Friday, November 22, 2013

Fly On The Wall In Happy Town

 Welcome to another edition of the Fly On The Wall group challenge, hosted by Karen of  13 bloggers are participating today and inviting you to catch a glimpse of what REALLY goes on in their homes when they think no one is looking.  But the fly knows, and he's here to give away all of his secrets.
     When the fly came to my house this month, he saw what makes me happiest: time spent with my family and the freedom to blog about them. I love the quirkiness that runs in our gene pool and have always taught my children to embrace their inner weirdness.
     If you were a fly on the wall at my house, you would have overheard some of these oddball comments in our home:

"Close your mouth while you're eating. You sound like a cow chewing cud."

"I can't eat my scrambled eggs by the window anymore. The pigeons on the sill think I'm eating their cousins."

"Any teenager who sprays Axe throughout the house deserves a good throttling."

"When the office pooper takes a break, everyone knows it's goin' down in toilet town."

"I just burped up a piece of chicken and re-chewed it. That was my after dinner snack."

"I saw lots of spandex camel toes at the gym today."

"What are you doing with this fossilized granola bar in your purse---saving it for the zombie apocalypse?"

"For Christmas, I'm going to ask Santa for an artificial urinary sphincter."

"The pugs are tearing the sofa pillows apart!"
"Ahh….but the entertainment value of a pug tug-of-war is priceless."

"I gave you the energy drink so that you'd be pumped up to do yard work, not play air guitar with a rake!"

"Got a new bag of nuts for you, son."
"Are you saying I need to grow a pair?"

"I was on a safari in the bathroom and I just spotted a South African toilet snake."

"Nutella is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
"No….just fat."

"This coffee doesn't work for me anymore. I think someone is punking me by filling the pot with decaf."

"I tried to hide the Halloween candy but our son is like a drug sniffing dog when it comes to chocolate."

     Hope you enjoyed your little visit to Happy Town, where toilets require a double flush and the air smells like Axe cologne.  Be sure to stop by and visit all of the other bloggers crazy enough to share a  personal slice of their home life with you!

***Check out Meno Mama's weekly post over at In The Powder Room. This time I'm talking about what makes a friend your BEST friend! Click on the link:                                     Baking In A Tornado                                Just a Little Nutty                          Follow me home . . .                  Stacy Sews and Schools                            The Sadder But Wiser Girl                                     Menopausal Mother                Moore Organized Mayhem                                 The Momisodes                      Spatulas on Parade                              The Rowdy Baker                       Sorry kid, Your Mom Doesn’t Play Well With Others                            Moms Don’t Say That                      Juicebox Confession


  1. How easily my guys can get into an argument. The discussion stemmed from the regurgitated chicken, with my son saying it isn't a burp if solids come up, and my husband insisting it is. Really? Well...thanks for the lovely conversation starter ;-)
    By the way - those pugs are the cutest things ever!!! I may have to re-think my "no more dogs" stand.

    1. Lorinda--that's so funny!!! And yes--I was never really a dog person until I discovered pugs!

  2. Toilets require a double flush and are you telling me to grow a pair.... Love it

  3. Wow, he's rockin that rake Mama!

    1. Hahaha don't encourage him or else he will never stop!!!

  4. I think any place where the toilets need a double flush is lucky to smell like Axe cologne. Just sayin'.

    1. You are SOOO correct! I would rather smell the Axe than his….south African toilet snake!

  5. Now, a snake in the toilet is not a good sign, especially if your knees are bent :(
    And God didn't tell you to eat the whole tub of nutella did he? So you can't blame him for the extra calories covering the thighs, ha ha ha.

    The burped up chicken made me feel sick. I can just imagine it all chewed up, half digested, smelling and gross then someone actually eating it again, yukky.

    Have a wonderful crazy weekend Mama, I'm rushing off to read more of your great posts In The Powder Room. It's a great way to start the weekend.

    1. Ohhh I just love you so much, RPD. Your comments make my day. Sorry about the re-chewed chicken thing made you sick. It made me feel queasy, too! Thanks again RPD for always being here for me! XO

  6. My eyes go to the pugs.. Since we are pug owner..

  7. Hahahaaaa! This is great!

    I can't eat my scrambled eggs by the window anymore. The pigeons on the sill think I'm eating their cousins." made me LOL!!

    What a great idea for a blog post too...

    Stefani McCune

    1. Glad you liked it! Seriously--I can't eat eggs by the window. We have a LOT of birds in our yard every morning because we feed them seeds. But then they sit on the window sill and watch me….eat eggs…it just feels very awkward….

  8. I wish I could get the people in my house to double flush :)

    1. I have an extra large plunger in case those double flushes don't work!

  9. Love this SO much! I want to be your neighbor and with the way things are going we will probably be moving again in another 6 months. Then again in another 6 months... I could use a new state to add to the list! ;)

    1. Come to Florida! I'll bake you some cookies and we can share coffee together!!!

  10. I love these posts, I find myself trying to figure out who might have said what... I am probably way off but it is funny :)

    1. Hahahaha I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on it--as to who said what! The answers might surprise you!

  11. Wow, this is so awesome! I love it! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Oh my gosh, Marcia, I can relate to SO MANY of these *she says as she finally remembers to toss those granola bars into the trash*

    1. Hahahaha I figured you would relate, Shay. I know how crazy your family is--and I mean that in the best way! XO

  13. Fun post. Looks like you have a fun family. A bit of disfunction makes t even better!

    Happy Town, where toilets require a double flush and the air smells like Axe cologne - sounds like our apartment! At least that's what my gal tells me!

    1. Wherever there is a man, there is a need for a double flush….and air fresheners.

  14. I SO look forward to my visits with your family! I think you should title this Fly OFF the Wall! :)

  15. Someday we will be toasting our good fortune on our private train... and we'll talk about stinky axe spray and poop and all of that stuff and no one will bat an eyelash, because we are that cool. LOVE LOVE LOVE... XO!

    1. Yup--we're the cool ones eating crap pockets and ear wax casserole!

  16. Maybe my family is TOO weird. I'm not always "allowed" to write about what goes on in our crazy lives. You're lucky that your kids don't mind.

    1. Oh, they mind…..but the gave up fighting it a long time ago….

    2. When I lived in CT I used to write for a local free alternative paper. I sometimes wrote about family-related stuff, and they all learned to be careful what they said around me...because it could end up in a column in the paper the next week :)

    3. My kids no longer have a choice. Anything they say is fair game now….

  17. Love it... Happy Town is completely Crazy Town. Y'all have a great Thanksgiving, Slu

  18. Hello Mama~We're home!! Hi Marcia we are new to your blog by way of mutual blogging bud, Phil The Regular Guy NYC. & we have to say, we've fallen in love with the craziness of your posts & comments & didn't want to leave. This post had us laughing to the point of cryin' especially loved the spandex camel toes at the gym today. Priceless!! Hope you don't mind if we knock around your site for a while & take in the brilliance of Meno Mama. :)

    1. Oh wow I LOVE having you here! If you like my craziness that much, then I can tell we are going to get along famously!

  19. Florida State Seminoles, my alma mater, woooooooot!! :)

    My husband says funny things like this and we pretend not to get it or think it's funny just so we can hear him laughing at himself when he thinks about it five minutes later. :)

    1. That's cute! Hey, GO NOLES!!!! I think we have a good chance of winning the whole thing this year because Winston is AWESOME!!!!

  20. Hahaha! Mark wanted to buy a dual flusher for the main bathroom. I can't imagine if it makes a different sound..I'll know what's going on!! Ugh. I love to see your husband rocking that rake and love even more that your whole family is so funny i.e., lovable. I hope you are doing well. <3

    1. I am very blessed to have this funny family--they keep me smiling all the time no matter what is happening in my life. It has been ridiculously busy here but I'm loving it! Thanks for stopping by to say hello, Michele. I've missed you! XO

  21. As usual, I want to be adopted! lol

    Think that will ever pass? The hearts are gone tho! I had nothing to play with :( haha

    1. So sorry--I was told to revamp my site to make it more professional, plus the heart cursor slowed it down quite a bit. And yes, we would LOVE to adopt you!

  22. Your house always brings the funny! And it's not truly a home with teenage sons unless you're choking on Axe fumes....



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