Friday, June 21, 2024

Fly On The Wall In A Summer Monsoon

Welcome to another edition of Fly On The Wall group blog postings hosted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado. Today there are four of us inviting you into our homes to see what a nosy fly might see if he was buzzing around. 

The flies in Florida were frantic last week when we were hit with a deluge of rain---a monsoon that I was certain would make our entire state break free from the U.S. and sink into the ocean. In fact, there was so much rain that we had to reschedule one of our camping trips when the RV park turned into a mud pit. I'm actually camping right now (storms are finally gone) at the beautiful Fisheating Creek Outpost and life is good (especially since I can still get internet out in the boonies!). We're getting the hang of this whole RV thing, starting with our first adventure with Lucy last month (and the lions!)---which I wrote about in May's Fly On The Wall post. We also went to Blue Spring State Park a few weeks ago and have more RV trips lined up throughout the rest of the year (cheers to senior discounts and cheap vacations!!). And YES, we are still carrying on the funny mumu tradition that started on that first trip. 

It has been a busy month with family and friends, and the fly has seen it all---preschool graduations, birthday celebrations, our local "Downtown Untapped" festivities (always cool to see neighbors, relatives, and FB friends come out to the monthly event), and a great, heart-warming Father's Day that I think made the big guy feel special. **In honor of Father's Day, I'm sharing lots of photos of my better half  (and the funny inspiration behind most of my FOW blog posts)!

The nosy fly has also been privy to some weird conversations during our camping trips, and as always, our discussions center on food and being overweight. Yeah, I'm seeing a connection there.....

"I swear, food always tastes better when you grill it at a campsite. The salmon was delicious!"
"It was too good--I ate so much it feels like the salmon are spawning in my belly."

"Did you forget to empty the RV trash can?"
"No, I just chose to ignore it."
"Then take yourself out with the trash."
"I can't fit into the trash can. I'm too fat"
"Well, that makes you the perfect size for their 'Bulk Trash' pickup."

"You were moaning in your sleep again last night and thrashing around so much that the RV was shaking. Were you having a bad dream?"
"No, but I was dreaming that I was climbing up a long set of stairs. That moaning you heard was me being out of shape and wheezing."

"I'm so full from lunch!"
"Yes, it takes a while to digest heavy, cream soups."
"Awhile? More like three weeks!"

"How's your diet going, Mac?"
"Not good. Pretty soon I'll be added to the McDonald's menu as the new BIG MAC."
"Awww....come on, you don't need to diet..."
"You're just trying to fatten me up so you can outrun me in the woods if we come across a bear." 

"We have to be careful not to add too much extra weight to the RV while we're driving---it's a harder strain on the truck to pull it."
"Then maybe you should jump out and walk."

"Old people drive me crazy!"
"WE are the old people."
"Okay, maybe it's just YOU who drives me crazy."

Hubs does drive me crazy, but he's my ride-or-die on our camping adventures, so I think I'll keep him around for a while.... and also because he's the one carrying the bear spray.... 

*****WANT MORE MENO MAMA? Catch my latest for AARP/The Ethel on delicious foods to pack in your summer picnic basket HERE . For this month's column for Yahoo Life I wrote about late-in-life marriages. If you watched "The Golden Bachelor," you'll get a kick out of my latest article . Lastly, for AARP/The Girlfriend, I wrote about the top state parks to visit this summer with family, and you can read it HERE  .

Now buzz around these other homes and see what the fly discovered this month!

 Baking In A Tornado                      

On the Border                               


What TF Sarah                              


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