Friday, July 26, 2024

Finding Out You Are Not Your Mother (When It Comes To Menopause)

Everyone has always said that I am my mother's child due to our similarities---we have similar features, the same sense of humor, we both love cooking and we try to keep a positive attitude when life throws us curveballs. I'm sure many of you have heard the same about your own mothers. As the saying goes---like mother, like daughter! But this is not always the case, especially when it comes to menopause and the phase right before menopause, known as perimenopause. With menopause, there's a good chance that you might be dancing to the beat of a different drummer since no two women experience (or adapt to) menopause symptoms in the exact same way.

For me, the worst part of menooause was the hot flashes and night sweats that kept my from a good night's sleep. I'd wake up tired and fatigued all day. But not all of my friends experienced the same side effects of menopause; some of the luckier ones had little to no symptoms and were over menopause within a year. Not me---it has been many years since I started menopause and I'm STILL dealing with some of the uncomfortable symptoms.


Like me, you may be asking yourself why your body isn't responding to the change of life the same way your mother's did. After all, you carry 50% of her genes. But it doesn't work that way. Many other factors play a role in your perimenopause and menopause experience---such as your environment, your physical and mental health, and your lifestyle. For this reason, it’s important to pay attention to (and understand) the changes you may be experiencing so that you can navigate your own menopausal journey.

While a majority of women 55+ report being aware they’re in menopause, women under 45 are most likely to deny they are perimenopausal. This is because 90% of women aged 35-65 have experienced at least one symptom that could be attributed to perimenopause or menopause, with the average woman claiming they have experienced at least six of the symptoms!

So how do you know?

Menopause isn't just about the hot flashes your mom and her friends complained about. 


Once the first symptoms appear, you're in the early stages of change known as perimenopause. This is the phase before menopause when your ovaries gradually produce less estrogen and your periods become irregular. This might cause symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, occasional sleeplessness, mood swings, weight gain, and stress – which can all be related to hormonal changes.

You are in full-on menopause once you've gone 12 consecutive months without a period and still experience symptoms similar to perimenopause. Both perimenopause and menopause can be uncomfortable and disruptive, creating what is known as a symptom cycle – where sleeplessness contributes to low energy which in turn contributes to mood swings. It's a constant cycle that goes around and around. 

Understand Your Symptoms & Solutions

Having been through all of this (and still experiencing some of it), my best suggestion for you is to listen to your body and check your symptoms (you can find out by taking this easy, 2-minute quiz!). While your perimenopause and menopause journey is absolutely your own (and may be very different than what your mother went through or what your same-age friends are going through now), it's important to know that you’re not alone and that there are ways to take back control of your life. The good news is that help is on the way with Amberen!

I recently discovered a new dietary supplement called, Amberen®Energy Mood Sleep Gummies  That is a game changer with menooause. It’s a gummy made to address the uncomfortable symptoms caused by hormonal changes during perimenopause and menopause.* The key ingredient is Pycnogenol®, an extract of French maritime pine bark, which is nature's super ingredient that has antioxidant properties and provides relief from common symptoms like occasional sleeplessness, mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, and night sweats.


Pycnogenol has been clinically tested and used in health and wellness products for the past 40 years and does not affect estrogen levels. To learn more, check out

Take Action

Women’s healthcare and technology has advanced ten-fold since our mothers went through menopause---THANKFULLY! But it's up to you now to discuss your personal perimenopause and menopause journey with friends, family, and your doctors. They will help you learn about the different treatment options available and about solutions like Amberen Energy Mood Sleep to help address this uncomfortable symptom cycle. If you're tired of menopause, it's time to take control of this natural transition that every woman experiences at some point in her life.

My advice? You deserve to feel like YOU while going through menopause or perimenopause – not your mother, so start taking the steps now to help take back control of your life!



***These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

‡‡In a clinical trial of perimenopausal women.

Pycnogenol® is a registered trademark of Horphag Research.


[1] Flow Strategy conducted the menopausal study on behalf of Amberen using an online omnibus survey of n=1,002 U.S. women ages 35-65. This survey was conducted from January 18 to January 20, 2024.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Fly On The Wall Where The Superflies Roam

Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today there are three of us inviting you into our homes to see what a nosy fly might see if he was buzzing around. 

The flies around here are enjoying our company even though we are sweltering in this Florida heat. I was tempted to hand out fly swatters at our neighborhood 4th of July party because those buggers were relentless when the BBQ was brought to the table.

We're still camping every few weeks despite this interminable heat, but the problem is that the flies also love camping---especially near the RV sewer drains (gross, I know). They've been following us everywhere even though we go through the numerous cans of bug spray we pack. I think they must be a new breed of superfly that's immune to poison. It's bad enough we have to worry about bears on our camping trips, but FLIES?? I need one of those electric zapper things to hang from the RV. And the mosquitoes? Don't even get me started..... 

Here are some snippets of conversation the superflies overheard while we were sweating and swatting at them:

"Why are there SO MANY FLIES inside the RV?"
"It's the outdoor drain---the poop tube---that attracts them."
"But most of them are circling around YOU. When was the last time you showered?"
"I don't remember, but I did flush out the poop tube today."
"Oh my God, it's you! Flies know stink when they smell it. Go take a damn shower!"

"I like this battery-operated wrinkle diminisher you bought. If I use it every day, I should see results over time. "
"Uhhhh....with your amount of wrinkles, it's going to run out of batteries long before you see any results."

"Look at all these birds! So many different types---but I don't know what the difference is between a finch and a sparrow."
"The spelling...."

"Your phone doesn't get good internet when we're in the woods, and my phone doesn't take good pictures. Our cells need to link up and make a baby so we can get the perfect phone that takes good pictures AND has good internet."
"That's not going to happen because my phone has a low sex drive and yours has ED."

"I really want to get that tattoo we discussed---Be Humble, Be Grateful."

"As much eating as we've been doing lately on these camping trips, you need to change that saying to Be Humble, Be Fatful."

"Fast food chicken nuggets are so gross. You never know exactly what's in them. There could be human parts in there, for all we know!"
"Remind me the next time I pull up to the takeout window at McDonalds to ask for their 6-piece cadaver nuggets."

"You know how I know I'm getting older?" 
" you have 30 minutes?"
"No---but when I was younger, I carried condoms in my wallet. Now I carry bandaids instead." 

"Why won't you ride the mechanical bull?"
"Because you know what happened the last time I tried. I fell off and wrenched my shoulder."
"But it was so funny! Come on, try again!"
"No way. With my luck, I'll fall this time and permanently injure my back." 
"Your point?"
"My point is that I'm not going to hurt myself just for your amusement."
"But you promised you'd make me laugh at least once every single day we were married."
"Remind me---what's the name of that divorce lawyer you said you're friends with on Facebook?"

I don't see any mechanical bulls or campground showers in my husband's future, but I'm working on getting him that FATFUL tattoo for his arm.... 

***WANT MORE MENO MAMA?? Check out my latest column for Yahoo Life on my preference for younger friends (you can read it HERE ). I have 2 new articles up on AARP/The Girlfriend: Something That Spices Up My Marriage ( HERE ) and some easy appetizer recipes ( HERE ). Over on AARP/The Ethel, I have a new piece up on my favorite summer BBQ recipes that you can read HERE

Now hustle over to Karen and Diane's blogs to see what the nosy fly overheard at their houses!

Baking In A Tornado                      


On the Border                               

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fly On The Wall In A Summer Monsoon

Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today there are four of us inviting you into our homes to see what a nosy fly might see if he was buzzing around. 

The flies in Florida were frantic last week when we were hit with a deluge of rain---a monsoon that I was certain would make our entire state break free from the U.S. and sink into the ocean. In fact, there was so much rain that we had to reschedule one of our camping trips when the RV park turned into a mud pit. I'm actually camping right now (storms are finally gone) at the beautiful Fisheating Creek Outpost and life is good (especially since I can still get internet out in the boonies!). We're getting the hang of this whole RV thing, starting with our first adventure with Lucy last month (and the lions!)---which I wrote about in May's Fly On The Wall post. We also went to Blue Spring State Park a few weeks ago and have more RV trips lined up throughout the rest of the year (cheers to senior discounts and cheap vacations!!). And YES, we are still carrying on the funny mumu tradition that started on that first trip. 

It has been a busy month with family and friends, and the fly has seen it all---preschool graduations, birthday celebrations, our local "Downtown Untapped" festivities (always cool to see neighbors, relatives, and FB friends come out to the monthly event), and a great, heart-warming Father's Day that I think made the big guy feel special. **In honor of Father's Day, I'm sharing lots of photos of my better half  (and the funny inspiration behind most of my FOW blog posts)!

The nosy fly has also been privy to some weird conversations during our camping trips, and as always, our discussions center on food and being overweight. Yeah, I'm seeing a connection there.....

"I swear, food always tastes better when you grill it at a campsite. The salmon was delicious!"
"It was too good--I ate so much it feels like the salmon are spawning in my belly."

"Did you forget to empty the RV trash can?"
"No, I just chose to ignore it."
"Then take yourself out with the trash."
"I can't fit into the trash can. I'm too fat"
"Well, that makes you the perfect size for their 'Bulk Trash' pickup."

"You were moaning in your sleep again last night and thrashing around so much that the RV was shaking. Were you having a bad dream?"
"No, but I was dreaming that I was climbing up a long set of stairs. That moaning you heard was me being out of shape and wheezing."

"I'm so full from lunch!"
"Yes, it takes a while to digest heavy, cream soups."
"Awhile? More like three weeks!"

"How's your diet going, Mac?"
"Not good. Pretty soon I'll be added to the McDonald's menu as the new BIG MAC."
"Awww....come on, you don't need to diet..."
"You're just trying to fatten me up so you can outrun me in the woods if we come across a bear." 

"We have to be careful not to add too much extra weight to the RV while we're driving---it's a harder strain on the truck to pull it."
"Then maybe you should jump out and walk."

"Old people drive me crazy!"
"WE are the old people."
"Okay, maybe it's just YOU who drives me crazy."

Hubs does drive me crazy, but he's my ride-or-die on our camping adventures, so I think I'll keep him around for a while.... and also because he's the one carrying the bear spray.... 

*****WANT MORE MENO MAMA? Catch my latest for AARP/The Ethel on delicious foods to pack in your summer picnic basket HERE . For this month's column for Yahoo Life I wrote about late-in-life marriages. If you watched "The Golden Bachelor," you'll get a kick out of my latest article . Lastly, for AARP/The Girlfriend, I wrote about the top state parks to visit this summer with family, and you can read it HERE  .

Now buzz around these other homes and see what the fly discovered this month!

 Baking In A Tornado                      

On the Border                               


What TF Sarah                              

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Conquering Menopause: A Guide for Couples: Easy & Effective Solutions for Surviving THE CHANGE by Kim Brooks

Today on the blog I'm featuring Kim Brooks' book, Conquering Menopause: A Guide For Couples, which is excellent for women struggling with menopause issues in their relationships. We all know how hard it is on our partners---the rapid mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, and general crabbiness associated with the change. Kim says her book is a "revolutionary guide that introduces a new perspective on menopause: one that sees it not as an obstacle, but as an avenue for couples to grow and connect more deeply."

Here is a brief summary of the book:  

Conquering Menopause: A Guide for Couples: Easy & Effective Solutions for Surviving THE CHANGE 

This book serves as a comprehensive guide and companion for couples navigating the complex journey of menopause. It starts with an introduction that acknowledges the strain menopause can place on relationships, setting the stage for a deep dive into the biological, emotional, and relational aspects of this life transition. Emphasizing empathy, open communication, and mutual support, the book offers practical strategies, exercises, and conversation starters to help couples maintain intimacy, manage stress, and grow together during menopause.

Each chapter of the book addresses a different facet of the menopause experience, from understanding the physiological changes and symptoms to exploring various management strategies, including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and holistic remedies. The guide stresses the importance of seeing menopause not as an obstacle but as an opportunity for personal and relational development, offering insights into how couples can support each other through changes, foster deeper connections, and adapt their lifestyles to embrace this new phase of life.

The conclusion reinforces the book's message of hope and empowerment, inviting readers to approach menopause with a sense of adventure and optimism. It encourages sharing experiences, supporting others, and contributing to a broader conversation about menopause, transforming it from an isolating experience to one of collective empowerment. Menopause is presented as not merely an end to fertility but a gateway to enriching the next phase of life and relationships, urging couples to step forward into this journey with courage, joy, and an unwavering commitment to each other.

Here, at last, Kim says, "is a resource that recognizes the role that both partners play in the menopause journey and equips you with everything you need to face the change together."

Inside this valuable guide, you'll uncover:

·         How to open up a genuine dialogue about feelings, fears, and expectations surrounding menopause.

·         Practical tips to manage hot flashes, mood swings, and other common symptoms together.

·         A unique approach to rekindle intimacy during menopause.

·         Detail on how lifestyle changes can help manage, reduce, or even eliminate some of the typical symptoms of menopause.

·         Actionable strategies to strengthen your relationship and foster deeper understanding and compassion.

·         Specific, practical tips for managing stress and anxiety in menopause.

·         How to maintain a sense of humor through the ups and downs of menopause.

Bear in mind that menopause is different for every woman – and every couple.

While this guide offers advice and insights based on a wide range of common experiences, the precise path you walk will be your unique journey.

And, despite what popular culture might suggest, menopause is not a catastrophe nor a woman's problem. It's simply another stage of life - something that can even, believe it or not, bring couples closer together!

QUOTES From Conquering Menopause:

“Imagine two trees standing side by side. As the seasons change, they weather storms and bask in sunlight, each affecting the other's growth. Similarly, couples facing menopause can either stand resilient together or let the winds of change create distance between them. This chapter is about nurturing that resilience, about being two trees that lean into each other for support, sharing the sunlight and rain equally.”


“Menopause does not knock on the door; it often barges in unannounced, bringing changes that can ripple through the calm waters of a relationship. But here's a thought: what if couples saw this as an opportunity to fortify their bond instead of bracing for impact?”


“In the tapestry of life, sleep weaves a thread of tranquility essential for rejuvenating both body and soul. As menopause ushers in a myriad of changes, the sanctity of sleep becomes more precious, requiring a conscientious effort from both partners to preserve its quality.”

**I highly recommend Kim's book if you are currently experiencing menopause issues in your relationship!  

BUY IT HERE:  = Paperback B0CY7SPXRR  = E-Book  = Hardcover


At 53, Kim Brooks is an author who has transformed her menopause journey into a helpful guide for others. Drawing from her own experiences and thorough research, she has written "Conquering Menopause: A Guide for Couples," aiming to offer insights, support, and practical advice to those navigating menopause. Her commitment to aiding others during this phase of life showcases her dedication to education and advocacy.

While she has a passion for writing, Kim, a mother of three and grandmother of five, places a high value on creating memories with her family.

Currently, Kim is working on the audiobook version of her guide, with a release planned for July 2024.

Kim's author page on Amazon:


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