bang by ranking in the top 25 of the Circle Of Moms blog contest. Other highlights included featured posts on popular sites such as (direct links to posts provided):
Scary Mommy @ www.scarymommy.com/menopause/
In The Powder Room @ www.inthepowderroom.com/read/momsrock/2013-07-6-good-things-about-raising-teenage-boys.html
The Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop @ humor.org/2013/07/22/coffee-with-erma-2/
Generation Fabulous @ generationfabulous.com/7-deadly-sins-menopause-2/
I also wrote one rare, serious post that dealt with an unexpected confession from Menopausal Mother when I was a guest blogger over at DeBieHive's Writer's Workshop. You can read that special post here:
Am I addicted to blogging? Yes. Do I regret it? No. My only regret is that I didn't discover this wonderful, creative outlet for self expression years ago. I'm loving the blogger lifestyle, and here's why:
* I have high hopes that I will sell a book one day and earn enough money to give The Hubs what he has always dreamed of having: a yard gnome farm.
* I've learned to get creative with my cooking. A meal should only take five minutes to prepare, so that I don't miss a moment of blogging. My family has learned to like peanut butter and canned sardines on a bagel. Microwaved.
* Blogging has become such an addiction, I might need to invent a "bloggerette patch" to wear on my upper arm. Watch for it in an upcoming infomercial.
* Termites could chew my wood frame home down to kindling for a S'mores bonfire and I'd still be laughing about it on my blog.
* I pimp myself out for new blog followers by promising tickets to the senior citizens paintball tournament (extra points for hitting the colostomy bag).
* It's true I have to deal with Irritable Spouse Syndrome, but I've cured this disease by buying all the premium channels on cable, including Goats Gone Wild and Llama Likkers.
* I've been known to write down blog post ideas on gum wrappers, Kotex pads, bar receipts and toilet paper in the ladies' room. That's what I call true dedication.
* I've made so many friends through the blogosphere. We share virtual cups of coffee, donuts and margaritas...so much so that along with my virtual hangovers, I gain virtual weight. Next week, I'll start my virtual diet.
* I get inspired while I blog and come up with some creative ideas, such as the "toilo-chair." Pee and blog simultaneously without missing a word for a bathroom break.
* I'm thrilled as long as my page view numbers remain higher than the numbers in the mating cycle of a beer-bellied sloth...or the albino tree frogs in Tunisia.
* I have carpal tunnel funnel cake syndrome. Every time I blog, I crave funnel cakes.
All kidding aside folks, there are some very special bloggers and Facebook fans out there who have become dear friends to me this past year. They have inspired me to reach new heights and break the glass ceiling. You know who you are---I thank you and love you with all of my heart.
Here's to another year of great cheer, good beer and keeping you near!