Sunday, November 18, 2012

Life In The Unemployment Lane

     Thanksgiving is upon us, and while most people are counting their blessings on this traditional family holiday, I am the grinchy pessimist seeing a glass that is already half empty. Our world was turned upside down when my husband lost his job recently (no, he did not work at the Hostess Twinkie factory, although he IS my favorite Ding Dong). Somebody stomped on the breaks and we weren't wearing any seat belts. Not only did we lose our income, but our healthcare as well. To say that life is a challenge is an understatement. A trap door has opened under our feet---the rope to climb out within our grasp but hard to reach.
     Our current situation renders negative and positive thoughts on being unemployed:

     *My husband, who was born during the Jurassic period, cannot compete with the Generation X applicants clamoring for the same job.

     *We can no longer enjoy a good, Porterhouse steak. We're reduced to eating Spam and baked beans...pretty soon that box of doggie treats on the shelf will look appetizing.

     *Instead of spending 8 hours at a job, my husband spends 8 hours digging under couch cushions or the car floorboards in search of loose change to play the lottery. He can't walk past a vending machine without checking the coin return for stray nickels and dimes.

     *My guy now requires a two hour nap in the middle of the day after consuming mass quantities of cheap food to counteract his boredom. He stands at the kitchen counter and just squirts the cheese from a can directly into his mouth, then washes it down with  handful of crackers.

     *To keep himself busy, my husband has been trimming all the hedges into Disney topiaries, painted the shed in camouflage and dug up our yard for a new sprinkler system, which now resembles a groundhog transit system.


     *My husband has tackled the pantry that I have recently neglected by alphabetizing and color coding soup cans, boxed meals and cake mixes.

     *We have time to enjoy a morning walk together. The hubs is trying to work off his beer belly and the man boobs that bounce as he he jogs (no money for a sports bra).

     *The rain gutters and tile grout in the shower have never been cleaner. Even the dust bunnies under the bed have packed up their suitcases and left.

     *We have time now to explore every chapter of the Kama Sutra book. Clowns and unicorns notwithstanding.

     *We get to sleep in as late as we want. Whether it's five hours or eight, we still wake looking like disoriented patients after shock therapy. We have yet to invent a drip line from the Keurig machine to our mouths upon waking.

     Eventually my husband will find a new job and life will return to normal. Sack lunches, regular income and a juicy, Porterhouse steak. Perhaps the glass IS half full. This Thanksgiving, our turkey may be the size of a Cornish Game hen, but I am still grateful. I may be broke, but I am wealthy in so many other ways. I have my family, my health and the last Twinkie off the shelf.


  1. Marcia- Will definitely keep you in thoughts and prayers that your hubby will find a job soon. My hubby just went back to work the end of 2010 after the company he worked for many years did not survive. On a lighter note I am with you on the whole Hostess thing. :/ Many of my favorites will not fill my cupboards anymore. On Friday evening the only reminder of Hostess that remained on the store shelves was some Ding Dong crumbs. :(

    1. I probably would have scraped them up in my hands and eaten them, hahaha!!! RIP Twinkies & Ding Dongs!

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is a great reminder. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I know how tough it is(I am unemployed myself and hubby's on fixed income) My brother-in-law worked for Merita and lost his job. It's sad that so many are without work during this time. BTW, I love Ding Dongs too!

    1. Scary times for all of us, indeed. Now we don't even have the Ding Dongs around to cheer us up!

  3. It's amazing you guys can stay funny through this testing times. I believe you and hubs are 'ageing' gracefully.

    God willing, things will return to normal and perhaps better.

    1. Thanks, Noir. Humor is all that is left to keep our sanity, otherwise we might just fall apart.

  4. I'm in a similar situation, and it does suck! My husband got laid off 10 months ago from Pepsi, and even though he receives unemployment, they are only giving us 50%, which is not even enough to pay the bills. And what's worse is the DAY AFTER he got laid off, the engine in our car died. There was no way we could get enough money together to fix it, so now we're without a car as well. I've learned that sometimes, life is just an asshole.

    I'll be praying for you, and let's hope soon things turn around for all of us. :)

    1. Your car died? That's the worst. Seems like bad things always happen in groups like that and you wonder how you will ever get back up on your feet again. Praying for you now as well, Hon!

  5. Very well put... bad times seem like they are never going to end..

  6. I'm sorry Marcie. It's horrible when this happens to our men (it did to mine too). It's not easy, but we're hanging in there. Here's hoping it will get better!

  7. I hope a job comes through soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. It will--the scary thing is what KIND of job that may be!

  8. You are both in my prayers. I pray that things will get better for you.

    1. Thank you so much or your concern, Beth. Here's to the power of prayer!!!

  9. We went through something similar and in some ways still are. My husband lost his job at a time when he could be replaced by 2 people starting out for less than he was making. We got unemployment but it barely paid for insurance. I got a job but my kids trashed the house and stopped doing homework. My husband studied and tested and started a new career, but he now is paid on commission. In this economy that's a very bad thing. I know what you're going through and I hope that blogging and your blogger friends bring you stress relief and support until your situation changes. And it will . . .

    1. You are so correct---blogging really does help me, along with support from wonderful bloggers like you!

  10. great post as always. So sorry you're living on the edge. losing your healthcare is the worst but Hopefully with the national healthcare agenda that will change. I personally can't imagine having my husband around all day, would make me nuts! And is biggest issue is, though lucky to still have his job, he hates it but feels he too is a dinosaur and if something happened, it would not be so easy to get back up to speed. I do hope things turn around for you soon.

    1. That's the sad part--when you lose your job and have to settle for something worse that you hate having to wake up to every morning--I pray that doesn't happen to him. He is only 6-9 years away from retirement--we just have to be able to hang in there a little bit longer....

  11. Tough times can use the type of resilient sense of humor you clearly have. May the dawn soon break for you.

    1. Beautiful words of encouragement---thank you, my friend!

  12. prayers sent your way & I am jealous on your pantry being so well organized gosh that can make a girl dizzy with love :)) Hang in there I know the Lord is sending you some relief soon!!

    1. Nothing makes a woman desire her man more than seeing him scrubbing out the tub and folding laundry...sigh....

  13. I will send prayers and positive thoughts out to you and your family... it's scary how things can happen just like that. Good luck, everything will come full circle :)

    1. Yes---this was totally unexpected. Not sure how we will fair through all this---especially this fear of the unknown, but we just have to take life one day at a time. Your positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated!!!

  14. Hola Marcia, Thank you for reminding us that we are not alone. So many people are going thru the same thing. Keep the faith. My prayers are with you and yours.

    ~SimplyyMayra :)

    1. There are TOO many people going through this right now--that's the sad part. But yes, there is some comfort in knowing that we are not alone and that there are a lot of people out there who truly care and want to help. Thank you for your prayers!

  15. Every good American loves to fight and won't tolerate a loser. So said General Patton. Perhaps after reading some of the comments out there I can perhaps inspire some of you. Call it my little ray of sunshine. Success at anything is created by hard work, perseverance and flexibility. If a job won't come to you - go to it. Propose a NEW position to a corporation where they are missing the boat. Hey Hooters, I notice that nobody sprays off the area around your grease traps back of the restaurant and it is attracting flies. For $20 per week per location I will take care of that with a sprayer and some water. How long does it take to set up an internet business in the US? About 10 minutes. Check out reseller options/programs at NewEgg and TigerDirect and others. Free. Want to be a consultant? There, you are a consultant. It takes that long to become one. $5 website and you are off. Hey Mrs. Manager of Kohls - for $100 per week I will prepare a compendium of all your competitors ads and drop them off and include a visit review at your competition. Then you go to the competition and make the same offer. $500 a week.

    I'm trying to make a point here.

    You have to hustle - and given that 50 million Americans are on food stamps - you apparently don't have to "out-hustle" very many people to win the argument.

    As my father always said - You want a helping hand? Look at the end of your arm."

    Don't be a "dependee" - be a "doee". Given that others are giving up, the field is wide open....

    1. You have given me a lot to think about here, and I love your ideas. Don't worry---we don't plan to depend on a government handout for long. Your father was a very wise man, BTW. I'm thinking I should open up my OWN Twinkie factory now---look how many people are ready to stock up on the stuff?? I could sell a Ding Dong for ten bucks now!

  16. I lost my well paid job in January of this year. Being unemployed was so hard, and it seemed like I would never get a job again. I've recently got a job which is totally different from what I did, and vastly lower paid, but I'm glad just to be employed. It's a strange old world we live in right now, and my thoughts are with you and your family, I hope things are looking up soon. x

    1. Thank you, Louise. We are adjusting as best we can--we've learned very quickly to cut back on ALL expenses. It sure makes us appreciate the things we once took for granted!

  17. I am so sorry your hubby lost his job especially right now, that so seriously sucks. You can come here for the holiday and eat with us, we would love the company *winks*.
    Stay positive and keep your sense of humor, you will get through it and you can always Tweet/Facebook or write me anytime to vent if need be.
    I will keep you in my thoughts.

    1. What time is dinner being served? Lol. Thanks for your support.

    2. You are too cute. I would have loved to have you here with us. We did dinner this weekend in fact.

  18. New follower and looking forward to reading more!
    Hope you will follow back.
    Daisy @

    1. Thanks for the follow--I will certain check out your blog!

  19. I just came over from Mom's Mingle. I love your blog. I'm so sorry that things are so tough, but I am blown away at your sense of humor. I hope that you both are okay from the car accident.

    Your sense of humor will get you though this tough time. I can't wait to read more.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  20. I always wanted a hedge in the shape of Mickey!
    If I had been smart enough to buy up the Twinkies, I would send them your way.
    I pray that everything turns around quickly and that your husband finds a job he likes. And I pray that you can both keep you sense of humor throughout.

    1. I think the next topiary is going to be Donald Duck. And yes, I wish you did have some Twinkies to share!

  21. I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I love your honesty about the hard parts, your sense of humor in the face of it all, your sense of optimism about the future, and your ability to look at the bounty in your life in these lean times. I am cheering for you and your husband. Give each other a big, warm hug for me (just leave out the Kama Sutra while doing so. You can get to that after the hug...)

    1. Awww thank you, Rachel--this is so sweet! If you were here I would give you a giant hug for being so kind! Smooches!!! XOXO

  22. Oh Marcia, I'm so sorry to hear this! How devastating it must be for your husband (not to mention the rest of you) for this to happen! But keep a stiff upper lip, as the British's not necessarily the end of the world. My father was 59 when he got laid off and he did find another job again. He did it by networking with an old school friend, so that's the first thing your husband should do...start networking with everyone he knows.

    Another thing he could do is think about consulting. I don't know what he does but he's probably been doing it a long time. It doesn't bring back health insurance & may not pay as much but at least it would bring *some* money in.

    It's something we all have to think about sooner or later...that time in our lives when we become "unemployable", because we're too experienced and make too much money. After all, why pay for quality when you can get a couple of kids for less? Well actually, that attitude didn't work out so well for Circuit City but...never mind, that's another story.

    Lots of hugs for you and your husband from Toronto!

    1. You have been such a wonderful, supportive friend, Nicole. We are looking into several different possibilities--but you are right---slim pickings out there for older men (and women). He has already sent out over 50 resumes and only one has contacted him--Yikes! Just trying to stay positive that something will come up soon. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Circuit city...haha!

  23. I am so sorry to hear that your husband lost his job, and so close to the holidays :( I think your sense of humor (Kama Sutra, huh?!) will help you through this difficult time, but I'm still sending happy thoughts your way.

    1. It does suck that it's so close to the holidays but I look at the bright side--at least I don't have to schlepp around the mall this year in search of the perfect gift!

  24. Man you never know when life can take a turn. I'm so sorry and praying your husband finds work!

    Food for thought, You could stock up on the twinkles as they have so many preservatives in them, they'll last for years! Could be the new thing in food storage!

    1. You are right! That's brilliant! Now if I can only find some .....haha!

  25. That's horrible that your husband lost his job! I'm so sorry. But I see your humor is still intact! ;)

    Sending a prayer that he will find something very soon. And know you'll keep us updated!

    And now I want a Twinkie. Thanks.

    1. Sell you one for ten bucks? Haha! Thanks for the prayers! XOXO

  26. I'm sorry that you're family is dealing with all of this. Do you realize that counting your last paragraph, you listed more positives than negatives? That speaks volumes to your attitude. I'm sending you positive thoughts and hugs that your family will be eating those Porterhouse steaks very soon. Or Big Macs. Whichever you crave.

    Our town has one of the huge Hostess Plants. It's been very sad on all levels to see. I'm wishing you the best.

    Look at all these comments. The blog world is sending you love. I'm off to freeze my Wonderbread and hoard a few Zingers. Oh and where did I put my copy of Kama Sutra?

    1. Awww, thanks Michele! I never realized the positive/negative thing until now. I am hanging onto hope and humor here, and I am AMAZED by all this blog love going on. Wow! You have a Hostess Plant there? It must be so sad to see all those people losing their jobs and how that might affect your town. Incredible. Save a few of those Zingers for me, will ya? Smooches! XOXO

  27. I think I read somewhere that some company in Mexico is looking into maybe buying Hostess? Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

    Losing one's job sucks! There's just no way to sugarcoat it. But with your hubby around, it is the perfect opportunity to give him a To Do list a mile long--as long as he's not drinking heavily to combat the boredom and depression. Then all power tools should be avoided.

    You don't tell him he has moobs to his face, do you? Lol!

    1. Yeah, I think it's time to hide the power tools. He has already gone through the "Honey-do" list. And the man boob thing--he actually said it himself the other day when we were faux jogging---his exact words were, "I can't run anymore or my man boobs are going to start hitting me in the face!!!" This is why I love this man---humor is everything.

  28. I'm sorry for what you're going through and I very much hope that your husband will get a better job soonest. I also hope that you and your family will walk through this storm of life safely and find pretty sunshine. I'm glad that you're still writing the way you used to write and able to make us smile.
    I very much liked what you wrote in the last paragraph, it is very meaningful and touching - "but I am still grateful. I may be broke, but I am wealthy in so many other ways. I have my family, my health and the last Twinkie off the shelf."

    1. Thank you so much, Zunnur! Your words are very beautiful and encouraging to me, too! I am so happy that you always come back to read my blog--thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  29. I'm really sorry about your husband's losing his job and you both losing your health insurance. It's a tough spot to be in. My husband lost his job a couple years ago and was out of work for two full years. I learned so much during that time about what really is important and how much stuff is just unnecessary to your survival. I'm glad you are keeping a sense of humor--it definitely decreases the tension of the situation. My thoughts are with you.

    1. Wow--two years? That's scary! I pray it won't be that long! But you got through it, and that is admirable. You are so right about cutting back on expenses--it actually feels kind of good to get rid of some of the excess we had in our lives and to get back to keeping things simple! Thank you so much for your thoughts and concern!

  30. Replies
    1. Thank you! We are determined to have a great holiday no matter what--family is all that matters right now.

  31. It's nice to read something positive-sounding about unemployment. Stay rosy through it all!


    1. We're trying! The love and support from wonderful fellow bloggers like you goes a long way toward making me feel better about the situation.

  32. I'm really sorry to hear that! I can relate in a way, cause you have probably heard how the finances are in Greece. It's actually worldwide. Times are tough and I admire you keeping the faith and your humour. Don't lose them. I'm sure Hubby will find a new job that may even be better. I wish it for you! Stay strong and take care! Oh! and Happy Tanksgiving!

    1. Aww thanks so much, Hon! Yes, I know how difficult things must be there for you with the economy the way it is. Some people here feel America is headed in the same direction, but only time will tell. I very much appreciate your positive thoughts, though. You are a sweetheart! XOXO

  33. Whew, can I relate to this. Love the positive ending, & I sure hope things are back in place soon. Good luck to hubby on finding an even etter job than he had!

    1. Thanks! We are hoping things will improve sooner than later, and I wish the same for you as well, my friend!

  34. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. At least you still have a sense of humor about it all - I nearly died laughing at "he's my favorite ding dong"!

    I hope you have a great thanksgiving and hopefully he'll find a job soon.


    1. Thank you so much, Shia. My husband is always funny no matter what is happening in his life, and it really has helped us both through some hard times!

  35. I was really touched by your blog, and sorry to hear of your husband's job loss. He is lucky to have you there to support him and keep him smiling and laughing. Prayers for a new job soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. We support each other, but I truly think he is the stronger one because I tend to be the pessimist and he is so quick to cheer me up. Thank you for your prayers and support!

  36. OMG!!! I'm so glad I found your blog...I love your humor, even though your going through tough times! sometimes you need to just be able to laugh a little. My partner and I had to move in with her parents to get back on our feet, so I totally feel your pain. I was able to get healthcare through the state for myself and my kids, but since the government does not recognize our marriage, my partner gets nothing. She's the one who needs it the most, since she was injured and wasn't able to return back to work as a correctional officer. So here we are trying to get back on our feet. I'm just trying to find full time work so we all can have healthcare. Good luck! And I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I'm also a new reader :)


    1. Sounds like you are dealing with similar things there. Not having healthcare is a scary thing--I hope you are able to get it for your entire family. Thanks for stopping by Eeka and I hope you are able to find full time work soon, too.

  37. Aawww...!!! I can't help laughing despite your husband's job loss. I'm not laughing at his job loss, I'm laughing at the humor you put in describing everything. I hope everything gets better, and I love how you found a way to make things funny!!!! I'm glad I'm now following you! :-D

    1. So glad you came by--I really LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog--you are a riot!

  38. I am a new follower & found you through GFC Blog hop. :) I like how you can take a serious situation and still have humor about it. I sincerely hope your hubby is able to find a new job soon. Have a lovely Thanksgiving and remember what it really all about. Being with the ones you love. :)

    1. So true--it's all about family...and, well, maybe some pumpkin pie, too!

  39. I so feel what you're going through Marcia - we're in the same boat ( except I'm in Canada so I have health insurance ) but our business took a dive a few years ago ( had to sell and downsize because of it ) and we're still waiting for it to turn around - trust me, those morning walks together start losing a lot of appeal after awhile lol
    Just love your blog - you're the best!
    P.S - Bind his breasts - he needs to retain some dignity lol

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Suzy. I'm praying that things improve VERY SOON. And yeah, I think I'm going to have to bind those man boobs or buy him a macho man sports bra!

  40. Hi, I'm a new follower via the blog hop! I'm link number 64, La Belle Dame Sans Merci. I just began logging two weeks ago today and am loving meeting fellow bloggers. Looking forward to reading future posts from you! :) xo

    Lots of love from Ireland,
    Fiona @
    Trixiebellexx on Twitter

    1. Hello there! You are from one of the countries that intrigues me the most--I would love to see Ireland! And I plan on hopping over to your blog right away. Welcome to the blogging life!

  41. I was there not even two years ago. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I know what it is like to dig up change (and cheerios)from the couch cushions and wondering if any of those foreign coins my husband got while overseas in the Army would pass for quarters. I'll say a prayer your husband finds a job soon!!

    Cheers, Jenn

    1. I'm with you on that--he found more than just change--there were some SCARY things under that couch! Thank you for your prayers an support!

  42. yikes!!! so sorry to hear your current news. however, i think it is "too cool for school" that you can still find some humor in it.

    best wishes coming your way. hope it all works out very soon. take care, slu

    1. Thanks, Slu. We're staying positive because we believe that everything happens for a reason!

  43. Nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check my post here:

    1. Oh wow! Thank you so much!!! I'l hop on over and grab that!

  44. The beauty of your post is in the fact that you take everything down and console yourself making it humorous. This will take you long way.. and most importantly, you'll always be happy.
    With hopes and wishes that you find a way out! Take Care~ and keep the amazingness in your posts updated ;)

    1. Such kind words! Thank you for the support--we'll find our way out sooner or later!

  45. Sorry to read about your situation, but love that you can find humour in it! New follower... found you at the Follower to Friends Hop.

    Hope things work out well for you,

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·`¤... Jennifer

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jenn. I love new readers! And thank you also for following me!

  46. I think in that coming full circle there in that sweet post of yours you've captured the true essence of things. A way of being thankful that there is still a cup to be filled and a beautiful well-spring of a life to fill it with. I hope you'll get in one of those walks together-- I love a good long walk even if sometimes just for the escape. Take Care you.

    Aloha Sweet Friend,

    Thank you so very much for joining us last week for An Aloha Affair. Thank you for sharing your sweet energy with us.

    This week's An Aloha Affair is now live and I hope that you'll join us again in between holiday prep and such... I hope too that you know... I am oh so very thankful for you!


    1. Such beautiful words of encouragement--thank you so much, and yes, I look forward to joining your blog hop!

  47. I'm so sad for you both, yet I love how you haven't lost your humor. That's important in life!

    I truly wish the best for both of you, and that the holidays treat you well. You're one of my...if not THE...favorite blogger I know. I will stay in touch!

    1. Awwww thanks Sandra! So nice of you so say that--I LOVE your blog as well--you always put a smile on my face!

  48. Well, as always you even turn a situation that isn't the best into something that feels like there is hope. I really hope you guys had the best Thanksgiving possible and surely things will start looking up soon.

    1. We did have a nice holiday. All that matters is family. Thanks for the encouraging words!

  49. I often complain and feel very aggravated when my husband works long hours and works weekends too sometimes. But then I remember what he is working for...and I am extremely grateful that he has a job to go to. I'm glad that you can find the positives in your situation... and I hope for the very best for you and your hubby! Best of luck. Thanks for linking up with us this week at the #MTMmixer! Love having you there.

    1. Thank you so much, Janene. Yes, be happy your hubby has a job. My husband was getting burned out at his and dreamed of the day he could retire, but now he'd give anything to have that job back. And BTW I love your blog hop and will always sign up each week!

  50. new follower here.
    Yes, I'm going to stop complaining when hubby works past 5:30.
    Thank you for the reminder and fingers crossed that something turns up... soon!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

    1. Thanks for following me--I will be over soon to check out your blog!

  51. Following you today from the mixer. I hope everything works out for you soon! Best of luck to you and your hubby!

    1. Thanks for the follow--I'll check out your site, too!

  52. Well this is a post I can REALLY relate to. I have been checking the coin returns for a while now myself. And let me tell you... Spam is a very versatile food substance. Sorry to hear the struggle continues, I know it can be VERY discouraging, but the glass is always half full if YOU decide it is... Word on the street is someone is going to buy Hostess, and we will all just keep gettin' our Twinkies (I like lemon pies myself.) But in all sincerity, if we keep our minds occupied with the good things in our lives, we don't have time to think about the bad things. Let's face it... We ALL have so much to be thankful for. Great post! See ya'

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with the Family!

    1. You get where we're coming from! Perhaps we can swap Spam recipes? I hear it's great with roasted pineapple! And yes, Thanksgiving was a poignant reminder of how much we have to be grateful for. Thanks for stopping by, Jon. :-)

  53. Just read this post and I'm so sorry to hear about your husbands job. I know it may be a very uncertain time for you both but you'll get through it. It is a hard economic downturn for all of us right now so we pull our socks up, budget wisely and take it day by day doing what you need to do to make ends meet.

    Like you said, at least you have your health and a good family support system. Many others don't.

    I'm not totally sure how the American system works but in the UK we have a Citizens Advice Bureau where people go to get free advice as to what social security benefits they may be entitled to if they become unemployed etc. Also there are many charities that will assist people by giving them money towards food, clothes, necessary goods etc... I always say to people, that when things like this happen, they need to act quickly and make a claim as to what they may be legally entitled to, rather than wait until they get into any debt. That's what these organisations are there for. I'm sure he will find a suitable job soon, don't give up. All my best to both of you.

    1. Thank you so much for your support and for sharing your ideas--good advice here. We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that we do not lose our home and that we are still able to put food on the table. The BIG thing is to keep a positive attitude. Having a wonderful support system like my blogger friends is priceless!

  54. I really hope employment comes his way soon--so incredibly challenging, I'm sure. I think it's so cool you looked for some positives in this situation--awesome perspective :)

    1. Even though my husband is the one who lost the job, he actually has a better positive attitude than I in matters like this. I guess that's just how we balance each other out--I am the realist and he is the dreamer.

  55. We have so been there. My husband was unemployed for quite a spell. One factory closing, then another that was close to closing and laid off most of the work force. He went back to school, and built the deck he had been putting off during that time. Now he's employed full time and I'M laid off! I have struggled with every emotion possible in these five months. I am bored! I am broke! I have been so grinchy in my situation. Good for you for thinking positively! :-D

    1. I'm glad your husband was able to get a new job (and you got your new deck!) but sorry to hear about losing your own job. I know it's hard during this time--I pray that you too will find work again and that things return to normal. Try to hold onto your humor. My husband always looks at the positive side of things, and believe me, that has really pulled us through some rough times in the 28 years we have been married!

  56. hello monopausal mama
    Tirana aduka visit you today.
    How are you?

  57. It's incredible that you can write something like this, even when life is so full of challenge....that's should be the spirit, MM! Loved reading this and I hope he finds a job soon. You'll be in my prayers...
    Take care,

    1. Thank you for the kind words of support, Panchali!

  58. Hi Marcia, perhaps you might want to consider your own version of Fifty shades of Grey hair--since you mastered the kamasutra already? :)

    Hope you're okay...thinking of you always....


    1. Haha that's funny. Perhaps I SHOULD write a post about that---but I'd probably get into some big trouble for it!

  59. I'm sure your hubby will find a job soon, if only as your manager or publicist. Hmmm, you might penning your 'exploits!'
    Good read as usual!

    1. Thanks, Nell. And oh man, don't I wish this would come true!!!

  60. Hi there!!! I stopped by from the GFC blog hop! I'm already a follower but I came to say hi and I now like your Facebook page ;)
    Mine is :

    Have a nice day. Bisous ;)

    1. Aww thanks for the fb follow! I just started the page a month ago and love seeing new AND familiar faces there!

  61. Oh I'm sorry, this makes me feel sad for you and your guy. I hope things work out soon. It's good to see you can still see the good in your plight.

    1. Always keeping a positive attitude! Thanks for stopping by!

  62. Lovely blog, followed back:)
    Thanks for checking out my blog,

  63. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope he finds the perfect position soon.

  64. I'm sending positivity to ya!! I found you through the blog hop and am your newest follower. I was kinda maybe hopin' that you'd follow me back ;-) !


    1. Thanks for the positive thoughts and for following me! I will hop over and check out your site as well!

  65. Hi! Visiting you via Karen's blog! Thanks for the wonderful cake recipe! I'm so sorry that your husband lost his job but I'm sure he will find one very soon! My husband too lost his job in May and has found one just this month, so I know the feeling well! Take care!!

    1. We're starting to figure that out--he has now been unemployed for 7 weeks--I suspect it will be months before he finds good employment again. Thanks for visiting both Karen and my site--glad you liked our collaboration!

  66. I know how you feel! Big man lost his job in July and I was super nervous because we have a young son. The one thing I think on my side is that NOTHING will motivate a guy like staying home with a 2 yr old to find a new job stat. I took little man out of daycare (that costs $1000/mo) and about 1 month later he found something else.

    Something will come along that will be perfect for him!

    Following back from Sunday Sync!

    1. Leaving Dad home alone to take care of a toddler would definitely motivate the hubs to get back to work!!!

  67. Found you from the GFC blog hop.

    Hang in there... I'm thinking if he's that good (anal was the word that came to mind first... but...) at organizing stuff... you should hire him out to help those of us who never get any of that junk done!

    Good luck!

    1. Not a bad idea----he finds it to be therapeutic to organize. I know a lot of friends who could use that kind of therapy on their closets!



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