We're too hot to do much this month as we deal with the interminable heat of summer. Living in south Florida from June to September is like living in Satan's armpit for four months. Or like experiencing a hot flash that never ends. This is my life. The only way to keep my sense of humor is to stick my head in the freezer every 30 minutes. My husband also has a sense of humor. He bought me a "wearable sports fan." For real. I don't care how dumb it looks on me; it's worth it not to melt into a puddle every time I walk the dogs.
Anyway, here are some snippets of conversation the fly overheard while he was sweating on the wall:
"I love riding my spin bike at home, blasting tunes and singing along with the music. But this morning, I don't think the dogs appreciated it when I hit that high note on A-ha's 'Take On Me.'"
"I remember in high school when my best friend and I went to this small gas station near her home, there was a big guy who worked there and he had a crush on her. Every time he saw Ginny, he made a point of trying to impress her by telling her that he was a firebug."
"Well, that's not creepy at all..."
"I can't believe that after 15 attempts, I FINALLY got a publication acceptance from McSweeney's on my funny post about those nasty seaweed chips! Do you think this will make me famous for humor writing?"
"No, it'll make you famous for hating seaweed chips."
"I love coming home from work and popping open a few beers."
"Yes, I can tell. You do it every single night."
"Yep. The only difference between me and an alcoholic is that they go to meetings every Tuesday night. "
"You really need to start using a moisturizer on your face."
"Yeah, I know. There isn't enough lotion in the world to smooth out my deep wrinkles. I've got a map of the Grand Canyon on my face."
"I've eaten so much meat tonight that I'm pretty sure I've consumed Noah's entire ark."
"What's taking so long for the waiter to bring out our food? All he has done so far is set our table. I'm so hungry, I might chew on the silverware."
"Maybe that's all he thinks we need for dinner---edible napkins on a plate."
"I don't know why they call this a memory foam mattress. I still don't remember anything after I wake up."
"My mother served us beef tongue when I was a child. She tried to disguise it under layers of ketchup and pass it off as meatloaf. I knew something was wrong when I saw the pointed end of a tongue and taste buds on the surface. This is why I have trust issues today."
I don't have trust issues, but I DO have fan issues. As in, I need MORE!
***WANT MORE MENO MAMA? I'm thrilled to have a new essay published on the website Human Parts: "The Healing Power Of Ink." You can read it here: https://tinyurl.com/y2oauld5
Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:
Baking In A Tornado https://www.BakingInATornado.com
Never Ever Give Up Hope https://batteredhope.blogspot.com
Menopausal Mother http://www.menopausalmom.com/
Spatulas on Parade https://spatulasonparade.blogspot.com
Bookworm in the Kitchen https://www.bookwormkitchen.com/
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