Friday, October 18, 2019

A Dream Come True

     Today, the top item on my writer's bucket list came true. My first (and very personal) essay was just published in THE NEW YORK TIMES!  My life is now complete. ***Please refer to the link below and visit the website when you get a chance. Time to pop open some bubbly and celebrate!


  1. Congratulations on being published, Marcia! What an honor - and in the New York Times, no less! It's a great story and very important to anyone who has lost a twin at birth! My hubby was a twin who lost his brother at birth, too!

  2. C O N G R A T S)))

    So happy for you, dear Marcia!

    And Envious.

    I'm serious when I say: Show me how. Teach a class.

    Love from MN. xx



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