Now, onto the awards.....the first one I received was the Liebster. I was actually given this one twice by two amazing bloggers: Darla from Mom's World at: and Angela at: Normally this award is reserved for a blogger who has less than 200 followers. I'm well over that limit, but I'm accepting these Liebsters because it gives me the ability to return the love to some bloggers who are new to me and who deserve some love. As with any award, there are certain rules that apply to the Liebster:
1. Each nominee must post 11 facts about themselves.
2. Nominees must answer 11 questions the tagger has given to them, and then create 11 new ones to pass down to the bloggers they then nominate.
3. Display award logo on your site and link back to the person who gave it to you.
4. Choose 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
5. Notify your nominees.
Rather than answer Darla's 11 questions and another 11 from Angela, I'm going to shorten this by combining some of their questions for your sake, so you don't fall into a coma while reading this lengthy post. Here they are:
1. What Time Do You Normally Go To Bed? I don't. I'm nocturnal. I was raised by owls.
2. Do You Like Men With Hairy Chests Or Smooth Chests? Wait, what? Seriously? If you must know, I like both. I'm far more interested in the look, shape and feel of a man's hands.
3. Do You Have Any Collections? If you have to ask this, then you haven't been reading my blog. My house is overrun with squirrel paraphernalia. Toss in a bunch of dragons, too, and you get the picture. Obviously both of my feet are NOT planted firmly in reality.
4. What Kind Of Music Do You Listen To? I like old school rock, top 40, country, classical...but I need to listen to dubstep while I clean the house. Currently, my all time fave song is Swedish House Mafia's "Don't You Worry Child". I like to listen to it while I work out at the gym.
5. Did You Go To College, And If So, Did You Graduate? Yes--four years and graduated with a
B.F.A. in Creative Writing. I attended a private women's college in Missouri (my parents knew a hell raiser when they saw one, and decided it would be for my own good to be sheltered away in a school that still had dorm curfews). Little did they know that I spent the majority of my time across the street at the University Of Missouri.....raising hell, just a they feared.
6. Are You Happy With The Way You Life Is Going Now? As much as any middle-aged, menopausal woman can be. But I'd be a lot happier if you sent me a box of chocolates. Oh, and yellow roses. Those are my favorites, too....just in case you needed to know....
7. What's Your Most Frustrating Moment In The Morning? Putting in my contacts. They feel like sandpaper going in and I cuss like a gutter rat every time I do it.
8. What's The Best Job You Have Ever Had? When I was filling in at Poet Magazine as a judge for a poetry chapbook competition.
9. What Is The Worst Job You Ever Had? That's a toss up between telephone operator and dental assistant. Trust me, you don't want to start off your day with a warm, gooey set of dentures in your hand.
10. Why Did You Start Blogging? It was either that or be a Chia Pet assembler.
11. What Do You Like Most About A Man? Humor. Nice hands. And the eyes. I'm a sucker for brown eyes. The make me want to swoon.
11 FUN MENO MAMA FACTS (I've done this stuff so many times now, I think y'all know me better than my own family...certainly more than my kids EVER want to know about me)
* I'm hypoglycemic. I never leave the house without a protein bar in my purse, car or pocket.
* I hate driving. I'd be totally content with a horse and buggy, but only if it comes with air conditioning.
* I'm a really good cook and baker---I just can't eat any of it or else I'll swell up like the Michelin Man.
* The majority of the clothes in my closet are black. Not because I'm goth---because they're slimming.
* I have some colorful ancestors in my family tree, including George Armstrong Custer and Robert R. Livingston.
* I studied hypnosis years ago and am pretty good at it. I used to hypnotize all my friends. It made things pretty interesting around here.
* My husband was adopted---I tracked down his birth mother years ago and helped arrange of them to meet.
* I have a weird fascination with anything related to WWI . I am also a Titanic enthusiast.
* I like cowboys and country boys. I've been heavily influenced by Tim McGraw...what female wouldn't be?
* I don't ride roller coasters. Even Splash Mountain at Disney World is a stretch for me.
Still with me? Here's the 11 questions for the nominees:
1. What's the dumbest thing you've done in the past 6 months?
2. What's your all-time favorite movie and why?
3. What do you consider attractive in a person?
4. What is the one food you've eaten too much of and gotten sick on?
5. What is one of your biggest regrets?
6. What is the ugliest outfit you've ever worn?
7. What's the worst haircut you've ever had?
8. Have you ever owned a Chia Pet or a Pet Rock?
9. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? If so, how fast where you going?
10. Have you ever had a bodily function accident while you were out in public?
11. What's your worst phobia?
FINALLY!! Here are my 11 nominees for the Liebster Award:
My next award is the Very Inspiring Award from Gail over at Thanks, Gail! Hang in there, folks--this is an easy one. Here's the rules:
1. Display award logo on blog.
2. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link back to them.
* I never got asked to my senior prom. No regrets. Spent the evening raising hell with my gal pals in downtown Ft.Lauderdale.
* I'm obsessed with the moon, but not in a creepy, werewolf sort of way. I don't howl at it or sprout
unruly facial hair.
* I almost named my blog, "Margarita Mama." Yes, I love tequila. Don't judge.
* My house and backyard garden are inhabited by friendly "spirits," and I don't mean the alcoholic kind. Don't ask.
* I'm an old-fashioned kind of woman who would love to be June Cleaver for a day because I could really rock the apron, pearls and high heels look.
* My pug licks everybody's knee caps when they sit down on the couch.
* I'd sell my left kidney right now for a Cadbury Egg. I'm dieting, people! What do you expect???
And the 15 bloggers I nominate of this award are:
This last award is fairly new, the Epically Awesome Award, and I received it from one of the funniest bloggers I know and whom I refer to as "Ham Girl" (she knows why). Thank you, Sarah, at: The rules are also easy for this one:
1. Display award logo.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 10 things about you.
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers.

* I'm a renaissance festival freak. I never miss a weekend when the show is in town, and I own 4 different gowns for the occasion. HUZZAH!
* I love to dance, but seldom get the chance. I joined a gym recently and go to zumba classes. Yeah, this dinosaur can still get low & booty shake with the rest of the ladies in the class!
* Meno Mama has a dark side few people have me, you don't want to....bwhahaha!
* I have a terrible fear of drowning. I can't look at a picture of a tidal wave without getting slightly nauseous. No surfing for Meno Mama.
* I wish I had been a teenager in the 1950's just so I could drive around in a pink, 1956 T-bird. One of these days I plan on owning one.
* I purposely try to fatten up everyone who comes to my house to eat. I'm often mistaken for an Italian mother...
* Sometimes I laugh about things at inopportune moments...and then I can't stop. Awkward....
* I love carnivals---the games, the candied apples and the fast long as my feet don't leave the ground.
Now, the Epically Awesome bloggers I nominate of this award are:
Congratulations to each of you, and to my dear readers if you actually made it all the way to the end of the post without falling into a coma. Now go sprinkle your love on some other, deserving bloggers!
Congrats on all the awards
ReplyDeleteThank you. Lanthie!!! XOXO
DeleteGirl, you would kick June Cleaver's ass with all of your awesomeness. She doesn't hold a candle to you!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd THIS is why I love you so much!!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Marcia and I seriously need to start a new post with awards. I am one behind you, but this is my second this week. With Easter coming and getting things together for that I am a bit behind. So time to get my butt in gear, lol!! Seriously though, thank you and am truly honored. And huge congrats to you and very well deserved!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome and so deserving!
DeleteYou are one interesting lady. I share many of your 'likes', tequila being one. :)
ReplyDeleteWell some day perhaps we can meet and do a few shots together!
DeleteA massive thumbs up and congratulations for yet more awards to a deserving person. I feel I know you inside out now, guts n all, ha ha ha. My favourite bit was when you said you listened to 'dubstep' whilst cleaning the house, so I guess you could also be into 'grime and dub' music too. That's just so funny as I pictured you raving it up all night :)
ReplyDeleteI will surely check out the links you gave as I'm sure they are all blogs well worth reading. Have a wonderful Easter break and have a nice glass of gin and ice on me:)
Awww thank you, RPD. I just love seeing you here! Yes, I actually DO like dub step! But I was always into techno everything, so it comes as no surprise. I want to go to some raves as well but I'd be the fossil in the crowd and would probably get squashed by all the young ones! I hope you too, have a beautiful Easter holiday and why yes, I will gladly drink that gin! Thanks, RPD!! XO
Deletethank you! I admit, I'm not good at keeping up with the responsibilities attached to these awards. Does that make me irresponsible?:) But I am honored as it came from you!
ReplyDeleteYou deserve every bit of it, Sandra! And don't worry about posting anything on it---just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you!
DeleteYou were raised by owls AND you can hypnotize people? Yes we need to hang out in real life! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHey--here's a thought--we can hang out WITH the owls and hypnotize them! Then after that we can have some wine, ham and a bowl of corn dip!!!
DeleteCongratulations on more awards. You've included some of my favorites in your nominees, and some new folks for me to check out!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yes, I wanted to choose some new people who really deserved some attention--please do check them out and say hello to them for me!
DeleteMarcia, thank you so much for the new award! I haven't received this one yet ;) .. I learned so much about you today.
Told ya I'd surprise ya! Hey, at least I didn't give you yet another Liebster!!! Make that a lobster instead, with butter on the side, please!!!
DeleteWow, awards, awards, awards! You have and deserve so many! I've been following via email. I just came from Deezy Does It and will be linking up too!
Thank you, Theresa! I look forward to checking out your blog!
DeleteWow you just made my day!! Thank you so much & congratulations on your much deserved awards. Oh and when you get that pink T-Bird pick me up. I wil take that fun ride any day. :)
ReplyDeleteYou deserve it, Hon. You have a great blog! And I would be happy to come pick you up for a ride in my T-bird!
DeleteThank you so much! XO
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Easter! :)
ReplyDeleteYou too, Jen, and congratulations!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteLMAO! I loved your answers! Great way to cover all your awards!
ReplyDeleteThis one was a lot of work but so well worth it!
DeleteThank you Marcia, I really appreciate this award... I just did one similar to this last week. I will get myself together and spread some love to other bloggers in the next little while :)
ReplyDeleteNo rush--it just shows how much you are loved that you are getting so many awards!
DeleteAw, thanks, Marcia! You are deserving of every award and then some! Really, you are awesome! I love learning more about you. Alcoholic spirits are definitely of the friendly kind. :)
ReplyDeleteYou got that right! And congrats to you too, my friend. You have an awesome blog and I love sharing the awards with you!
DeleteI read every bit of it just to watch the hearts fall from your pointer icon.
ReplyDeleteHaha everybody loves that! I play with it too, when I get bored!
DeleteThat was fun to read! I can't ride roller coasters either. I actually had to have a ferris wheel stop once because I was going to throw up. Fortunately they stopped or someone below me would not have been happy!
ReplyDeleteThat is precisely why I don't ride them! I know for a fact I will throw up right in the middle of my panic attack!
DeleteAwkward laughing at inopportune moments? Sahweet!! I wanna hang out with you at like, jury duty or something ;) Thank you for the Awesome award which I have never gotten before!
ReplyDeleteYou totally deserve it-- I love your blog!!! Yeah, I do laugh at the oddest and most inconvenient funerals,'s either that or I have to pee really bad...
DeleteHow about a variation of the two names? Menopause and Margaritas?? LOL
ReplyDeleteLoved getting to know more about you :)
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Thank you so much for stopping by, Lanaya! Actually, I like that name idea a lot---it suits me quite well. Wish I had thought of it myself! XO
DeleteThank you, thank you, thank you! I LOVE presents, and awards are a lot like presents. I also love cake, but that's for another day.
ReplyDeleteI read every single factoid about you, and I swear, I share like 90% of it in common with you...even the friendly spirits that wander around our properties! I have to say, though, I've never found myself wanting to be Mrs. Cleaver for a day (I'm more like the Beav), and I think I notice women's hands more than men's (unless they are delicate and fragile like a woman's, and then I get creeped out). It is SO awesome getting to know you, and - as I have said before - it is an honor to have you stop by my little corner of the blogdom. Thank you for thinking me worthy! Write on!!
You are totally worthy--that post you featured on Bad Word Mama the other day blew me away. You got skillz, woman, and the world needs to read your blog!! And yes--I'm with you on the creepy, fragile hands on some thanks....
DeleteOh! AND, I plan to visit every blog you have listed, b/c OBVIOUSLY, you have exceptional taste in bloggery. ;)
ReplyDeleteI tried to pick some blogs this time that are fairly new or haven't gotten a lot of attention lately-I want to draw people to their site because they deserve some recognition as well.
DeleteThank you so much!!!! I'll work on my post tomorrow, promise! I'm so honored!
ReplyDeleteYou are more than welcome and so deserving! I look forward to reading your post! Message me when it's up!
DeleteWill do! What's even more awesome is you got the award I created! (The Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness). That's pretty cool!!
DeleteREALLY?? You made that?? I love it!
DeleteWow! You really knocked that out of the park! If I had to spew that many facts at once, I think that my head might explode. Now I have two awards to attend to, which means a total of 18 more facts about me, and 21 nominations.
ReplyDeleteOy! My brain already hurts...
Thank you so much for the award! I probably won't post about it until after the A-Z challenge is over. Or until I stop posting and get booted, because holy cow that's a lot of thinking! I fear that the few that already get my garble in their inbox will undo that action by the time (if) I get to J. It's going to be more insanity than anyone had ever hoped for!
(btw: You are totally rockin' that renaissance outfit! AND -- it took me about ten minutes to write this because I keep playing with the sparkly heart cursor. I LOVE that thing!)
It took me awhile to pull it all together but I love being able to pass the award along to deserving blogs like yours. But I will admit--I am bad at posting my awards when I get them--they pile up a bit and then I end up doing one LONG blog post to capture them all! Take your time with it--no rush. Just enjoy the moment haha!
DeleteThank you! How sweet is it to turn on the pc, and find out someone appreciates all of your hard work! (without having to do laundry) Made my day! You rock as always! :)
ReplyDeleteI very much appreciate all that you do! Congrats on your award!
DeleteCongrats on your awards.
ReplyDeleteI can totally see you enjoying Zumba.
Tim McGraw is pretty hot.
And how super awesome cool that you tracked down your husband's birth mom!
Zumba is a blast! I've already lost 7 pounds which is an awesome benefit to it. Tim McGraw is very yummy indeed and yes, it was a pretty cool experience finding my husband's birth mother! Thanks or stopping by-- always enjoy reading your comments!
DeleteThank you Mama. Congratulations on all your well deserved awards and for the magazine post. Maybe you should change your name to Menopausal Margarita Mama. I think you're kidding about dub step, right? And omg, guess what? I worked a booth at the Renaissance Fair. We sold Kalimbas and hand made leather halter tops! You rock!
ReplyDeleteOMG you worked there? I wonder which troupe you were with! Of course the one that comes down here to South Florida travels all over the U.S. so maybe it was the same group. And no--I wasn't kidding about the dubstep. I actually DO like it. I wanted to go to Ultra Fest this year in Miami but I knew I would probably get trampled on by all the young people there. I know, I have strange tastes in music...and to think I was raised only on classical....
DeleteThank you so much! What a fantastic surprise! You deserve all the lovely awards you've been given, and thanks for spreading the love my way!
ReplyDeleteYou deserve it, Hon--your blog is fantastic! XO
DeleteHello, what a lovely place you ahve here, so many friends and interesting bloggers, it will take me forever to visit them all but I shall do it altogether because I would love to make new friends. Congrats for spreading so much love :)>
ReplyDeleteWelcome! I am always happy to have new readers! And yes, please do check out all the other awesome bloggers!
DeleteDying to hear more about the friendly spirits in your backyard (Sorry for the pun!)! Perhaps a future post? :)
ReplyDeletePerhaps....but I don't want to anger them Lol! Right now they are pretty harmless. They just enjoy the good vibes my house has!
DeleteSo, Good morning Meno Mama:
ReplyDeleteAbsolute Congrats to you on ALL the Awards... Well deserved!!!
Absolute THANKS to you for including me... Much Appreciated!!!
I will proudly display it.
Now... I know you could ROCK that June Cleaver outfit. And, I'm thinking I don't want to see that "Dark Side." Just sayin'
Have a great Easter, Slu
Congrats to you too, Slu! Yeah, you don't want to see my dark side. My kids run for the hills when my mean side shows. But you'll have to excuse me now--I gotta run out and buy an apron, pearls, and some kick ass high heels! XO
DeleteI enjoy getting comfy on your couch! I also enjoy it when your kids visit because I find them hysterical.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you went to Mizzou! M-I-Z!
MIZZOU-RAH! I actually went next door to the very private school for girls only (yeah right, what a joke!!) Stephens College! Good times--some of the BEST times, actually! But yes, I am a Tigers fan!!!
DeleteNew follower from the alhoa blog hop. You are hilarious! Chia Pet assembler. LOL.
So happy to have you here, Maria! I will be sure to check out your site!
DeleteCongrats on the awards--and for not sprouting unruly facial hair. Wish I could say the same, dammit. :) Thanks, too, for this list of bloggers that I get to check out now!
ReplyDeleteJust say NO to facial hair!! Yes please, check out these awesome bloggers! There is never enough time now in the day to read all the blogs I want to read!!!
DeleteI love when you get these awards so you can answer questions about yourself! Compared to your life, mine is sooooo boring. Plus, I get to see our similarities: mostly black clothing, am hypoglycemic, too, hate driving, love humor in a man.
ReplyDeleteHow does your hubby put up with the squirrel collection?
Love, love, love that your pug licks kneecaps! My diva bites them.
I think I might be running out of things to say about myself haha! Oh, I'm quite sure you lead an interesting life as well! The Hubs loves squirrels, too. Heck, he gave me most of the items in my collection! And as for the pug--yes, I'll take the knee cap licking over biting any day of the week!
ReplyDeleteThank you! My reason to love fairs and carnivals is the cotton candy.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! That stuff is yummy!!!
DeleteCongrats on you many awards and it's applaudable you're so kind to share them with other beautiful blogs.
ReplyDeleteFollowing you from "Let's get social" blog hop.
That's what it's all about in the blogging world--sharing the love!
DeleteGenerally I don't learn article on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very pressured me to check out and do so! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thank you, quite great article.
ReplyDeleteAlso visit my web-site useful content
Hey :) New follower here from the Let's Get Social Sunday blog hop!! Can't wait to read more from you! I would love it if you checked out and followed my blog too! Have a wonderful easter!
Thanks for the follow,Celena! I will certainly check out your blog!
DeleteHey, this is awesome. Congrats to all the winners.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
DeleteHello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written article.
ReplyDeleteI will be sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your
useful info. Thanks for the post. I will definitely return.
Feel free to surf to my weblog: our website
Thanks for dropping by to leave a comment on Diary of an Internet Nobody - Good looking blog, I shall keep an eye on it
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dale! Lanthie and I tend to like the same blogs, so I figured I'd like yours, and I did! I will return as well to read more!
DeleteSaw you at the hop Mama. Just wanted to say, "hi,." Hope you had a nice Easter.
ReplyDeleteSure did--ate too much and drank too much. How about you? I hope you had a relaxing day---if that's possible, right? XO
DeleteThis was very interesting stuff! The part about your husband being adopted I can relate with. I am also adopted :) Thank you for my award. I will go and do that right now. xoxo
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! I wanted you to have it because you always make me smile! Congratulations!
DeleteMarcia you are so sweet! My only problem with all this is I DON'T EVEN KNOW 11 BLOGGERS! I could repeatedly nominate you, Jon and RPD... That could be obnoxious amounts of fun... I seriously doubt there are 11 interesting facts about me either... lol. But for you I will read blogs, link up, and redistribute the joy... Gotta give me a couple days Thanks for the encouragement, and kind words!
ReplyDeleteNo pressure! You can pick as many or as few as you want to give an award to! You don't even have to do that much if you don't want to---simply add the award badges to your blog sidebar so everyone can see how much your writing is appreciated. Congrats!
DeleteYou are one AWESOME lady and certainly deserve all of these awards and more! I am so honored that you thought of me and my lil blog. You rock and thank you so much again!
ReplyDeletep.s. you already had my heart, but then you talked about loving all things you've really got me...I'm a Titanic nut too and not just because of the movie with my Leo lol <3
Thank you! I think you are awesomesauce, too! And one of these days we need to have a chat about Titanic---I have some strong feelings about it as well!
DeleteThanks for the follow---I'll be sure to check out your page!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! You are the sweetest thing! I can't wait to check out some of these bloggers!
ReplyDeleteLove you in that Renaissance gown!
Thank you! And yes, please do check out these other bloggers--I love them all!
DeleteStopping by via the Friendship Friday Hop, I'd like to invite you to visit my blog
ReplyDeleteFollowing you in all the social media networks we have in common.
Thank you for the follow! I'll definitely check out your site!
DeleteCongrats on the Awards!!!
ReplyDeleteFollowing from the TGIF Blog Hop. Hope you have a great evening!
Thanks for the follow! I'd be happy to check out your blog!